I get asked quite often about bedwetting and incontinence. Previously, I’ve hesitated a bit to write a general blog about these conditions because there can be more to the subject than meets the eye. However, I want to use these conditions as an example of a principle I’d like to teach this week.
So, let’s not bury the lede. The main point I’d like to impart is that people need to understand that a lot of sufferings — not all, but a great many — are extrinsic. This means that certain conditions stem from something outside of the body, which can affect how we address them.
What do I mean?
Well, just because you’ve been taking the same over-the-counter allergy medication for five years doesn’t mean that it can’t cause sudden trouble for you now!
Just because you’ve been on birth control pills since you were in your twenties doesn’t mean that you can’t start experiencing ill effects from hormonal tinkering in your late thirties.
Just because you’ve had three cups of coffee every day for your entire adult life doesn’t mean that your body won’t be bothered by those very same stimulants now.
Body’s change! Mother Nature is brilliant; we just need to pay attention.
Yes, homeopathy uproots conditions politely and effectively. But if we’re dumping something antagonistic into our bodies every single day — something that is exacerbating our suffering — then we can’t always expect to erase the continual stimulus we’re exposing ourselves to on a daily basis.
Isn’t that logical?
So, let’s look at the examples. Did you know bedwetting can be triggered by chocolate? Did you know coffee, tea, wine and liquor can cause incontinence?
These are all stimulants and diuretics! These are extrinsic forces that we are asking our bodies to overcome. The defense of “I used to be able to handle it” bears no weight. Again … bodies change. We must stay in tune with our bodies as we progress through our lifetimes.
For instance, I ate a candy bar every day when I was a teenager! We’d walk home from school, stop at the store and grab a candy bar. It’s just what we always did!
There is absolutely no way that I could get away with that now.
So, the first step in evaluating any condition is assessing what is extrinsic — what’s coming in that may be contributing to our disorder. And I’ll share with you a little piece of wisdom that I’ve learned along the way. That one thing that you’re already prickling up about, leading you to say, “Oh, I could never do without that!” is often the culprit. By the way, this goes for drugs too. But that's a subject for another blog.
“What? Take my daily allotment of chocolate?! No way!”
Now, I’m not necessarily telling anyone that they have to give chocolate up. But it might be prudent to know if it is the most likely extrinsic factor contributing to the condition. If we want the best chance of uprooting our suffering, we may need to identify and perhaps resist consistently “replanting” the condition with our daily behavior.
Humans rationalize. Many times, we never reconsider old decisions. If we want to eat chocolate, we’ll soothe ourselves by reinforcing that it’s never bothered us before. But again, bodies change. We need to re-examine how extrinsic factors affect us here and now.
So, if you’ve considered all the various issues that could be overstimulating hence contributing to bedwetting or incontinence, then allow homeopathy to nudge your system gently back to normal.
But an excellent medicine to think of for bedwetting (as well as for leaking and general incontinence not related to sleep) is Cantharis 30, most often taken twice daily until the condition resolves. Then, if the issue reappears at a later time the medicine would be reintroduced.
Now, here's an important point that I want to make: I'm not saying that Cantharis will not act unless chocolate, coffee, wine, etc., are eliminated. I'm simply urging folks to consider what could be causing or stimulating the condition so that they can adjust accordingly.
This elegant homeopathic may be utilized by young and old alike. It matters not whether the sufferer is a child or an older adult. I hope by now that all my students feel empowered to consult a materia medica to determine if Cantharis 30 is a good fit, but it’s undoubtedly one of the first medicines to consider.
However, keep in mind that there’s more than one way to skin a cat when we address bedwetting and incontinence — as well as many other conditions. To that end, I’ll return to this topic with a deeper dive for my Mighties in my Memo to Mighty Members later in the week.
Meanwhile, be mindful of how your body exists today — not what its “always” been able to tolerate. It’s surprising how many solutions reside in the extrinsic details.
Pass on the good news of homeopathy!
P.S. I teach protocols for bedwetting (as well as a host of other conditions) in my course Good Gut, Bad Gut: A Homeopathic Strategy to Uproot Seemingly Unrelated Illness in Body and Mind. I also discuss female incontinence in Feminopathy: How You Can Correct Female Ailments Using Safe, Inexpensive, and Effective Homeopathy. And of course, both topics are covered in my magnum opus, The Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy.
Are you confused about which one you should choose? My team has designed a Course Selector on my Learning Center website. Take a quick survey (by simply checking a few boxes next to the conditions your family is facing) to find out which of my courses is the best fit for you right now.
And remember — aside from receiving more detailed information from me on a variety of topics, all of my Mighties (Joette’s Mighty Members) qualify for a 10% discount on course purchases. If you need assistance getting your discount, email [email protected] for more information.
With reguard to coffee, tea and chocolate, if the body has grown sensitive, would it be possible to desensitize with Bovista?
The method I use is to treat illness. I don’t know if “grown sensitive” is an ailment that’s worthy of treatment.
Hi does causticum also address bed wetting? My son has poor interoception and does not wake at night.
Yes, it does.
Excellent timing, Joette. Our 15 and a quarter year old dog has just started wetting her bed in the early morning so I’m looking forward to your Memo later in the week for information.
The abchomeopathy site says to use Secale/Apis/Ars/Phos etc. I don’t have Canth (also roach as med isn’t something I handle…).
Would one of the above options work as well for a dementia male ? 30c ? Thanks.
My friend’s 11-yr old started bed wetting. I checked meds. Went for Pulsatilla because his grand mom had just passed and he was very sad, his temperament is very sweet, kind, and generous. One 30cc dose, next day, no more bed wetting ever!
When I was a young boy, my mother usually came into my bedroom each morning to wake me up. One morning when I was around 13 years old, my mother pulled off my bed covers, and then she pulled off my pajamas to throw them into the washing machine. I was half asleep, and naked laying on top of my bed sheets. I remember when I opened my eyes, I was peeing in my bed. My pee stream shot straight up into the air, and splattered back down onto my legs, and my bed sheets. My mother was standing next to my bed, with her hands on her hips, watching me pee, and she had a very surprised look on her face. It all seemed to happen so quickly. After I finished going, my bed sheets were soaked. Nothing was said for a moment, as my mother just stood there looking at me. I remember thinking, in that moment of silence, that maybe my mother was going to be very angry with me; but to my surprise, she was very understanding, and loving towards me. My mother sat on the edge of my bed, held both of my hands, and she talked to me about various things, like the “birds and the bees”, how babies are made, and trying to make it to the bathroom in time to pee into the toilet. After the talk, I remember helping her remove my wet bed sheets, and putting them into the washing machine. After the wet bits of my mattress had dried out, my mother laid down a plastic mattress cover, along with other protective plastic on my bed. Then she re-made my bed using older bed sheets that she was about to get rid of. My mother told me that my bed was now very well protected against any future wetting accidents. She told me that this was “our secret”, and if it happened again, to let her know right away, and she would help me clean it up. After all this, I didn’t feel like I needed to hide anything from my mother.Not long after this, I injured my ankle playing basketball at school, and I became bedridden for about two weeks. My mother was a wonderful caregiver, and there were a few more embarrassing wetting accidents during this time while I was bedridden. During these embarrassing moments, my mother never got angry. My bed was now well protected, and my mother was always patient, understanding, and very loving towards me. My mother has passed away many years ago, but I will always remember her kindness, and how she helped her very young teenage boy through embarrassing bed wetting moments.
The Banarji book mentions Cantharis 200C & Medorrhinurn 200C in the first & second lines.
Are there plant based meds that can be substituted for Elderly ? Or should I go straight to third-line Causticum 200C ? How long is it safe to give for chronic problem ?
My son had no apparent “external” triggers certainly not coffee or chocolate. If anything, it appears he is a deep sleeper. At 6 years old he’s always had to wear overnight diapers. He is woken up dry a total of 5 to 10 times. I’ve tried a constitutional work up (calc carb a selected but i never thought that shoved right), miasmic remedy syphilinum, as well as the typical bedwetting remedies, causticum, equi, etc, and others unrelated to the bedwetting but more for underlying personality issues (lach can). Nothing has even slightly worked. I am concerned he may not grow out of this.
Thank you so much! I got on here to find homeopathy for incontinence, and took the advice about coffee and chocolate. Wow! In just a day, the change was incredible! I love homeopathy, but finding a simple and easy solution is the best. Thank you again!
Hi Joette,
You mention protocol is “most often taken twice daily until the condition resolves” What does this mean if incontinence is every month or two at night? Would one keep taking for months till it seems problem has been uprooted? Or does one take only after the accident and do twice daily if incontinence is happening daily?
For night incontinence should one take the remedy straight away after accident has happened or is the next day suitable?