Yes, the very same remedies that worked then, work today. Not unlike traditional foods, real medicine transcends centuries. No chemical tinkerings, no shenanigans from the pharmaceutical industry. Just simple, safe and efficacious. Here are three main remedies to consider for mastitis.
Belladonna is the remedy to think of when the breast is very red, hot, deeply painful (particularly when mom is jarred) and swollen. It can even be shiny from swelling. It may be accompanied by fever as well. This is what we call a Belladonna picture.
If this fits the description, Belladonna 30 is taken every 3-5 hours (4 pills or whatever is considered a dose on the bottle). As with most homeopathic remedies for acute situations, the remedy is stopped as soon as significant improvement is seen.
If no improvement is noted after 5 doses, it's time to consider another remedy. If the symptoms are not as angry and extreme, then Phytolacca 30 is likely the right choice. Phytolacca would be used in the same fashion as above.
That is, every 3-4 hours until improvement.
Again, it should be noted that once the remedy has acted fully, it should be stopped.
Regardless of the symptoms, Hepar sulph 6 has a history of aiding the healing of mastitis if integrated into the schedule of either of the two other remedies twice daily.
That means it would be taken every 3-4 hours but on the off hours from the other single chosen remedy.
Not only has this method been shown to address even the most painful of breast infections, but it may also uproot the propensity for another infection to ensue.
But, if one does, you're set, because you have your strategy in place.
Homeopathic remedies used in this fashion are safe for mom and baby, inexpensive, easy to take and keeps moms off antibiotics and other undesirables.
Your Takeaway
You can treat yourself. The ability to heal yourself and your family is a tradition that is as old as motherhood itself.
I hold that the ultimate female privilege is to become a mother, and our built-in sense of duty should be accepted as powerful and palpable.
Join me in linking arms across the globe. One mother bonded to another in defense of our motherly right to raise our families in the fashion we deem decent.
No foods of commerce, no drugs of commerce, parent-driven child-rearing.
That means just plain horse sense and homeopathy.
Please share this with mothers and grandmothers.
Image Credits: Phytolacca 30 Photograph: one of my wonderful staff member's new baby.
I am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.
Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.
Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.
We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.
The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Thank you for this. I am plagued with this frequently. Mine tend to be related to fatigue and yeast overgrowth. Have you ever noticed especially the latter in your clients? Is there a different remedy for this type (no stringy discharge, not too much redness (just on the streak), but very sore, especially with movement or pressure, and accompanied by a fever?
I see that moms who are overworked and don’t have self-enforced downtime everyday are the ones who are most likely to get mastitis. Its a perfect storm a’brewing. As for the yeast connection, anytime there is an infection, yeast and other opportunistic microorganisms play havoc. I don’t consider the yeast. Instead, I consider the diagnosis (mastitis) and the breast symptoms. Homeopathy has a history of taking care of the whole kit and kaboodle.
And don’t forget the cabbage leaf poultice on the inflamed breast! It’s like a miracle!
Yes, thank you for the reminder. There’s no doubt cabbage leaves can be useful. The difference is that with homeopathy it doesn’t just address that specific event, but the repetition of and propensity for infections. It is also necessary to go beyond cabbage leaves, combing in hot water, essential oils etc. when the infection becomes serious. At that point only antibiotics will stop (as well as suppress) the infection. Meanwhile homeopathy has a history of aborting the infection as well as eliminating the potential for recurrence.
If I suggest a certain number of pills as a dose, I will be bombarded with questions as to why a specific bottle says something else. So I stick with a dose is a dose, no matter the number of pills or the size.
The reason some of the pharmacies say to take an entire tiny bottle as one dose is to ensure that the patient/client doesn’t take the remedy day after day on their own. It’s based on classical homeopathy that usually uses only one remedy for one day and doesn’t repeat for 4-8 weeks. Hahnemann Pharmacy is simply complying with the requests of their practitioners.
Is there a way to heal scar tissue (which shows up on thermographies) from breasts that have had several bouts (years ago nursing 7 babies) of Mastitis? Sure wish I knew about homeopathic treatment back then!!
When folks tell me they wish they had known about homeopathy years ago, I always want to say, shame on the doctor for not knowing how to treat without causing harm.
To your question, I can tell you that it depends on a few things and I can’t take your case here, but allow me to suggest that you watch for my upcoming webinar course on skin that will cover scar tissue thoroughly. Using homeopathy for a condition such as yours is slow, but steady.
Hi, Joette. I had read that since they symptoms of mastitis and flu are so similar, that the homeopathic flu remedies or gelsemium will work. When I had mastitis I cured it with gelsemium, increased kelp intake (iodine), and grated potato and cabbage leaves on the breast (a folk remedy). Breast tissue has the second-highest usage of iodine in the body (second only to the thyroid) so it’s really important in the breastfeeding years and especially if one gets mastitis to increase iodine.
I had mastitis a few times when nursing my children. I did not go to a doctor about this problem, but knew this is what I had. I had read about using an electric massager on the breast to break up the clogged duct. This worked on me in a few hours. I believe that I treated this problem early on and prevented the infection from taking a foothold on me. If I had known about homeopathic remedies back then, I certainly would have gone that route for a cure!
Consider the homeopathic remedy bryonia for mastitis if the breast is worse with any motion.
Yes! Thanks for the further info.
Do you know how to take bryonia when you have mastitis?
Its taken in the same fashion as Belladonna and other homeopathics for such acute conditions.
Funny that this article should arrive in my inbox on the day I feel mastitis coming on…for the fourth time…with my three month old twins!
With my son, I experienced 22 individual mastitis in 18 months. My doctors treated the first 7 traditionally, until I couldn’t take the antibiotic abuse any longer and found homeopathy. I used phytolacca for the plugged ducts and then treated with belladonna for right side and Lachessis for left side. All mastitis resolved much quicker than with the abx, but in the end I stopped nursing after 18 months, which is I did not want to do. My health was really suffering and I too believe that yeast was a part of my issue, the seven courses of abx exacerbated this horribly. Do no harm should be the cry here, yes. However, what I want to explore is the possible link between recurrent and resistant mastitis and intravenous abx used in medicalized births regarding strep B deliveries. Also, csections. I believe that there is a direct correlation between all three here. Once again, the importance of the gut flora of mother and baby can not be emphasized enough. Thanks for the post.
There’s no doubt you are on the right track. The beauty of homeopathy is that it makes the connection for you. That is, when we see gut pathology that follows drug use, we use the protocol for that. If that is concomitant with infections, we add the protocol for that as well. If that is also linked or even if its not, with yeast overgrowth, we utalize that protocol as well. Once we put it alltogether, it becomes a recipe to uproot the pathology in total. The entire person is touched with deep acting, powerful , yet gentle medicine and we’re done with it all! That’s medicien we can rely on!
I’m so glad to know this is available, especially now that my daughter is due to deliver in a few months! Thanks for sharing, Joette.
Dear Joette,
I recently treated myself for a chronic Candida Albicans infection. Began experimenting began last December and has provided tremendous improvement to date.
Suggest you cover this treatment in later letters.
Good suggestion!
its really very impressive and informative. I think it is beneficial for hopeless patients .
Thanks and regards.
Dr. M. Nadeem
Thank you for this post! A few months back I was weening my baby and kept getting clogged ducts. I used Phytolacca the first two times it happened, but the third time it didn’t seem to be helping at all. When I developed a fever I knew things had progressed from simple clogged ducts to mastitis (this being my 3rd baby I’ve had plenty of clogged ducts but this was the first time I ever had mastitis). So, I found this blog and started using Belladonna. It quickly started to help. My improvement was gradual but after about a week I was completely better. It was wonderful!
So happy to hear that this helped. Please pass on the good news.
Please could you tell me how many pills and how often did you take Phytolacca and Belladonna?
The number of pills depends on which pharmacy your remedy was manufactured. Always look to the bottle for directions on the outside of the bottle.
For an acute condition such as mastitis, the frequency is anywhere from every 3 hours, if severe up to twice daily.
Hello I’ve gotten mastitis 10 times and I have an eight monh old who is exclusively breastfed. I just subscribed to this site. I would like to try a homeopathic alternative rather than always using antibiotics. Can you please tell me if the hylands brand of belladonna mentioned above is safe for breastfeeding? Thanks very much for your help. I currently have mastitis again now and a quick answer would be very much appreciated. Victoria
Hyland’s is a highly reputable company and homeopathics have a history of safety during pregnancy, breastfeeding, for newborns, the elderly etc.
Thank you very much for your response. I currently have th mastitis now so I will be trying the belladonna. Thank you
Hi Joette
Once again thank you for taking the time to share this valuable knowledge with us and helping us cure ourselves and family !
This message is to Help a friend of mine back in the UK (quite urgent) her baby ,born about two and half weeks ago has developed what they called NEONATAL MASTITIS with no particular symptoms in place apart from swelling on breast and tenderness . Would you please suggest the protocol to follow before she jumps into the antibiotics which were prescribed due to her despair .
Many many thanks.
People like you who help without asking nothing in return are so needed. May the Creator of the heavens and the earth continue to bless this journey of yours and guide you to the best indeed.
I can’t actually take cases on this forum, but if you use the differentials in this article, you’ll likely find the remedy that is best chosen for your friend’s situation.
Hi Joette, Thanks for this info! Can one keep taking remedy if ‘fever’ symptoms keep coming back after fever/body aches diminish significantly? Is there a limit how long, days, can someone be taking remedy? Thank you so much!
Its hard to answer your question without knowing what you mean by “keep coming back”. Do you mean weeks later after clearing up, it returns? Or do you mean after a couple of doses it returns within a day or so?
Apologies for not being clear. It’s coming back after a day.
When an infection’s response returns the next day, it generally means the homeopathic needs to be repeated until the illness is resolved.
My homeopathy kit is made by Helios. They all say the dose is one only when needed. Should I take 4? Thank you
I urge folks to use the number of pills printed on the outside to the bottle. Each pharmacy is slightly different.
Thank you for this awesome Information. Can i use these images on my blog too?
As long as you give credit, you may certainly do so. I hope it gets the word around in your neck of the woods.
Hello Joette, in the last month and a half I’ve had symptoms of mastitis, redness, soreness, aches in general, but never a fever 3 separate times. I’ve been taking 5 pellets of bella Donna 30, Phytolacca 30, and pyrogenium 5, 3 times daily. This accompanied also by warm compresses. I believe I got an infection when my four year old wanted to latch on one day because she was curious and I let her. I found out two days later that she had streptococcus in her throat. About a week after that my breast started to be symptomatic of mastitis. I treated as I mentioned above. It passed for two weeks, then came back. I treated it for a second time for about 5-6 days, it passed and then I stopped treating it. After a week of the second episode it’s back again. I only have bella donna and Phytolacca on hand…my question is, can I take the homeopathics for longer than until symptoms subside? Generally it’s recommended to treat until notable improvement. I stop when it feels totally better, but It keeps coming back and I’m not sure what else to do! Thank you!
Hello Joette, in the last month and a half I’ve had symptoms of mastitis, redness, soreness, aches in general, but never a fever. I’ve been taking 5 pellets of bella Donna 30, Phytolacca 30, and pyrogenium 5, 3 times daily. This accompanied by warm compresses. I believe I got an infection when my four year old wanted to latch on one day because she was curious and I let her. I found out two days later that she had streptococcus in her throat. About a week later that breast started to be symptomatic of mastitis. I treated as I mentioned above. It passed for two weeks, then came back. I treated it for a second time for about 5-6 days, it passed and then I stopped treating it. After a week of the second episode it’s back again. I only have bella donna and Phytolacca on hand…my question is, can I take the homeopathics for longer than until symptoms subside? It keeps coming back and I’m not sure what else to do! Thank you!
We use homeopathic medicines until the condition is gone. This might mean a day or a week or even months.
I just used this protocol with smashing success! Thank you Josette for these amazing articles. I absolutely love that I can trust your site to help me heal my family and myself ❤️??
You bet!
HELLO. Thank you so much for this article. I read it from my phone and am unable to access the number. I would like to schedule a consultation.
Our office # is 561.537.5900.
Clarification please: could you please give an example of intergrating the Hepar Sulph into the protocol? It seems that in one sentence you say only take it twice daily but in the next it says to take it half way between dosing the other remedy.
So, if you are dosing Belladonna every 3 hrs would it be:
9amBell 1030amHepSul 12pmBell 130pmHepSul 3pmBell 430pmHepSul 6pmBell 730pmHepSul 9pmBell
So it seems, yes!
But only twice daily! So eg. 1030 in the morning and 730 in the evening.
I have the exact same question myself! Have you tried the schedule and had success?
I am taking phytolacca 30 for last 3 days once(4 drops in 2 tsp water) in empty stomach at morning . Today i found some yellow colour thick milk is coming out with the milk. I want to know that is it safe for the baby? How long i need to continue the dose?
First, I assume you’ve been taking Phytolacca for a present infection and that it was halted once the infection was aborted. Secondly, I urge you to see your healthcare provider to learn more about your symptoms.
Hi Joette, I’m a new mom with a 7 week old son. Since week 2 I’ve been dealing with clogged milk ducts. I have them at least 3 times a week and it’s taking a huge toll on my experience breast feeding. Every time I get one I do a warm compress and feed my son as much as possible. Sometimes he can get them out and sometimes I just have to wait and they seem to get better after 24 hours. I am taking 4600 mg of sunflower lecithin a day. Do you have any other recommendations for me? Every lactation consultant and mom I talk to finds it very strange that I get them so often. I haven’t had mastitis. Thanks for your help.
You might want to get my CD titled Baby Grande where I discuss this condition. I disagree that this is an uncommon condition; I find it to be quite common.
Do you find the reoccurring clogs to be common? I am getting them at least 3 times per week.
Regardless of how often it occurs, it remains the same condition.
Hello Joette! I feel so blessed to have stumbled across your website and this thread. I too have had this exact similar experience. I’m currently nursing my second and dealing with re-occurring clogged ducts for the past 3 months (started when she was 2 months old). I get them every 23-48 hours. Seems like the moment I clear one, the other breast gets one. I’ve been able to clear them within 24 hours so no mastitisI also dealt with this with my first but around 6 months they just disappeared. I’m so desperate for some help. My naturopath, LC, google you name it hasn’t been able to help. I am going to look into you baby grande CD. I hope I will find some answers in there.
Hello Macy! I have this exact same condition. Re-occurring clogged milk ducts. My baby is 5 months and they’ve been going on since she was 2 months. Have you found any help? Could you locate the Baby Grande CD she mentioned? I cannot find it on this website.
Hi Joette!
I have a question. I very much believe I have mastitis due to the pain I have while nursing in one central location. However, the worst part of it all are the body aches and headache that seem to be accompanied with it. I’ve current had two doses of the belladonna, I do not have access to the Phytolacca quickly. My pain in the breast have improved but what can I do for the body aches and headache? I’ve been continuing to drink as much as I can, a bath helped but obviously can’t hang out there all day.
Do you have any other suggestions for the flu like symptoms if the belladonna is not helping these particular symptoms?
Thank you so much. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge.
Hi Joette!
I have a question. I very much believe I have mastitis due to the pain I have while nursing in one central location. However, the worst part of it all are the body aches and headache that seem to be accompanied with it. I’ve current had two doses of the belladonna, I do not have access to the Phytolacca quickly. My pain in the breast have improved but what can I do for the body aches and headache? I’ve been continuing to drink as much as I can, a bath helped but obviously can’t hang out there all day.
Do you have any other suggestions for the flu like symptoms if the belladonna is not helping these particular symptoms?
Thank you so much. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge.
Hepar sulph is usually readily available depending on where you live.
Hepar sulph is often more readily available depending on where you live.
Hepar sulph is often more readily available depending on where you live.
You mention if belladonna is not working after 5 doses, something Stronger is needed. What is that? I have a plugged duct and used for 6 doses and then switched to belladonna. These have helped me in the past, but don’t seem to be helping now. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a plugged duct. I’m using he brand featured in your picture (little blue bottle) and it says 3x daily, but I just realized I’ve had it 5x in 24hrs!! So I came to your page to see if I could find any additional info. Thank you
There are a few to choose from. You would be benefitted by taking my online course titled “Feminopathy” where I go into greater detail with specific protocols for many female conditions including infected or plugged ducts.
Thank you for this! truly a lifesaver. Was coming down with Mastitis with my 3 week-old and thought that I should look to your blog to see if you had any advice for it. Of course you did! My fever broke after 24 hours and am feeling much better and know I am on the mend. VERY thankful for homeopathy and this wasn’t something that “needed” antibiotics, as I know I would have been told.
Thank you for this post! I have recently had 5 bouts of mastitis in 6 months with my third baby. Only had it once between my first two babies. Every occurrence it’s quick to get high fevers body aches feeling like the flu x10. I never really get a warming with a clogged duct it always hits so fast and I don’t really have time to take anything before I’m in bed for days.
Would the treatment protocol benefit someone with recurrent issues if it was taken as a prophylactic course? Like the doses once a week or every couple days? It’s so debilitating and I am constantly worried I’m going to get it. it would be nice to think I could prevent it somehow!
Thank you!
Thank you so much for this. Can you suggest a remedy for a very old blocked milk duct? After feeding my last baby for three years I found a lump in one breast and after a biopsy was told it was ‘just a blocked milk duct’. Trouble is that was 15 years ago and it is still there!! Occasionally it is a little sore but mostly I don’t notice it however recently I have been getting stabbing pain in the nipple and occasionally a very painful armpit. Would love some advice about which remedy to use for this. Thanks!
Also curious about this, thank you!
My question also involves pain in the armpit area.
Thermography scans have shown inflammation but results have been ‘at low risk.’ Currently, the ‘armpit’ pain is in the ‘breast’ area, yet that actual area in the thermogram scan is blue/purple. Ultrasounds have not raised any concerns.
My question is, since the use of practical homeopathy is guided by symptoms, and I am speaking of pain in the breast area, would remedies for breast pain be the place to start?