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Don’t Accept Less in Your Quest for Genuine Health

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

October 29th, 2013  |  14 Comments


2013-10-29 13.55.56My husband and I recently contracted to have some work done to the outside of our house. Winter is just around the corner, and several places on the roof needed repair.

The contractor came that first day, sun shining, full crew and eager to start, but they did not finish. After that first day, they never returned, despite the fact that the job was incomplete. We paid them a large portion of the agreement at the end of that first day and haven’t seen them since. Paying without completion of work was probably the problem, but that’s the subject of another story.

As I write this, it’s day 18 (but who’s counting?) after the project began, and the last little bit that will complete the roof repair remains elusively incomplete. I am beginning to accept that the work may never get done. I’m already past the stage of being angry with the contractor. I’ve begun to creep into the “oh-well-I-guess-I-have-to-learn-to-live-with-it-as-it-is” stage.

How many times have you had to lower your expectations? Accept that there is no other alternative but to acquiesce?

Unfortunately, I suppose it may very well be a valid outcome for those that routinely accept governance by our situation, particularly when it comes to our health.

But for you and me, lowered expectations is the least rational response I can think of. It only makes sense if you wish to surrender control of your life to circumstances. This is a fundamental choice that belongs exclusively to us.

Likewise, we flounder in the wake of a trend where the GI tract has been disturbed by drugs of commerce to a steroidal level. I call it the post-modern medicine syndrome: we are in a post-antibiotic, post-birth control pill, post-steroid, post-health phase of human health. Two generations have now suffered in this climate of drug-induced illness, which actually has a name. It’s called iatrogenic disease.

I know that for many of you this information is not new. Many are working to achieve that seemingly elusive genuine health. I know because it makes up probably 95% of the clients/students with whom I work on a day-to-day basis.

Granted some circumstances may very well make it harder to finish that goal and reach a state of genuine health.

Indeed, I experienced long-term chronic illness in the form of food allergies, chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue, headaches, anxiety and asthma and, as a child, severe eczema. And early on, I figured it had something to do with what I was eating, but oh, how long it took to get answers.

My sad little diet left me with only eight foods that I could safely eat, and that list was shrinking instead of growing. I foolishly took an over-the-counter drug called 222s (mostly codeine) for the headaches and fatigue — daily! And plenty of antibiotics and such.

That was back in the early 1980s, and it took me years to figure all this out, but I worked on cracking the code as though my life depended on it — because it did! I actually felt I had no other choice.

And now as a mother, I can proudly say I have raised my three boys to adulthood without a single antibiotic or Tylenol.

So, you may be standing at a crossroad. Do you accept a life of lowered expectations of health? Do you assume that you ought to eliminate even more foods and situations from your and your family’s diet and life? Do you tighten the screws so that there’s no room for opportunities and normalcy in your family’s life because of ill health? Of course not! This fundamental choice belongs to you.

Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride, founder of the GAPS diet, reports that more than foods need to be adjusted, more than enzymes taken for life. She advises that homeopathy should also be utilized in order to find the satisfying cadence and an end to gastrointestinal and associated ills.

So, if you are serious about your desire to finish the project, complete that last niggly percent of ill health that remains despite your nutrition efforts, and instead return to genuine health, you need to equip yourself. You need the tools that I have personally employed to avoid accepting a life of lowered expectations. You’ll need the specific homeopathic protocols to get rid of a compromised lifestyle.

Should this be your goal, my newest, live, online webinar course will give you specific homeopathic remedies … not the usual constitutionally based paradigm, but honed in, razor-sharp protocols that I have been teaching to my clients one on one. I’ll share the exact remedies that I learned via my own experience of allergies gone wild, plus those that I learned from the world-famous Banerji Protocols.

I know of no other guide like this one. Take a serious look at my extended message and watch this informative short video, Good Gut, Bad Gut: A Homeopathic Strategy to Uproot Seemingly Unrelated Illness in Body and Mind.

I’m excited about teaching you this. I hope you take advantage of this life-changing course.


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


14 thoughts on “Don’t Accept Less in Your Quest for Genuine Health”

  1. Joy says:

    Joette, First I thank you for all the information that you share. You have been a huge help. I will admit I have always been skeptical of homeopathy until my chronic urinary tract infection flared up again after several years of no symptoms. I went to my usual D-Mannose, but this time it did not budge. (as a side – I refuse to go to a doctor or take otc drugs). I searched your information and found a suggestion for Sarsaparilla since it most closely matched my symptoms. The moment it started to dissolve under my tongue, a miracle occurred. My body has never reacted so positively so quickly. Now I am a believer. The key is to match the treatment with the symptoms – not always easy. I would love to join this course, but I am 69 and on limited income. You are so worth the price, but I cannot afford it. Thankfully, I am blessed with good health and very few problems. I hope lots of people join, especially those taking care of families. God Bless you and thanks again for all your information and posts.

  2. chuck says:

    Can’t wait to learn this stuff. Only wish my wife was on board…

  3. Edith says:

    I can’t wait!!!!

    This course is going to help my family tremendously, I’m sure.

  4. Dina says:

    Homeopathy seems to have eliminated some of my family members food intolerances, I wonder if it could help with my child’s pickiness and fussy eating? He has such a limited variety of things that he’ll eat.

    1. As much as pickiness seems psychological, it is instead, a gastro intestinal issue and is a part of the course that i’ll be teaching. one of my sons had this problem which was resolved with the correct remedy that was chosen not only for that reason, but for respiratory allergies and frequent colds and such. so i hope you’ll join us.

    2. Dina, see my response to the next comment where i fleshed out your question a little further. should you be interested in speaking to my assistant or me to be certain this is the right course for you, pls feel free to call my office. 716.941.1045 and we’ll be happy to more fully describe the course.

  5. Kristy says:

    Hi! I am wondering if you will at all cover cold issues that develop in response to food sensitivity. My family did 6 months GAPS and has been on a WAP diet for years, but we still have some gut issues that sometimes result in tummy issues, sleep problems and irritability – but very often with congestion, clogged ears…etc. I am very interested in this course but it is very expensive for my family and something I hate to spend the money on if I am not left at the end with the tools to deal with my family’s specific symptoms. By the end should I feel equipped to deal with the things our family is facing? Knowing what I should expect by the end of it would be very helpful in determining whether or not to invest in the course. Thank you!!

    1. Frequent colds, allergies, such as respiratory and skin issues, (eczema, etc.) are all related to food intollerances but more importantly an underlying inheritance. The epithelial cells in the body are often interchangeable in their responses to allergens and they reside in only 3 locales: the gastro intestinal tract, the respiratory tract and the skin. So if someone has an allergic constitution and they eat or are exposed to an allergen the response will present in any one of those three areas. Additionally, the gut is linked closely to brain function , so we often see triggers there as well. That’s why we observe that the wrong food = a reaction in any of these areas. I will expound on this and offer the homeopathic solution.It is a fascinating piece of human health treatment and resolution that will offer in most cases remarkable results. I’ve yet to find an allergist who sees even a small aspect of this because the solution is exclusively homeopathic.

      1. Kristy says:

        Thank you for your reply :). I am trying to decide between taking this course and NAET therapy. I am very drawn to homeopathy though, and your response is helpful.

  6. gary says:

    Great article!

  7. Shana Tova says:

    In our state, the contractor would have to make it right or lose licensing.
    I’d contact this website:
    and see if there’s a mitigation process for consumers in NYC. (If I remember right… if I’m off on the location, there should be something governing contracting wherever you are)

  8. Thanks for your concern. The roofer returned and completed the work shortly after i wrote this!

  9. Sue says:


    Would sooooo have loved to take your course, but due to some real financial difficulties in our family at this time, I could never afford the course fees! Trying to keep our home is more of a priority for us these days. But when I first read your article and watched the video, I was so excited that maybe there was finally an answer to my issues, which sounded exactly like the same issues you had gone through! My doctors are totally stumped and constantly contradicting each other. They really do not do anything but “treat the symptoms” anyway, or tell me to relax, as it is all in my head! I am getting more and more frustrated, and just so sick of feeling bad and tired all the time! Well, good luck with your seminar. I know it will be successful. But if you ever put the info into a book or maybe a compilation of the seminar notes, please let me know. Thank-you! Sue

  10. Claudia C. says:

    I too have had ongoing gut issues for my entire life and have now had to eliminate an entire food group(grains). I have used Homeopathy for years and know it works! Your course sounds like it’s just what I need, but like the others, financially it’s not going to happen, now or ever. I do hope that you put this info in print form at some point. Books happen in my world on occasion, and I would save up for it. I love your blog and site and have learned many new treatments with Homeopathy! Thank you so much for your generous sharing of knowledge!

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