Homeopathy Useful for Motion Sickness

Summertime brings family vacations and with them often comes motion sickness, whether the travel is by car, plane, bus, train or boat.  Over the counter medications often cause drowsiness, affect cognitive function and can interfere with other medications.  Homeopathy offers safe alternatives that address the discomfort of the symptoms and often avert them.  Doses of the chosen remedy may be given every twenty to thirty minutes for up to three doses for severe symptoms.  If the symptoms are relieved, use the remedy only if symptoms return.  If there is no relief after 15 minutes of the third dose of a remedy, try a different one.

Nux Vomica is a commonly used remedy that may fit many of the symptoms of motion sickness.  Nausea seems constant with a severe headache.  Sometimes there may be a ringing in the ears.

If motion sickness symptoms don’t point to any one remedy, Cocculus is the recommended remedy to try.  It addresses the common symptoms of dizziness, vomiting and nausea.  The person feels better lying down and craves quiet.  The smell, sight or even the thought of food often make nausea worse.

Petroleum will be useful for the person who gets nauseas and dizzy from riding in a boat or car.  There may be much salivating, he becomes pale and faint, and breaks out in a cold sweat.  There may be a headache and eating often relieves an uncomfortable, sometimes painful, sensation in the stomach.

Tobacum should be considered for one who exhibits symptoms of extremely intense nausea and suffers from severe vomiting made worse from movement.  There is cold perspiration and he is pale and cold. Symptoms are better in open air with closed eyes.

If you or a loved one is troubled with motion sickness, give homeopathy a try for safe and effective relief.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice.  The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.

5 thoughts on “Homeopathy Useful for Motion Sickness”

  1. Reading #’s 6 and 7 is a good reminder, especially in Buffalo’s winter. A little outdoor exercise beats the winter’s blues and somehow, the winter seems less formidable, too : )

  2. Amanda Gentilcore

    Such a great list and eminently doable. Thank you for compiling it! Homeopathy is a fascinating blend of art, science and good old common sense! How does one find raw dairy in the area (Erie County) — and is it legal to sell it here?

    I’ll be a regular follower of your blog from now on. 🙂

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