Yes, yes … seems as though everyone in the Northern Hemisphere has been perspiring their way through the Dog Days of Summer.
But today, I’m not talking about those dog days. Today, I want to share an inspirational success story involving an adorable pup named Odin and our friends who own him.
Because when you own a dog, every day is a dog day!
And that brings me to little Odin. (Isn’t he adorable?) He howled and cried whenever his people, Amanda and Jeff, left him. It was heartbreaking … for all of them.
As a nurse, Amanda knows that homeopathy works and works well, so she’s an astute reader of my blogs.
Rather than complicating her assessment of Odin’s freakouts, she kept it simple. What do I mean by “simple”?
In homeopathy, we don’t want to bring assumptions into play. Many people might think Odin was neurotic or prone to panic attacks. “Oh, it must be his breed.” “Oh, it must be his age.” “Oh, it must be that he’s afraid of the silence.”
When choosing a homeopathic medicine, we must resist the temptation to interpret the symptoms! There’s no room for “Oh, it must be …” assumptions. We have to distill the condition down to its simplest components and just look at precisely what it is.
In this case, it was a simple equation. “When we leave, the dog doesn’t like it.” That’s it! Nothing more. It’s a clear case of Odin crying, “Don’t leave me. I want to be with you!”
Separation anxiety is generally a call for Pulsatilla nigricans. I’ve already discussed Pulsatilla as a must-have medicine in any well-curated homeopathy kit for fake-dairy intolerance. But as I say in A Materia Medica: Practical Homeopathy® for Busy Families, Pulsatilla’s “primary classical characteristic is the need for love and affection.”
That’s it. Little Odin needed his people’s love and affection. So, Amanda knew he needed the safe, polite, gentle nudge homeopathy could provide, and she gave him Pulsatilla nigricans 30.*
In her words: “We’ve been using Pulsatilla for about two months now and give him one dose every morning. It has helped with his separation anxiety tremendously, so much that other people have noticed and have asked what we've done to change his behavior!”
Look at that, my friends. Pulsatilla aborted the whole thing all because Amanda paid attention to the homeopathy facts and philosophies I’ve shared in my blogs.
You can do this too! My blogs and podcasts provide a wealth of information — for free. And when you’re ready to learn more, check out The Learning Center, where you will find information on my popular condition-specific protocol courses. There’s even a Course Selector to help determine which course best matches your family’s needs. And until you’re ready to take that deeper dive, you’ll also find a free Resource Library with additional useful information from various sources.
No matter what path you choose to take, just keep learning and stay curious, my dear readers. Then pass on the good news of homeopathy!
*Remember that Pulsatilla is a medicine and should not be given indefinitely. We generally use a medicine for a few weeks and then reassess.
We reassess by looking at what symptoms and conditions remain, if there's been an improvement and, if so, to what extent. According to our findings, we either halt the medicine (because its job is done) or carry on because there's still plenty more work to be completed.
One of the most important ways to determine if a medicine has done its work is to halt the medicine and see if the suffering returns. If it does return, we can either begin utilizing the medicine again — less frequently (such as every other day instead of twice daily) — or carry on for another few weeks while always observing.
The same principle applies to pooches or people.
P.S. My friends, the perfect place to begin your journey into this healthcare paradigm is through the Gateway to Practical Homeopathy®: A Guided Study Group Curriculum. Learning with others — sharing experiences — is the fastest way to garner knowledge for yourself, your family, and even your larger community. Once you know how efficacious homeopathy is, you won’t be able to keep it a secret! Join our movement. Let my curriculum take you by the hand and raise your understanding to the next level!
This is great timing, since we recently got a puppy. Thanks, Joette!
Just bc THAT rx helped Odin, doesn’t mean it will be the one for your pup if he has issues. And if he does have separation anxiety, you have to choose the rx that most fits what signs he is exhibiting. Pulsatilla may not be the one….
And as I previously stated, u don’t stay on a Rx indefinitely…. Not only can u prove it but bc as I stated, homeopathy can cure, so finding the right rx is key, based on treating the individual. THAT is homeopathy…… individualized medicine based on what that individual is showing.
He shouldn’t have to be on pulsatilla long term or daily, bc homeopathy has the power to cure, it needs to go to the next step, all she’s doing is palliating! Not the goal of homeopathy ever except for acute pain, first aid etc
But this is obviously Odins constitution to have this reaction and feel this way. Either going up to 200 once and watch and wait or another rx is clearly needed to bring this case to cure so he’s OK w being left wo needing a rx.
Great suggestion! Thank you!
🙏🏼🐾❤️ I hope odins human guardian gets this post….
Ty 🙏🏼🐾 I hope odins human mom sees the reply….
Jay, I know that Odin’s family knows to back off from the daily dosage to test it out from time to time and allow him to handle it on his own.
You bring up a good point: it would be helpful to readers to have this information so I’m thinking of writing a sequel to this post to make it clear.
Potency indeed matters and that’s precisely what is made clear here. 30 is acting so we don’t make an assumption that a higher potency would do better. In otherwords, we don’t tinker with success for the sake of proving theory.
Some of our best protocols for the most dire of conditions (whether psychological or physical in nature) are daily usage in a low potency. I’ve found this to often be much > strategy than moving about on potencies.
Having said that, there are many ways to skin a cat.
Wish I’d had the knowledge for this years ago. Is it too late to start a 13 year old dog?
I have 30c – twice a day for a week or so??
Whether its for an old camel, a puppy, a pregnant cow, a child, an adult…it matters not.
Pulsatilla 30 once a day seems to be having no affect on my old dog’s need for company at night. We’re generally getting 3-4 hours’ sleep before he barks. Generally he goes out and has a wee, but then barks again after only 1/2 an hour sometimes. Would you think we should move to a 200c dose, or try something else? I’m not seeing any signs of proving. Thanks for any help
Hello. My 15 years cat was diagnosed with the lung tumor. I am looking for someone to help me fight his lung cancer. Thank you.