Christ Is Risen!


Joette Calabrese
The fresco “Glory of Resurrected Jesus” by Guido Reni (1575-1642) in the cupola of the duomo in Ravenna, Italy


“Christus surréxit!”

“Surréxit vere, allelúja” 

This traditional greeting in the Catholic church describes a blessed miracle that occurred two thousand years ago.


“Christ is risen!”

“He is risen indeed, Alleluia!”

My dear friends, for Christians, today is our most sacred day — our holiest day — Easter Sunday.

As the angel of the Lord explained to Mary and Mary Magdalene as they came to see Christ’s tomb in Matthew 28:6, “He is not here; for he has risen, as he said.” Indeed, it was a pronouncement that has since offered hope as it echoes around the world.

So, from my family, myself and my entire team here at Practical Homeopathy®, we take a break from our regular routine to wish “Buona Pasqua a te e alla tua famiglia.” Happy Easter to you and your family.

Joette Calabrese


8 thoughts on “Christ Is Risen!”

  1. Elizabeth Coleman

    Thank you, Joette, for uniting your work to the Glorious new life that comes through the Sacred Wounds of Our Divine Savior, Who is Our Divine Physician and the Sweetest of Medicines. May He shower you & your family, your work team, and your students with heavenly graces & mercy, healing us of our wounds of sin and their afflictions in mind, body and soul.

    Alleluia best expresses the joy of the Easter season – it is a cry of triumph and victory, especially the victory over death won by Our Lord. As followers of Christ, the resurrection should bring us peace and joy which nothing in this world can disturb. God has already conquered evil and we are blessed that we are on His side. So we should ask ourselves: “What then is there to fear?”

    Since the time of Our Lord’s resurrection, suffering the cross is for all Christians the sign of triumph and the gateway to glory. Let our peace and joy this Easter and the celebration of Our Lord’s resurrection strike terror in the evil one and put him to flight. And when our Easter joy is threatened by fear & anxiety, let us remember the words of the angel to the holy women: “Be not afraid, you seek Jesus of Nazareth Who was crucified, He is risen!

    We are on the winning team! Rejoice and be glad because Our Lord is truly risen. Alleluia.
    “Christus surréxit!”
    “Surréxit vere, allelúja”

  2. Thank you, Joette! Same to you! What a glorious Saviour we have, & we can rejoice that He is no longer in the tomb but is alive forevermore!

    So thankful for you too.

  3. Thinking of you with gratitude… praying your parents are beholding their Creator in the Beatific Vision, Joette. May God be praised, now and forever! Thank you for all you do for us.

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