Emergency Remedy Series: Just One Lick

Joette Calabrese, Buster the Bad Office Dog

Hi! Buster, the Bad Office Dog, here.

Mom was recently discussing her latest subject for the Emergency Remedy Series: 

Food poisoning. 

Just thinking about it makes me want to run out and eat grass. You, too? Oh, wait. That’s right … you humans don’t eat grass, do you?

Well, trust me. Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it.

Anyway, she reminded me of a story about my birth mom, Dolly. Before I was born, she had a wicked case of food poisoning. Seems she got into the neighbor’s garbage and mistook it for a smorgasbord. 


She was sooooooo sick! She started horphing all over the house and was desperate to get outside into the fresh air.

Then the diarrhea and the vomiting started. Both! She got so dehydrated and thirsty; she’d crawl over to her water bowl but just take one lick — not even a full drink. Just one lick, and then she’d collapse with exhaustion. Dolly was terribly sick. (Why she ever ate garbage is beyond me! Ewwww.)

Of course, Mom took great care of her (as she does everyone) with homeopathy. She gave Dolly Arsenicum album 30 as needed until Dolly was back to her old self.

Apparently, it worked really well, or I might never have been born! What would my family have done without me?

Anyway, I found out the same thing happens when you humans eat some bad food. (Just please tell me you’re not getting into your neighbor’s garbage. You should know better than that!)

You’ll probably know you have food poisoning from the nasty (and relentless) vomiting and diarrhea. It’s no fun at all! When the humans in my family are this sick, they always say, “Everything on my inside wants to be on my outside!” (At least they keep their senses of humor, huh?)

You may also experience burning in your stomach, chills, weakness, fatigue, and especially find yourself craving small sips of water just like Dolly did. Mom says anxiety is a big tell-tale sign as well. Lots and lots of anxiety. 

Well, guess what? Humans can take Arsenicum album 30, too! (In the exact same way — as needed until very much better.)

In fact, Mom says even though Arsenicum album is the first remedy she thinks of in a case of food poisoning, it doesn’t actually have to be food poisoning for it to work. You can also use it when you have those same yucky symptoms, no matter what the cause. 

So, be sure to keep Arsenicum album on hand with your other emergency remedies. You never know when something you eat will disagree with you, and it’s way too hard to drive to the store when you can barely leave the bathroom! 

And don’t look at me … I don’t fetch!


Remember what Mom says, “Pass on the good news of homeopathy!”

P.S. Mom’s materia medica contains other remedies that can help in these cases, like Veratrum album or Nux vomica or Ipecac. So, you may want to have your very own copy of A Materia Medica: Practical Homeopathy® for Busy Families at home for reference. It has lots of different remedies in it. You’ll learn so much! 

P.P.S. Here are the links to my entire Emergency Remedy Series for your convenience. Don’t forget: if you order from Boiron’s website, you can receive 20% off your order by using the coupon code: joette. And while you’re at it, be sure to download Mom’s First Aid Chart.
(And just so you know…I do not partake in any affiliate programs. I am not being compensated for sending you this information. It’s for your convenience only.)
Aconitum napellus (Shocking events)
Arnica montana (Fatigue)
Rhus toxicodendron (Delayed onset neck pain and headache)
Pyrogenium (Sepsis)
Ledum, Apis, Arsenicum album (Bites and itching)
Aconitum napellus (Eye injuries)
Hypericum perforatum (Injury to nerve-rich areas)
Arsenicum album (Food poisoning)
Cold Calm® (Colds)

P.P.P.S. (Boy, that’s a lot of postscripts, but this is important!)

Americans for Homeopathy Choice (AFHC) is a grassroots organization that was created to protect your access to homeopathy through continuing communication with the FDA. 

They have the support of a special congressional delegation who will be meeting with the FDA soon, but they need your help in order to continue their legislative strategy in Washington, D.C.

They’re hosting their semi-annual pledge drive fundraiser on Facebook this week. During this special event, you will hear from homeopaths and people who use homeopathy from all over the world!

Also, if you purchase my Gateway to Homeopathy Study Group Curriculum during this limited time, I will donate your entire purchase price (minus the appropriate shipping and handling) to Americans for Homeopathy Choice.

Each of you who purchase will receive my booklet that was “banned” by Congress: Homeopathy: A Brief History of an Expansive Medical Paradigm. (The Congressional Ethics committee would not allow AFHC to give this informative booklet to congressional members.)

Plus, if you are among the first ten to purchase, I will double your donation by matching your purchase price as my own personal donation to AFHC.

I’m doing all I can to support Americans for Homeopathy Choice and ask you to do the same. Click here for more information about the event’s schedule, and be sure to catch my talk on September 10, 2019, at 2PM EDT titled, “Secrets of a Prepared Homeopath.”



21 thoughts on “Emergency Remedy Series: Just One Lick”

  1. Thanks again Joette, for great concise information. And the list of previous posts was so helpful. I caught a couple I’d not downloaded! Arsenicum is truly helpful for so many things – my go-to for any “food” related burning upset. (Oh, and for infection too – of course with Hypericum!)

  2. Thanks Joette…. quick question. Would a 200c ever be a potently to use for food poisoning? In one of the GW classes I took with a seasoned leader, she said she only uses Arsenicum in a 200c. Your thoughts?

  3. A few years ago, I managed to get food poisoning from eating a salad in a restaurant. I was so sick. I remembered my homeopathic first aid kit and took one pill of Arsenicum 200c. Within 2 hours, I was well again. No visit to the doctor or hospital was ever needed. Just one (1!) pill restored my health. I so love homeopathy. And thank you, Joette, for all you do! You’re an angel.

  4. I took this remedy the other night and was shocked at how well it worked with one dose. I was gearing up for a terrible night in the bathroom and then… nothing. I woke up feeling fine the next morning.

  5. Used it after sader dinner that sat for hours on bunsen burners. Kid got so sick. Worked great first day. 5hen something g else. Dont rememeber of top of head wht. The my sweet little puls girl did the great after few doses of said.i

  6. Hi, Joette. Thank you for this information.

    Quick question–I’ve purchased both Gateway books. Is there any way I can procure a copy of “Homeopathy: A Brief History of an Expansive Medical Paradigm”? I’d be very interested to read this. Thanks and God bless.

      1. Thank you, Joette. I was hoping to be able to procure just “Homeopathy: A Brief History of an Expansive Medical Paradigm”, as I already have a copy of your excellent book. Have a lovely day. God bless.

  7. Hi Joette-
    This is such an important topic – food poisoning. I’ve used Arscenicum for myself and my cats many times with great success.

    A friend’s dog was recently bitten by a scorpion and was showing swelling on his paw. I suggested Ledum 30, she gave it to her doggie pal with instant results – I mean she could see his demeanor changed right away.

    We had an unusual infestation of biting gnats this year thought to be caused by higher temperatures & higher humidity. My reaction was quite severe with intense itching & a large swellings under the skin (lumps) that would take about 10 days to ”go away”.

    I tried many things (I won’t go through all of them), but it wasn’t until I remembered to take Ledum 30C (which I used 1 time a week for about 3 weeks) and also began taking Histaminum HYD. 1M – 2 times a day alternating with Apis 200c 2 times a day, that I began to get relief.

    The intense itching went away very quickly, but it took two (2) days before the big lumps under my skin began to melt away.

    My reaction to the terrible biting gnats began to lessen, perhaps because I would take the remedy right away and I also stopped going outside (which made me very sad). Now, 1 month – 6 weeks later – I often don’t react at all and it’s never like it was at first. I believe the remedy has ‘adjusted’ my body chemistry in some way.
    I’d like to ask a question about your recommendation to use Influenzinum 30 to protect against influenza.
    You tell us:
    The prophylactic protocol is to use Influenzinum 30
    one day weekly over the course of one month,
    then one day monthly over the course of the influenza months. (Nov – April)

    I see on the Boiron Influenzinum 30 a year – ie. 2018.
    Are we to wait to get the current year remedy??? So, it would say Boiron Influenzinum 30 2019 ??
    I’d like to buy mine now, but want to use the correct remedy.

    I hope that question is clear.
    Thank you I’m so grateful for all the help and advise you are sharing with the public.
    Bless you

  8. Woke up this morning to my poor dog puking and having diarrhea everywhere in the house! All she wanted was to lay down but was restless and very sad looking. I gave her Arsenicum Album and within about 10 minutes she was at the door barking at the air like her old self! So far, she hasn’t had any more accidents either! What a wonderful medicine to have! It really looked like I was seeing a miracle!

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