BOOM! It’s Fourth of July! (I’m Not Scared, But Others Are!)

Joette Calabrese

Hi! Buster, the Bad Office Dog, here. My family and I want to wish you a very Happy Fourth of July!

But unfortunately, this holiday (especially tonight) can be a very stressful time for some of my friends. At our last Secret Dog Club meeting, after we finished sniffing each other, our first order of business was discussing fireworks.

While they don’t bother me, I discovered many of my friends are scared to death of them! And boy, you humans love your fireworks! (Personally, I don’t see what the attraction is. Watching squirrels is much more stimulating.)

Joette Calabrese, Buster the Bad Office Dog

A couple of my friends said when the fireworks start, they hide under the bed.

Quite a few of them jump up on their parents’ laps (and believe me, I don’t mean to be rude, but they aren’t all “lap-size”). And, this made me so sad, I heard several of them are usually left alone while their families go out to celebrate … so they just shiver and whimper alone.

So, what can their humans do?  Well, my mom, Joette, always has a homeopathic remedy or two up her sleeve that will help! (My mom is the best, don’t you think?) 

You may remember, I wrote a blog post a couple of years ago about my friend Gunner, who had a lot of anxiety.

He responded well to Argentum nitricum 200. But I overheard Mom say recently that Phosphorus 200 is really great during loud, frightening events like fireworks.

It can be given to us as needed, and also can be used as early as the night before — in preparation.

Phosphorus 200 is also effective for us during thunderstorms. Of course, I’m not really afraid of anything (except running out of snacks), but many other dogs are just as fearful of thunder as they are of fireworks.

So, your small investment (under $10) in this remedy will bring your pet a wealth of security during both natural and man-made events.

Now, before I go, I bet I know what you’re thinking. You’re wondering about Eleanor Pigby, aren’t you? Well, this is her first Fourth of July. She told me she’s not sure what fireworks are, let alone if she’s afraid of them.

I guess we’ll find out soon. For right now, though, the only thing that makes her hide under the bed is any mention of “bacon.” 

Why on earth would anyone be afraid of bacon?

Anyway, Happy Fourth of July!  Enjoy your fireworks tonight! Enjoy your independence. And pass on the good news of homeopathy (especially Phosphorus).



PS. God bless America!

23 thoughts on “BOOM! It’s Fourth of July! (I’m Not Scared, But Others Are!)”

  1. We tried Argentum based on Buster’s recommendations and it definitely helped. Looking forward to trying Phosphorus this year. Thanks for all your help!

  2. Will this same remedy work for small children? Our house just burnt down this week and We took them to a show that had loud fireworks and they both got very upset. It sounds like the phosphorus would be a perfect match for the situation but was unsure if I should use the 200 on my children. I’ve not used that strength for them yet.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      ITs not the strength that is the concern but rather the symptoms. Read up on Phosphorus in your materia medica. If you don’t have one, read Dr. JAmes Tyler Kent online which is available for free, and see if it fits.

      1. Hi Joette I didn’t see Phosphorus listed in Tyler. It is listed In Boericke
        These are nice to have when you’re on the go. Saved to my iPhone notes. Thanks for sharing this information!

        Kathy Dowd

  3. Thank you! How timely. I’ve been looking for something to help my dog who hates thunder and fireworks. Could Phosphorus also be given the morning of the Fourth and then later in the evening when fireworks get started? Around here, people begin with fireworks several days in advance- how would you dose for that?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      The morning of and every 3-6 hours depending on the suffering of the dog.

  4. Also, consideration should be given to veterans who suffer from PTSD who are usually forgotten amid the hoopla of these celebrations.

  5. Wish this valuable info would have been given a few days or weeks ago so we could look for the two remedies. Where can we get these two remedies?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      Have you considered clicking on the link? Or better yet, owning your own homeopathy kit so you are always in the ready?

  6. Neither Phosphorus or Argentum work. This is a rescue dog who is trembling and just looking away when I sit next to him to comfort him. He went to be alone in the bathroom and is not aggressive at all. Just kind of like panicked inside. Doesn’t move too much either but responds to me when I pet him and looks at him on and off.

  7. Finally, I gave him Aconitum and this one worked. I had it in 30 and it worked. He laid down and closed his eyes. He is not trembling anymore. He is not turning away from me.
    I read somewhere that it’s indicated for dogs who had a previous frightening experience.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      My husband gives Buster his by placing them in his hand so that Buster can lick them up. But others that need to be taken twice daily are placed in his water dish since we assume he’ll take a drink that many times each day.

  8. Is it ok to give phosphorus in 30c? And would you please tell me how you give it? Do you dissolve it in there water or just give the pellets?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      Pls Read my response here that I gave to the person asking about administration to dogs.

      I find that 200 acts more fully but 30 might be ok for a while.

  9. As a bad thunderstorm hit today, and my sweet dog, Tricksy, was shaking uncontrollably, I remembered reading this post. After looking up both Argentum and Phosphorus in Joette’s Material Media, I decided to try Phosphorus. 30 minutes later there was no relief at all, and she was getting a little worse with her shaking and heavy breathing, so I gave her Argentum. Within 5 minutes her shaking subsided and her breathing returned to normal despite the thunder still occurring. Thank goodness for my remedy kit and for Joette!!

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