You’re different.
I’m different.
And we’re proud of it. Right?
The medicine we count on and adore is like a Mendelssohn symphony or a Cole Porter lyric — compared to drugs that are more akin to acid rock (excuse my critical bias).
Our medicine doesn’t slap the sufferer across the face. Instead, it politely and intelligently nudges the whole body.
So, when a guest sneaks a peek into your medicine cabinet, they won’t discover drug addictions and synthetic compliancy. No. Your medicine cabinet will reveal a discerning lifestyle. One that is educated … curated.
William Osler, M.D. (one of the founding members of Johns Hopkins) once said, “The person who takes medicine must recover twice; once from the disease and once from the medicine.”
Three generations have fallen for the complacency shrouding allopathic drug use, without giving a thought to the short or long-term effects.
But not us. We’re different.
Maybe we need to leave our medicine cabinets slightly ajar — encouraging our curious guests to take a peek inside.
What might they be looking for? More often than not, the perpetually curious want to know how you deal with the same aches and discomforts they deal with.
Indeed, the one thing we all share in common is pain!
Perhaps they’re sneaking a peek to see what keeps the pep in your step.
Or maybe they wonder if you use the same big-box-store-sized, extra-strength pain reliever they use.
Or they’re just curious whether you have bottle after bottle of prescription drugs you rely on.
However, it's possible they’re not nosey at all; they simply have a headache and are looking to find relief inside that small mirrored door.
Imagine their surprise when all they see in your medicine cabinet is homeopathy!
“What’s this?” they’ll think to themselves as they examine the little blue and purple tubes more closely. “Symphytum 200 and Rhus tox 30? I wonder what this is for?”
Hopefully, they’ll ask you. Because we homeopathy users love to share our knowledge and help friends when we can.
While they might be embarrassed to admit they were poking around your medicine cabinet, now they can excuse themselves with, “Hey, the door was already open!”
(Of course, that’s why you left the door a wee bit ajar in the first place — encouraging them to look! But let’s keep that our little secret.)
So, answer their questions!
Symphytum 200 and Rhus tox 30, mixed together in the mouth, comprise the Banerji Protocol for headaches emanating from the neck and shoulders.
This is a very common type of headache. Should your curious guest be suffering from one, what a great opportunity to share your homeopathic medicine with them!
Demonstrate how to extract one dose from each tube or bottle (the proper number of pillules constituting a dose is indicated on the manufacturer’s label).
Show them how to place each medicine — together, in this case — into a clean mouth. That is, with no food remaining from the last meal consumed.
Then allow the medicines to act.
In an acute situation, such as a tension headache of this sort, they may need to repeat the medicine as often as every 15 minutes for up to four doses — depending on the severity of the pain — until very much better.
But often in my experience, one dose can reduce their headache from a scream to a whimper.
If they don’t have a headache, if they were just being — okay, I’ll just call it what it is — nosey, then send them home with a few doses for next time!
Headaches involving the neck and shoulders are so universal, chances are they’ll eventually have the occasion to employ this protocol.
Homeopathy is a medicine for those who have had it with traditional drugs and for the curious.
And who is more curious than someone who surreptitiously pokes around in your medicine cabinet?
Chances are they will take to it like a duck to water.
So, be proud of your medicine cabinet!
It represents you at your most educated and discerning best.
Use it as a springboard to turn friends and relatives on to this gobsmacking medicine.
What better way to pass on the good news of homeopathy?!
P.S. Now that you have your medicine-cabinet-investigator intrigued, why not ask them if they’d like to join you in a Study Group to learn all the other illnesses that homeopathy treats?
My Gateway to Homeopathy: A Guided Study Group Curriculum is the perfect environment for them to learn how to break their ties with allopathic drugs.
In fact, why not lead your own group? Leading a small group locally or virtually is the best way to grow your knowledge.
So consider gathering your friends and loved ones (and maybe even a few like-minded individuals from my Facebook page, Joette’s Study Groups: Find Your New Study Group Friends) and allow the curriculum to do the rest!
You’ll have access to easy-to-follow lessons, videos and discussion points — all for less than the cost of a dinner out.
And, if you ask me, knowledge is more delicious than any dinner! As I always say, “Homeopathy, it's deliciously intellectual!”
I am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.
Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.
Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.
We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.
The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Thank you for the morning wake-up, friends do look in my cabinet and they ask for the X bottle is for.
Dear Mrs. Calabrese,
Thank you for this article, what a fun idea to encourage snoopers.
May I ask regarding the flu, can you use the protocol above for neck headaches as well as using Eupatorium for achy back pain?
On your facebook live it seemed that you should choose one or the other as Rhus tox is better with motion and Eupatorium wants motion but isn’t relieved by it. Can you simultaneously use remedies that are similar in action but with opposite indicators?
Thank you!
It’s always best to choose one specific correct medicine rather than taking a guess, particularly if they have opposite indications.
How do I know if the headache is from Neck and Shoulders? Are there any other headache remedies with Banerji protocols?
If your pain emanates from the neck you would know it.
There are many, many other headache medicines, some of which I cover on this blog.
I’m presently teaching an online course on the subject of pain with a good deal of emphasis on head pain. It will likely be available again in a few months.
They will wonder what they are, tip them into their palm, and decant them back into the bottle.
I’ve seen it.
Satiable curiosity.
You’re probably right!
I am taking the rhus tox and sympthom mix right now for fibro/myofascial pain and was wondering if Banerji protocols are affected by standard homeopathy antidotes. I noticed in some online materia medica that Coffea 200 is listed as antidoting rhus tox. Do I have to stop coffea for sleep while taking rhus tox? Thanks!
In my experience, they don’t cancel out.
Awesome. Thanks so much. In practical homeopathy then, do we not have to pay as much attention to classical homeopathy concerns about antidotes? I have also seen some materia medica say that Coffea 200 will antidote the Lycopodium in lycoars. Hard to keep track of it all!
It is indeed difficult to straddle classical rules with the practical method I use. Having practiced classical homeopathy for a decade and finally turning to protocols, all I can say is you’ll find this method less inhibiting, hence more expedient.
Tea tree oil in the cabinet with remedies?? Is that ok?
I would store them separately to be safe.