Suffering from bursitis can be miserable any time of the year. But for some folks, cold weather (such as we have been having around the United States recently) can really flare up their pain!
You see, many joints contain a bursa sac filled with lubricating fluid that cushions the joint as it moves. Unfortunately, this sac can become inflamed due to an injury, repetitive stress, even food intolerances and overall GI conditions resulting in a painful and frustrating condition.
While the condition doesn’t necessarily worsen in winter, cold temperatures can limit blood flow to the extremities where bursitis is experienced. That limited blood flow can make pain more severe. In addition, barometric pressure changes during winter storms can also influence the inflamed bursa.
But no matter why bursitis feels more painful, as always, homeopathy can help!
I discussed shoulder bursitis several years ago in the blog post, My Bad! Although now, I would probably use the Banerji Protocol Symphytum 200 mixed with Calc phos 3* (twice daily until very much better) rather than Symphytum alone.
If the sufferer is experiencing general bursitis (meaning many joints are affected), the remedy will likely also be Symphytum 200 mixed with Calc phos 3* (twice daily until very much better and resumed as needed after that).
However, choosing the most well-suited homeopathic medicines may differ from joint to joint. For example, even the Banerjis addressed bursitis in the right shoulder differently than bursitis in the left shoulder, as the previously mentioned article detailed.
So, what if the sufferer’s bursitis is in his knee? In that situation, I would likely use Symphytum 200 mixed with Arnica 30 (also, twice daily until very much better).
If bursitis occurred in the hip, I would instead consider Symphytum 200 mixed with Rhus tox 30 (once again, twice daily until very much better).
And just like that, we’ve landed on an excellent teaching moment!
Before we choose Rhus tox, we must check our symptoms more tightly. Rhus tox is distinguished from other remedies by a specific set of sufferings. Conditions requiring Rhus tox often exhibit pain that is worse on first movement but improves as the movement continues (think of a rusty gate), but then becomes worse again from overuse, such as for standing too long. The pain is also often associated with stiffness.
We distinguish those symptoms from a picture calling for Bryonia, for instance, in which the pain is worse with any movement (to the point that one must remain almost motionless to avoid suffering).
The consideration is also different for a joint that always aches. Constant joint pain, which does not ebb and flow with usage, would better fit Arnica.
So, as you can see, we must distinguish the subtleties of the pain a little bit as we choose the most fitting homeopathic medicine. But in general, those joint-specific Banerji Protocols should successfully serve as the first line against bursitis.
I should add that if the pain is excruciating — no matter which joint is affected — then we would add Hypericum 200 in a similar manner to the schedule until the pain diminishes sufficiently.
If the choice of medicine still feels elusive, I delve much more deeply into the subject of pain in my course, Make It Stop! Escape From the Prison of Chronic (and Acute) Pain Using Practical Homeopathy®: Learn Effective Methods to Uproot Pain, Often for Good.
This comprehensive course covers pain from a variety of conditions, whether from bursitis (as discussed here) or arthritis, headaches, neuromas, sciatica, back pain, carpal tunnel or many, many more painful conditions. There is no need to suffer in silence when homeopathy offers these polite, side-effect-free, deeply acting means of resolution.
Pass on the good news of homeopathy!
* As always, we attempt to follow the Banerji Protocols precisely. However, occasionally, specific potencies of homeopathic medicines can be challenging to find. If you are unable to purchase Calc phos 3, Calc phos 6 will suffice.
P.S. Remember — all of my Mighties (Joette’s Mighty Members) qualify for a 10% discount on course purchases. If you need assistance getting your discount, email [email protected] for more information.
P.P.S. Don’t forget the best way to learn homeopathy is together with others. Gateway to Homeopathy: A Guided Study Group Curriculum is an inexpensive yet indispensable part of your homeopathic journey. There is no better way to learn with others — whether in person or virtually — to study homeopathy. Gain confidence and competence so that you can care for your family in times of need. Plus, enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded individuals — many of whom will become friends for life!
Study groups are starting up all the time, so keep an eye on Joette’s Study Group: Find your new Study Group Friends’ Facebook page to find a group that fits your schedule. Or start your own! It’s easy when you own the curriculum. You’ll be the hero, and I’ll be your guide.
Oh dear Joette. This is so timing I cannot believe it!!! I just confirm that my pain went horrible bad with cold as you teaches here. I’m in South Florida so it was tricky for me to realized that, although I suspected it. But a couple of hours ago I was in the super cold section of the supermarket and suddenly my leg started to get so painful and rigid, from the hip all the way down. After a while, being outside with the regular temperature it went away. WOW…Now I know exactly what it is and how to tackle it. You are such a blessing Joette. Thank you so much! God bless you 🙂
All these nuances between remedy choices are awesome and I’m totally writing them down in my Materia Medica! Thanks Joette!
In your article you mentioned calc phos 3*, however 3 is calc sulph. Am I missing something here? Thanks Joette
I don’t understand your question. Pls. rephrase it.
That means Cal phos 3x
She is referring to the potency of calc phos – not the #3 cell salt – I believe.
Thanks Tami, Thats exactly what I was questioning, as I thought it meant the #3 cell salt. 🙂
Thanks Tami, I thought she was referring to the cell salt #3. 🙂
If you check the * footnote, it states “As always, we attempt to follow the Banerji Protocols precisely. However, occasionally, specific potencies of homeopathic medicines can be challenging to find. If you are unable to purchase Calc phos 3, Calc phos 6 will suffice.” The potency for the protocol is 3X.
Thanks Kate
Where have you found Calc phos 3x? It’s not in Boiron, nor Amazon. I’ve only found something in India, apparently made in Germany, through ebay. Thanks for the help!
If you’re a student of mine you may purchase it from OHM in Texas. Helios in England also carries it. If you haven’t already joined one of my online Gateway to Homeopathy Study Groups, you might want to do that. It’s where you get more detailed and inside information.
Hello, would these remedies work for peripheral neuropathy? I have very painful toes and would like to stop them getting worse. Thank you for any advice.
Neuropathy is a different condition but I cover different kinds of pain including neuropathy in my online course titled “Pain; Take it Away” found here
That means Cal phos 3x
I love this one! I wish I had it a few months ago when I injured my thumb joint. I initially started with symphytum+rhus and arnica as needed especially the first few days when it hurt all the time. It felt so much better when it was stabilized in a brace, so I guess I should have been using bryonia. The X-ray didn’t show any breaks, but mild arthritis (zero symptoms before the injury) which is why I chose the symphytum+rhus. Is there anything I should have done differently? Thanks for the article!
Pls pass it on. The world needs to know how to treat themselves.
Hi jollete, I have found aconite and lycopodium useful in exposure to cold weather. Also belladonna is usefull for mobilizing fluid from the connective tissue of the abdominal and thoracic organs.
I agree with your take of Acon/Lyco for exposure to cold weather but your assessment of mobilizing fluid from connective tissue is not something I’ve given thought to. Interesting way to look at it.
I am so thankful for these free resources. Thank you so much for your love and generosity. Life changing and life giving.
TYSM for this posting info as well as all the other that you share with us! Five days ago, I awoke with bursitis in my left foot and knee. Came here right away to find the Banerji protocol for it. I had the remedies and started them immediately. I’m right as rain just 5 days later. Thank God for homeopathy and Joette’s wonderful blog!
You go, girl!
Would this treatment work for shoulder pain. Feels like joint pain but also in the muscle!
Its specific for bursitis but it has been known to act on joint pain as well.
Hormonal Arthritis that Women suddenly get in Perimenopause to Menopause transition phase would be Healed by this Symphtum +Rhus tox+Byronia Protocol too?
How about arthritis that occurs as a result of an injury?
Or arthritis that results from athletics?
Or arthritis that results from food intolerances?
Osteo arthritis is osteo arthritis is osteo arthritis.
Thank You, Joette, for all that you do! You continue to be my first go-to, for advice. 🙂
My husband has bursitis of the elbow, right side, with no pain (only swelling). Suggestions?
Joette, Is there a specific remedy that’s best for elbow bursitis? Thanks Joette!
Certainly possible but there are many others to consider.
If you’re not in one of my Gateway to Study Groups, get in. (JoettesLearningCenter) That’s where you’ll learn how to find the answers to such important questions. If you’re already in, then go to JoettesLearningCenter (again), scroll down to the course I teach called “Pain: Make it Stop”. There are many protocols for specific painful conditions
It will make you so happy that you know the answers becasue you’ll not only help yourself but your family, your dog, friends, etc.
I am curious to know if a ganglion cyst could be treated like bursitis? I got an impact injury on the back of my hand that after the swelling subsided, it showed up exactly like a ganglion. They’re a fluid filled sack also. Can’t find a protocol for ganglion but I promise to come back and report if it works.:)
They’re two different conditions so treated differently.