Disasters, Diarrhea, Dysentery



One of my staff members lived in Houston during the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.

She tells how this storm crushed the infrastructure of emergency care. It wasn’t just that people didn’t have electricity for months; transformers were blown, electrical fuses caught fire, and fresh food was in short supply.

Most important, no power meant no clean water.

This destroyed the public’s access to conventional medical treatment in numerous ways, which ultimately caused many illnesses — from sinus infections of unknown origin, dehydration, staph and other skin infections such as boils and MRSA.

Mosquitoes were thick in the air. The insect bites were horrible. Sewage-infested waters were a hazard. And post-Katrina injuries began to mount as work to remove rubble ensured dangerously tainted water. Reports indicated that non-infectious rashes were a top issue.

Substances like mold became such a problem that people were developing severe sinus conditions, especially those who didn’t own protective masks.

In a cataclysmic event such as this, the greatest problems — as reported by the CDC at the time — were the gastrointestinal illnesses, likely due to the stagnant, tepid water.

This week, we’re re-launching my course, The Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy. It took me years to build and was born out of another disaster: 9/11.

In the wake of the tragic events of 9/11, a group of my students asked me to teach them what to do homeopathically to protect their families, so I set about gathering information from conventional emergency books, as well as consulting my Synthesis, Repertory Homeopathicum Syntheticum, by Dr. Frederick Schroyens, clinical observations from homeopathic ER doctors, and from homeopathy hospitals during the American Civil War, WWI and WWII. (For example, Dr. Dorothy Shepherd’s book.)

Around this time, just after 9/11, I was attending a post-grad course in classical homeopathy in Toronto. Requirements for participation in this three-year course were that the students had to be in full-time practice for a minimum of five years. Most were seasoned homeopathic MDs, lay practitioners (like me), nurses, pharmacists and midwives.

We converged in Toronto and studied from one of the best homeopathic doctors in the world, Dr. Ramakrishnan. He traveled from India, while my fellow students hailed from around the globe; one from Ireland, another from Pakistan, another from Columbia, Israel, Holland, Iran.

Many came from areas where they had treated conditions we don’t often see in the U.S. so I was curious. I asked each of them what were the worst MASH conditions they had treated using homeopathy, either alone or in conjunction with conventional medical care. I gathered their answers and carefully collated them.

I knew that someday, I’d find their methods to be like gold for my family and students.

What I compiled from these fellow homeopaths (and subsequently from Drs. Banerji a decade and a half later) has been a focus of mine for the last many years.

However, my burning question remained: What would I do homeopathically if my community was attacked with Anthrax? Smallpox? Radiation? What about the outcome of war and other disasters that might not even have conventional medical treatments, or such treatments were not available if they did, in fact, exist? What about electrocution, impalement, shock, frostbite?

As expected, the mounting information became capacious. So I put to task distilling it into an easy-to-follow curriculum (while also providing snippets of it as quickly and efficiently as possible on this blog).

What I have compiled is a comprehensive guide to coach folks through as many emergency situations that I could find, no matter how obscure.

My guide may not be for you at this time, or any time for that matter, but I want to at least share with you some protocols that I include in it and have personally found useful in my own life.

For example, this protocol is what has helped me nearly every time I visit India when my husband or I get Delhi belly:

  • Veratrum album 200 mixed with Cuprum met 6 (remember to use the discount code Joette at checkout on shop.Boironusa.com) every few hours or so when severe diarrhea is the outcome.

It is a Banerji Protocol that Dr. Pratip Banerji personally taught me. If there is generalized mucus in the stool with actual blood (dysentery), then the protocol is:

You’ll find these in the section on gut disorders, but I offer it to you here in case you want a simple answer now.  

Hurricane Katrina, 9/11, the sufferings in Syria and other areas of the world devastated by war and natural disasters are bold wake-up calls that shake us to the core and inspire the realization that we need to be in a constant state of preparation.

Because homeopathy is a medicine that has been around for over 200 years, has been used in hospitals throughout the world with voluminous clinical data verifying its validity, and has survived countless attacks by the AMA and Big Pharma, it is the ultimate survivalist medicine.

It steadfastly endures beyond its attackers. If we could attach a persona to it … I’d say homeopathy “gets it.”




P.S. If this is a subject that turns you on as much as it does me and you want to “get it” too, join me in my Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy to better understand how to endure both natural and man-made disasters. But don’t think that this guide is mandatory. Simply stay tuned to this blog because my plan is to give you years’ worth of free content right here every week.

Either way, I wholeheartedly believe homeopathy to be the ultimate medicine for everyone who wants to be, or already considers themselves, a survivalist.

17 thoughts on “Disasters, Diarrhea, Dysentery”

  1. Thank you for all you are doing and giving free information for everyone. I would like to know i have blood in my stool now for over two months almost every day with some mucus and I always have constipation. Plus there is no sign of blood on the stool itself it’s when it’s in the water for a while. I happen to forget one day to flush and that;s how I found out. It is a maroon color. I am scared. No weird changes in my stool. Would the ipecac30 with merc sol 6c take care of it. Or any other possible protocols that you have given help.

    Thank you

    1. Its important to know what is happening. I’d urge you to at least have you gastroenterologist take a look before making assumptions.

  2. Hello Joette,

    Thank you for your reply. I saw a video tonight on healing you gut naturally. The speaker stated that iron supplements can cause internal bleeding and in the last three of four month or so I have been taking them. I also searched it online. As of now I will not touch them, and hopefully this will get resolved. They need to get this off the shelf if this can harm the gut or put a disclaimer may cause gi bleeding. I hope you have a Happy New Year. Thanks for all you do.

    1. Courtney Ingham

      I don’t support the use of vitamins and supplements either. There’s nothing like good food and homeopathy. Happy New Year to you too, Martha.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      We use these medicines until they’re no longer needed. The way to know is that symptoms are gone.

  3. when you talk about the remedy for Delhi belly, Veratrum album 200 mixed with Cuprum met 6, then do you mean Cuprum met 6X or 6Ch, I noticed, mostly you don’t mark whether a remedy is Ch or X.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      I don’t include c or x online because I don’t know where my readers live. In some areas of the world only x is available while in others, only c’s are available. If you’re a student of mine you may purchase from OHM.

  4. Hi Joette, would the protocols such as these diarrhea ones be the same for animals? I see in some of your older blog posts that you seem to use lower potencies and less frequency for some of the remedies for animals.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH

      When using a protocol, we use it as written for all humans and all animals. The older blog posts didn’t include protocols.
      A protocol is a specific medicine for a specific condition including an exact potency and frequency.

  5. Do you have a protocol for smallpox prevention and treatment? This is going to be very important in the coming months I’m thinking!!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH

      I cover all of these kinds of extreme situations in great detail in my “Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy”.

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