Cure Your Family: You Probably Cannot Imagine Until You Learn It

Chronic constipation, diarrhea, ADD, dairy and gluten intolerances, repeated respiratory infections …

This is just the beginning; I am going to teach you how you can uproot all of these yourself at yourDr. Prasanta Banerji own pace in the comforts of your home.

Read on because I give you an example of two radical and powerful protocols that you could put to use today.

I am going to teach you the homeopathic Banerji Protocols that I learned while in India and use daily in my practice. For a fraction of what it would cost for private homeopathic consultation.  What you learn will immediately be useful and something you will pass on to your grandchildren.

How can my knowing the Banerji protocol help my family and me? 

You may have heard the name but likely do not know the whole story behind the Drs. Banerji.

In the world of cancer research at the finest research facilities in the USA:

  • The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
  • National Institute of Health – Washington, DC
  • St. Luke’s Hospital – Kansas, MO
  • National Cancer Institute
  • Columbia University
  • University of Southern California
  • University of San Diego
  • City of Hope Hospital in Los Angeles
  • University of Kansas Medical Center
  • The V.A. Medical Center in Kansas City

Drs. Prasanta and Pratip Banerji are well known and highly regarded.

Now having published The Banerji Protocol, they will become household names in the field of Complementary Alternative Medicine, as that paradigm grows in popularity here in the States.

But the Banerjis can trace their homeopathic lineage back 150 years. Dr. Prasanta Banerji, now in his 80s, was introduced to the science of homeopathy by his father, his father by his uncle, and he by one of the original German missionaries, many of whom were students of Hahnemann (Father of Homeopathy) and all classically trained homeopaths. Can you imagine the knowledge passed down from generation to generation?

Four generations of homeopathic knowledge, treating masses of patients, generating data banks full of clinical results, stored and classified via scientific data collection under international standards became the incubator that allowed the Banerjis to modify and improve 150 years of classical homeopathic practice into a “concrete treatment form bringing lucidity and user-friendliness in homeopathy.”

In other words, the Banerjis have had an uninterrupted 150 years of clinical experience with homeopathy, allowing them to distill classical methodology into specific protocols that are pathology dependent.

This sounds allopathic but what is behind it is years of clinical practice.

If you can teach an allopathic doctor with no introduction to homeopathy other than a weekend seminar on how to treat brain cancer, can you imagine what a mother with a little training in homeopathy can realize?

Let me give you some pathology-specific homeopathic remedies as an example of what I am talking about.

Arnica is good for blood in general. I have just completed the next article for Wise Traditions.  In it, I talk about my father’s heart condition and therapy.

He has eliminated aspirin from his regimen and replaced it with Arnica 6X. In doing so, he eliminated the fear of prolonged bleeding, the presence of unsightly and alarming black and blue markings and chronic stomach pain.

Those of you who have a little training know that if one of your children comes to you suffering from a bee sting, what remedy would you reach for in your kit? Why, Ledum, of course, or maybe Apis — but only those two. Are you practicing classical homeopathy? Do you need years of study to know that? No!

Do you now see how a specific protocol can be established to treat a specific disease?

This is revolutionary — you don’t have to undertake the rigors of classical training in homeopathy (unless you want to) to be effective with most problems, even chronic ones such as allergies and food intolerances.

So how does this information help you and your family?

Simple. I will teach you as much as I can squeeze into this course I have planned; as many Banerji protocols as possible. These are the protocols I observed and recorded during my six weeks of working with these two great doctors in Calcutta.   

Here is writer downer #1: Does anyone in your family experience rashes such as eczema or psoriasis that itch regardless of the cause? Start with Antimonium crud 6 two times daily until improvement is seen. In most cases, this is all that is needed.

These rashes can be triggered by food allergies, chemical sensitivities or even gut dysbiosis.

Here is writer downer #2: Ignatia 200 2X daily until improvement is the premier remedy for not all but most emotional problems: Anxiety before tests, sadness from an unidentified cause, angst from worry over the well-being of others. Imagine the other possibilities for this remedy.

This is revolutionary. Did I say that already? Specific, proven systems, useable strategies that allow you to measure your own results, scientifically proven, data-based, not theoretical or even anecdotal. I’ve incorporated these protocols into treating my family and teach my client students who report back to me with their remarkable results.

You probably cannot imagine it until you learn it. This may be the only guide of its kind.

Come to this when you are ready, but if you are ready now, I will hold your hand and guide you to a world of self-empowerment and freedom from the handcuffs of ill health and the shackles of drugs of commerce.

Watch my short, informative video, and you decide.


32 thoughts on “Cure Your Family: You Probably Cannot Imagine Until You Learn It”

  1. How much of your course is homeopathy and how much is nutrition/Weston A price information? Also would you say this is more for parents to help their children, or for other stages in life?

  2. One other question, about the Banerji’s: I notice they do internet consultations – do you recommend this? I always thought one needed to be seen in person by a homeopath. Thank you!

    1. Linda, Sadly there are not homeopaths in close proximity to everyone who would love to use one, that is one of the great things about the internet and phone. Joette does phone consultations as well, as a lot can be determined by talking to the patient and learning their health history. If you look here on her website you will see that there is a number to call her for a phone consultation.

  3. It’s true, that Antimonium crude is great stuff. That combined with Arsenicum album 3 works every time for my itchy kitty – and me!

  4. Marvelous! You have been teaching “kitchen chemistry” and self reliance as a first step towards wellness. Love your work and enthusiasm. Debby, HomeopathyWorldCommunity

  5. What a fantastic course! I really want to take this course but at this time I am not able to commit to it, will it be available after the first of the year?

  6. I have noticed many of the banerji treatments involve low potency remedies – ie. Antimonium Crude 6, Arnica 6 and others you have shared. In your family course you taught, we dealt with potencies of 30. Would a 30 potency work in the cases above or how do you explain when you would use a lower dose? Thanks for sharing the above details. I am hoping the eczema treatment will work for our family.

  7. I have been busy as a bee here in the office, answering questions, collecting cases, signing people up for the course. The excitement is growing day by day! Based on the last few weeks I can say without a doubt that this is one of the hottest topics of our day. It is obvious that gut issues affect sooooo many people and I can’t wait for everyone to learn from Joette!

  8. Hi Linda, the purpose of the course will be to teach Joette’s homeopathic approach to these issues, specifically focusing on the Banerji protocols. I think that Joette will be going over some nutritional advice from the WAPF perspective for those who may not already be familiar with it, but this will be minor in comparison to the homeopathic advice. Joette is aware that many people do not see enough improvement with diet alone, and this is one of the reasons she refers to homeopathy as being the ‘trump card” or missing link that can help people who have been struggling for years with strict or limited diets.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      Knowledge of homeopathy is not a prerequisite, but the more the better. We have students who have never used homeopathy while ther will also be homeopathic practitioners. The method I’ll be teaching is unique in that it is a protocol that doesn’t require prior knowledge; only a desire to cure your family.

  9. When you mention above that you replaced your dad’s aspirin with Arnica 6X, did you feel comfortable for him to make the switch quickly, or did you start the Arnica and slowly wean him off the aspirin . . . weeks, months???

  10. Thank you for your response. I did read that excellent article in Wise Traditions. You mentioned there “over several months” and I didn’t know if that was needed or if Arnica would immediately do what the aspirin was doing. I am in the same boat trying to get my Dad off years of aspirin and all its side effects. He wasn’t willing until I found him a substitute. He started Arnica 6X yesterday – twice a day.

  11. I have been listening to podcasts and going over articles. Somewhere, I recall Joette stating that while the website spans years including classical methods, she is most proud of those years studying/applying the practical methods. Any advice on how to determine which articles are best to read… in other words, should readers use advice given only in articles from year 20?? (What would be the year marking this shift to practical?)

  12. Also, I get so nervous whenever I read cautions as directed via classical sites. I am new to homeopathy so I don’t have ANY experience using remedies under the guidance of ANY homeopath. I’m intrigued by what is offered through Joette and the practical approach. But, I get “scared” as stated regarding potencies etc. Can anyone here share how they handled information from both sides…. esp with aggravations and proving? Thanks….

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      Watch my podcast on FAcebook from last night where I discuss provings and aggravations.

  13. The BP for psoriasis (according to the BP book) says Arsenicum Album 200C daily and Hepar Sulph Calc EOD. Now I see here in your article to use Ant Crud 6 2D? That’s not in the BP book…?

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