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A Better Medicine for Shingles

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

October 16th, 2016  |  112 Comments




Last week, I wrote about the Chicken Pox and explained that by contracting the illness, children develop a lifelong immunity to the Varicella virus.

But with the advent of the Chicken Pox vaccine, which was introduced in the early 90s, incidences of this common childhood disease have declined significantly. Interestingly, over recent years and months, the percentage of Shingles developing in adults has increased.

Odd coincidence?

I don’t think it's a coincidence at all.

It has been suggested by immunology experts that because adults are no longer tending to children who have the Chicken Pox (since most children are being vaccinated against it), adults are not getting a natural immunity “boost” against the Varicella (or Herpes) Zoster virus.

This means it is possible that an adult’s susceptibility to developing Shingles increases by not having been exposed to a child with Chicken Pox.  

I have taken several calls from adults requesting information on how homeopathy can help ease the suffering associated with Shingles.

As it turns out, one of my staff members offered a recent story of her mother-in-law's experience with Shingles.

The condition initially began as a “sensation” on her back. At first, she thought it was simply an irritation from her undergarments. That is until it spread and was no longer a mild feeling, but an excruciating, stabbing pain.

After diagnosing her with Shingles, the doctor wrote up some prescriptions but let her know that even while taking the drugs, she may still suffer from the pain associated with the virus for up to a year.

A year.

So if the drugs don’t cure the condition and allow the disease to carry on for a year, what exactly do they accomplish?

Not knowing what else to do, she got the scripts filled. But before taking them, she noticed a warning on one of the bottles.

It said that anyone taking the medicine should wear a bracelet warning people about the particular drug they were taking.

This alarmed her.

Ya think?

*I urge anyone who considers taking any drug to inform themselves of the potential side-effects. Given the availability of the internet, there is really no excuse not to take this critical step.*

Hoping for a better solution, this mom called her daughter-in-law, who has been taking my courses and using homeopathy for some years now, to get some advice.

Correctly, her daughter-in-law’s primary concern was to be sure she hadn’t started taking any of the drugs yet.

This is important.

Often, homeopathy can work in spite of allopathic drugs, but not so well when it comes to Shingles.

It is my experience that if drugs are begun, homeopathy’s ability to clear the case is hampered.

If someone has Shingles, and they start taking conventional drugs prescribed for it, then realize said drugs are not helping enough so they switch to homeopathic medicines, homeopathy does not work as well. It takes a lot longer.

It may offer some help, but not with the same alacrity and thoroughness as when only homeopathy has been applied.

Need I remind you that the pain of Shingles can be relentless and maddening?

Because mom hadn’t started the drugs, her daughter-in-law quickly headed over with her homeopathy kit.

She had learned in my Good Gut, Bad Gut course that the Banerji Protocol for Shingles is Antimonium crud 6C, (Apply the discount coupon code “Joette” at check-out for an additional 20% off!taken every three hours. Had there been a fever present, she would have given her Belladonna 6C every 3 hours until the fever was resolved.

There was no fever, so they skipped this step.

The next remedy that was given was Hypericum 200 for her acute pain. She took it every hour when the pain was extreme; twice a day when it was manageable.

My staff member checked back in with her mother-in-law after a few days. The pain was still there, but it was less intense. It continued to decrease and after about two and a half weeks, she reported that her pain was barely noticeable.

A month later, and it was only a memory.

Pain-free without warning labels. What a concept!


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


112 thoughts on “A Better Medicine for Shingles”

  1. I found a protocol online as follows: Ranunculus bulbosus, Rhus tox, iris versicolor, arsencum album, clematis erectus, apis mellifica, mezereum. now each is specific. I was told I waited too long to get a shot that is available (which I would have opted not to have a shot) so this is what I took. I don’t know if it helped. I got the shingles in early June and they subsided by the end of July as far as I can remember. The pain may have lasted a a few more weeks. I had a terrible time sleeping at one point and for that my doctor did prescribe temazepam. the homeopathic sleep remedyies do not work for me. i have a sleep problem. So, what to you think about these homeopathics for shingles?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      1st let me address the insomnia condition. Its not likely that homeopathics don’t work for you. Its much more likely that its pilot error. That is, the medicine/s chosen was/are incorrect.

      As for the list of homeopathics that mention, the answer is yes, they too can be used for shingles.

      1. Saskia Davis says:

        I have chronic, systemic herpes zoster (Shingles.) My first outbreak was in 1967 when not much was known, so that was 3 weeks of naked torture followed by months of stabbing internal nerve pain.
        However, since then, it has become known that the Herpes Virus goes dormant in the presence of a high L Lysine, low arginine environment. It is not as much about the amount of each ,but the ratio to each other. My doctor prescribed 500 mg of Llysine and 1000 mg of vitamin C every two hours. Once the outbreak subsides, Llysine 500mg twice a day. Abstain from simple sugars and high arginine foods: coffee, chocolate, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds and Brussels sprouts. In addition, he had an herbalist make up a tincture of white willow, California poppy, passion flower, hops and valerian to control the pain. It is highly effective. With this regime, the outbreak can be comfortably and largely contained within a few days to a week. Obviously I can’t make this claim for everyone, but it has been true for everyone with whom I’ve shared the protocol. California poppy can be constipating, so there is the need to be conscious of bowel management. Valerian makes me too sleepy in the daytime, so now, I have it left out of the recipe. I have also found apis mel 30c can help with the pain .

        1. Dulcie says:

          Thanks this is very helpful!!!

  2. Pam Davison says:

    I just found homeopathy 2 weeks ago. My husband had shingles 7years ago and did take the typical meds. His blisters subsided within 2weeks but he has been in severe pain since. The pat on the back, the brush of the bed sheets cause excruciating pain. Can anything be done to help with his pain ?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      It would require a consultation with a seasoned homeopath.

  3. Karen Kuhn says:

    Thank you Joette! I had shingles almost two years ago, and unfortunately, I was in so much pain, and didn’t know anything different, so I went with the allopathic doctor and prescriptions. I did experience PHP for about six months before it finally went away. However, my question regards if I get the shingles again, can one mix essential oils (such as ravintsara, geranium, and tea tree, and lavender) along with the homeopathic protocol you suggest, or would the essential oils interfere? I also took 1000 mg L-lysine 3 times daily during those six months, and still take 2,000 mg per day as a preventative.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      You may certainly use essential oils along with homeopathy as long as you stay away from the aromatics in very strong concentration; particularly camphor, menthol and mint.

  4. Marla Morgan says:

    This protocol worked for us! About 5 weeks ago, my 13-year-old daughter had a rash we were perplexed by. I posted a picture in a Facebook homeopathy group (Homeopathic Mamas), and started getting clarification that we were dealing with shingles. She had the CP vaccine when she was 12 months old, and developed a mild case after the vaccine (I remember the mild pustules and fever, and I’m sure I gave her many doses of Tylenol). Reassurance from my fellow like-minded mamas gave me the confidence to treat her homeopathically and not rush her to the doctor. She never had a fever and took the Ant Crud, and Hypericum as needed. Days 4-7 were the worst for her (mainly with sleep since they were on her left side), but she pushed through those days and then it was downhill from there.

    So, so thankful for homeopathy, and so thankful we didn’t further suppress this virus!

    1. Kathy says:

      way to go, brave Mama!! I remember the first time I dealt with strep with my kids, and was scared to NOT go to the dr, but resisted, treated them naturally and have never looked back.
      The beauty of homeopathy is that often, it actually cures… medicine never does!

  5. Mary says:

    And not a whole year. Bravo!

  6. Michele Zuidema says:

    I believe that I am struggling with this right now. I am prone to cold sores and Impetigo and since last Wednesday I have been having excruciating pain along the right side of my head from the eyebrow to the base of my neck. I am very familiar with the nerve pain that this has. My question is where do I find these products and what specifically do I take. I have 2-3 small open sores on top of my head and I am trying to avoid getting any on my face. I am taking 2000mg of Lysine 4 times a day and just Tylenol for the pain. Any directions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Michele

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Click on the name of the medicine in the article and it will take you to Amazon or BOiron. The directions are printed on the bottle.

    2. Tina Toburen says:

      I find the Boiron brand of the remedies at the local “hippie” vitamin shoppe (The Vitamin Shoppe, or Supper Supplements, for example), or Whole Foods (or similar ‘organic’ market).

      1. Kathy says:

        if you watch Swanson Vitamins (sign up for their email, you get notice) you can get all the brand name homeo’s at big discounts periodically. I buy 3-4 at a time when on sale. I will never run out of nux or ‘my’ constitutional!

  7. Marie says:

    This is off topic and just asking in the general sense – could homeopathy work alongside Wellbutrin? Or even as means to stop taking it?

    1. Tiffany says:

      Not sure what the Wellbutrin is treating, but if it is for depression, yes, homeopathy can treat that! I have seen depression be completely uprooted by homeopathy first-hand,and it is truly amazing! Be careful about stopping it cold turkey, but you can take homeopathy alongside allopathic drugs, as they have no drug interactions, then when you start noticing improvements, you can ask your doctor about coming off the meds all together! Good luck!

      1. Marie says:

        Tiffany thank you! I am a new student learning everything I can!

      2. Katie Hering says:

        What did you take for depression? The Banerji protocol?

  8. Kim says:

    Can homeopathy treat anti phosphorus lipids I take warfarin for this?/

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I have witnessed it while working in India.

  9. Karen Kuhn says:

    This question is a bit off topic, but somewhat related to the root problem of nerves: Can you address neuropathy pain and related trigeminal nerve pain? I am non-diabetic, but both deceased parents and siblings also have it (also non-diabetic). My worst area is the bottom of my feet–feels like I am walking on nails, very painful. Turmeric helps, but causes other side-effects if I take it in high enough quantity to help. Are there homeopathic formulas for neuropathy/nerve pain that you would suggest?

    1. Tiffany says:

      Karen, I recommend you look into Spigelia anthelmia. Google that with the words “materia medica”

    2. sahmpaw says:

      Have you tried Hypericum? That is a good place to start. I had trigeminal neuralgia in my face for 2 years. It ended up being a strep infection. I saw a homeopath to get better. And did.

  10. Ava Philippus says:

    Thank you for this information. Very interesting.

  11. Traudl Wöhlke says:

    I wish you were right with your recommendations for Shingles. It did no work for me, and the remaining neuralgic pain is very annoying. Meanwhile I found an interesting information in the textbooks of our ancient homeopath G. H. G. Jahr. He says that Arsenicum was the only remedy which has cured Shingles and the pain within 10 days. I sure wish I had found this right in the beginning of the outbreak, now after 5 weeks following the Banerji protocols, I am still suffering from pain, Hypericum does not help at all.

  12. sahmpaw says:

    I am dosing Ant Crud 6C to my 6 year old daughter and her two lesions aren’t going away. About how much time do we give it? I am going to start Hypericum today because she is starting to get some pain. No fever or anything.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Your 6 year old daughter has shingles?

      1. sahmpaw says:

        I think so. I haven’t had a doctor’s diagnosis but these patches look exactly like the ones in the picture above. Could it be something else? She says they itch and are slightly painful.

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          A diagnosis is called for before using medicine. As a heads up…shingles don’t itch; more likely molluscum contagiosum.

          1. sahmpaw says:

            Ok, thank you for the heads up. We will get a diagnosis.

          2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

            Remember, homeopathy is not supplements, essential oils, herbs or such that could be taken regardless of the diagnosis. We must be more precise with it or else it can cause problems.

          3. sahmpaw says:

            We had a consult with a doctor over the phone and they think it sounds like ringworm. Any Banerji protocol for ringworm?

          4. Jodie says:

            My shingles (15 years ago) was excruciatingly itchy on the first day. The next day the pustules broke out and began to ooze. It was no longer itchy at that point. I had nerve pain for many years, but just on occasion. It was on my face. Wish I had known about homeopathy for this back then! I’ll be ready if it happens again

          5. Janice DeFonda says:

            Joette, I disagree with the “shingles don’t itch”. I’ve had shingles periodically for over 20 years and they DO ITCH!!! Usually as the blisters are healing.

  13. Rocky says:

    I have read your article on Genital Herpes-very, very informative. I tested positive for herpes and it has showed up orally. Do you have an article specifically for oral H, or could I use the one given for genital H? Thank-you so much/R

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      The protocol is specific for shingles.

  14. T says:

    I got shingles 10 months ago and was in horrible pain for over a month and I still have pain daily see days worse than other. Every time I try to get off the Valcicliver I start to get the rash again. Any suggestions I really want to get off the medicine and be pain free. By the way I just heard you on the lyme summit and loved the talk.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      This condition is not always an easy one to get a grip on without the help of a professional homeopath. The best I can do on this forum is to offer the 1st steps.

  15. Iryna Biehland says:

    Oh, my poor mother (70) got shingles too! It wrapped her body on the breast/chest level. Crises is past (though she didn’t react to it right away) but the pain is present. It’s been 3 months already.
    She was prescribed heavy painkillers, but she doesn’t like taking them. Takes them only at night, so she could sleep.
    Dear Joette, do you think Hypericum 200 would work for her?
    Thank you,

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I can’t say with certainty, but the cost of a bottle of this medicine is about $12.

  16. Melanie D says:

    I currently have shingle’s. The rash is about 10 days old with some active blisters still. My health food store didn’t have Antimonium crud 6c, so I got the 12c. How does that change how often I should take it? Also, they only had Hypericum 30c, not 200. So does that just mean I should take it more often?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I have no experience using those potencies for shingles so I can’t say, but I’d use what you’ve got, order the other potencies and replace them at that time. Meanwhile, it’s generally adhered to in homeopathy to use the medicines as needed. This means that as symptoms arise, dosing commences.

  17. deborah says:

    How often with the ant crud 6, once a day? twice a day?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Pls read the article carefully. Its all there.

  18. Lori says:

    My 14 year old son was just diagnosed via bloodwork for shingles. I have started him on the remedies listed above (without belladonna, as no fever). We have done remedies for 2 days. How long do I use these with shingles before trying other remedies? He is in a lot of pain and is missing school for this. Thank you.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      We use medicine for as long as its needed. It’s no longer needed when the condition is no longer presenting. I wouldn’t give school a thought…this is an opportunity to bond.

  19. Marlies says:

    3 years ago my husband came down with what we thought was shingles, but it turned out to be much worse: bolous phempigoid. He has red irritated splotches that itch like crazy. He is on predinson to keep it bearable. Would the shingles homepathic remedies help?
    I created a essential oil blend that helps, but not when he has flare ups.

  20. Sarah says:

    I was diagnosed with shingles this week. Being relatively new to homeopathy, all I have on hand are Arsenicum Album and Thuja, so I began following the Banerji protocol for those second line remedies. My Ant Crud 6c should be arriving soon. Do I switch to that and follow the protocol or continue with the others? Thanks for all you do Joette.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      If you’re experiencing improvement, stay with what you’ve chosen. If not, start with anew.

  21. Gail Odegaard says:

    I had shingles for 8 weeks starting late September. It is gone now as is the pain. I took care of it with EO, and pain meds. I will order the remedies mentioned and am wondering if there are any remedies I can use to prevent a reoccurence.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      When homeopathics act on present conditions, they help lessen the change of a return of the condition or at least potentially minimize the intensity.

  22. Linda Tyrie says:

    Having had chickenpox does NOT make you immune to Shingles. Shingles is caused by the same virus that lingers in your body from having had chickenpox.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      You’re correct. It should have read: “Last week, I wrote about the Chicken Pox and explained that by contracting the illness, children develop a lifelong immunity to Chicken Pox.”

      1. Sarah W says:

        It is not entirely true that having Chicken Pox once gives lifelong immunity. It is unusual but possible to have Chicken Pox more than once. It happened to me [once as a child and again 30 years later] and was confimed by an immunologist. Naturally, the second time I took Varicella 30.

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          Yes, outlying cases for every condition exist.

  23. Carolyn z says:

    Hi Joette my mom was diagnosed with shingles 6wks ago hypericum is helping her but she has intense itching and burning (I know you mention that shingles shouldn’t itch…) now I’m confused. My kids got chicken pox two wks after she was diagnosed with shingles so I believe it is shingles that she Has. What could I add for itch? Thank you in advance for anything you can share. Carolyn

  24. ectodoobie says:

    I stumbled on this article on twitter. I do not have shingles but I have a recurring tinea versicolor rash that has come and gone for years. This year while having applied kinesiology done I was told that my rash was showing an association with both chicken pox and tick born illness. I had chicken pox as a child naturally before the varicella vaccine. Would my circumstance require a different protocol? I have no idea where to begin looking up which homeopaths bests fit my condition.

    *I have also read from Medical Medium that lyme is not really associated from ticks and that those symptoms can be associated with many other viral infections, including chicken pox/shingles.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Its a different protocol for TV.

      1. Dawn Schmitt says:

        what is the protocol for TInea?

  25. Beverly says:

    I’m a month tomorrow of shingles. I have extreme pain. Hypericum 200 for pain is what I understand. Is this right ? I’m 66 years old and I’m exhausted from this pain !!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Read the article carefully as the answers are all there.

  26. Pam says:

    My husband is planning on getting the shingles vaccine:( Is there a remedy I can give him to offset any side effects, or do I wait until the side effects start showing?


    Pam Hayes

  27. Diane says:

    I used Variolinum, 200 c, for post-herpetic neuralgia. It was the only solution to the hot-burning pain in my behind and going down my legs. Thank goodness something worked.

    1. Michelle says:

      I thought it was just me, but the pain I get feels like my muscles are on fire for 7-10 days each time!! I will give this a try, thanks for posting!

  28. Tracy Raddigan says:

    I am a little confused. In the article you say to use 6c but the link takes you to a 30c product. As you respond to other questions about potency you say to be specific to your recommendations. Is it a typo in the link? Have you changed your recommendations? Or has Boiron substituted a product unbeknownst to you?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Often we’re limited as to what is available online via the manufacturing pharmacies. If you’re a student or client of mine you’re able to get the exact potencies from OHM. Otherwise, we use what’s available.

      Additionally, in this case, it’s not as critical to follow exactly.

  29. Proya says:

    My mother who is 60 years is suffering from PHN after for a month now. She had herpes attack a month back on the left side of neck. She is taking allopathy medicines (anticonvulsants) but no effect so far.

    Can she take homeopathic medicine along with anticonvulsants like Gabapin

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I have never seen problems using homeopathics in tandem with conventional drugs.

  30. Lindsay J Vanschoick says:

    I wanted to share my shingles story. I am 65 years old and am raising my twin grandchildren a boy and a girl.

    I had an itch behind my ear which turned i to a horrendous pain. Sores in the area started to appear. When I starting having the same symptoms in the opposite side. I realised it was shingles. I immediatly ramped up my vit c to 2000 mg per day 500 4 times, elderberry syrup evrry 3 hours and garlic (a lot, capsules , roasted). ACV on ghe sores 3 times a day. Within 3 days my pain had decresed significanyly. Within 10 days my sores were gone and the pain reduced even more. Within two weeks no more pain.

    1. Michelle says:

      Awesome, I would not have thought to try ACV as I would have expected it to burn, but doing a test patch might be prudent. Thank you for posting this!

  31. Julia says:

    We have a bit of a controversy on the family front. My mother in law had nasty shingles and thus completely blurred the vision in one eye and doctors says not returning to normal. Now some family members think she should get a shingles vaccine. The girls say no. Would homeopathic help her eye or is it a done deal?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I rarely say that homeopathy has no ability for a condition. My mentor and friend, Dr. Prasanta Banerji turned to me many a time and said: “Homeopathy has a history of curing all illnesses but not necessarily all people with those illnesses.”

  32. Janice Burlet says:

    Can Variolinum be used when the shingles are being treated with conventional meds? Will it help with the nerve pain? Thank you for responding. This is the 3rd time in 11 years that my husband contracted shingles this being the worst outbreak for nerve pain, the sore are drying up. He is a kidney transplant (21 yrs now) He is scheduled for 3 more skin cancer surgeries in September 2019, he had one done 3 weeks ago. These are all on his head….he is 79 yrs now and has compromised immunity on kidney meds(to keep the transplant). This is so complicating but he has come through a lot in 21 yrs…blessing God he is still with me.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Any homeopathic medicine may be used along with synthetic drugs.
      Variolinum is not a pain-reliever but a correcting medicine.

      1. Janice Burlet says:

        Thank you for responding Joette! He is not breaking out now but has the horrible ongoing nerve pain and we are trying to get off the tylenol, ibuprofen and Lidocaine patch conventional medicine prescribed…ugh!! Can we go back now to adding in the homeopathics for pain you mention in the above blog? so very frustrating but doctors freak when he comes down with something….and I get weary myself. Love your website and blog and bless you for all you do…….jan b

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          One problem is that once conventional meds are employed it makes it more difficult to uproot the condition. Having said this, homeopathy may be employed at any time alongside synthetic drugs, or without them.

          1. September says:

            Hi Joette,
            Before I read you post I took 1 pill of Valacyclovir (conventional). What do you suggest? Should I stop taking and switch now, or am I too late? I developed along left side pelvis about 3 days ago, then on top of left leg. No fever. Some back pain, not excruciating. Headache.

          2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

            I can’t advise you of what to do but I can say that we often use a homeopathic in spite of or alongside a conventional drug.

  33. Pamela says:

    Would you mind posting a remedy card for this? I like to download your cards so I can have them for an easy off-line reference on my computer. Thank you for ALL the QUALITY information you freely share with all of us. You are making a difference!

    Also, is there a way you could add the feature to your comments that notifies us when you (or someone else) responds? I certainly don’t want to miss your reply!

  34. Polyanna Nunes da Silva says:

    Can I take the homeopathic medicine for shingles while breastfeeding?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Homeopathy is used for newborns, children, adults, pregnant women, nursing women, the elderly, pets, livestock.

  35. Mimi says:

    Hi Joette, I’m so glad I found you!! I contracted shingles seven weeks ago, they were triggered by a burn on my feet. The shingles are located on my left buttock, exterior labia and internally through my vagina. The post herpetic neuralgia is still very present, the nerve pain from my burnt feet is also very present, the labia pain is maddening, please help me!

  36. Zarine Sajjad says:

    Hi Joette…I used to get shingles near my lips but from the past few months I have not got it ..so can I still take Antimonium crud or should I take when I’m having the problem? Thank you…God bless you.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I teach that in general, we treat conditions as they appear if they’re infrequent and daily if they are chronic.

  37. yasmin says:


    what about Ebstein Barr? It is in the Herpes family. Would you also recommend Antimonium?
    and what for skin changes ( dark spots)?


    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      This is specific for Herpes, not Epstein Barr.

      1. yasmin says:

        Oh ok I understand. What would you recommend for Ebstein Barr?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

          Epstein Barr is not a specific disease. It only identifies the microorganism that is present. It doesn’t reveal what the condition is.
          The questions that must be asked are: Is there chronic fatigue? Is there a hidden, chronic dental infection from old extractions or root canals? (This is v. common with those who present with Epstein-Barr and other co-infections.) Is there fibromyalgia? etc.,etc.

          Should you be interested, I cover infections, co-infections and how to use homeopathy for them in my online course “Antibiotic Alternative”.

  38. Ellen Sparks says:

    I spoke to a consultant who called from your office today. She told me to look for the recipe card for shingles, but I can’t locate it. Help?

  39. Evelyn says:

    My husband had shingles last year, and with antimonium crud 6c and hypericum 200, he did marvelously. I had read to avoid putting lotion on the rash to avoid post-shingles neuralgia. While he had gone to the dr for a dx, he did not take the meds prescribed for him. Thank you for the homeopathic alternative.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      You bet!

  40. Sandy says:

    On the article A Better Medicine for Shingles – the links are not working and when I do a search on biron -there are different kinds with different letters. I have had shingles with lots of pain for many months 10 mos. Is it possible to get exactly what you suggested? My Naturalpath chose not to use your RX. It has come back now for two months but strange red scabby rash that started small then grew in size. I can’t seem to put anything on that. I would love to make sure I don’t get back and get rid of what I have now. nothing can touch area without nerve endings freaking out. It has been over a year with this stuff. I hope you can help with the links and more if necessary – consultation if not too much? Thank you for your time.
    PS I got shingles and no one would see me so no early intervention but lots of terrible pain for most of the year.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Instead of counting on links, particularly older ones, simply go to the sites and find the rems directly.

      1. Sandy says:

        Hi Thank you so much for your Reply!!!! Is Hypericum 200 the same as Boiron Hypericum Perforatum 200CK or 200 c? Perforatum and the letters throw me off? Is this the right one?
        One more thing:
        Last year, I had big pains for over 8 months and lingering sensitivity to touch that finally decreased. However, this year same time, I started getting a new little rash and a month later grew to big red scabby inflamed spots and intense skin sensitivity increased. Suggestions? I really appreciate what you do to help support using Homeopathy. Hugs,

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

          I can’t urge you enough to own or at least refer to a materia medica. Your questions will be answered with the knowledge you gain by referencing that book. Having said this, to answer your questions they’re the same.
          Your 2nd question is not something I can make suggestions for.

          1. Sandy says:

            Thank you for your kindness, time and reply. Big HUGs, Sandy

        2. Bert says:

          I have something similar. I got shingles in Feb. of 2022 on my face. It went away and I just get a little nerve pain there if I get angry. However, now in late Oct. 2022 I started to get a little rash in the areas where I got shingles and they are becoming redder. They don’t hurt. Just dry and red. I want to think it is my body detoxifying and using the ‘new’ skin to send the toxic stuff out. I really hope it doesn’t turn into shingles. I doubt it will because it is a slow rash that has been there for about 3 weeks now

  41. Juan David Vieco Gomez says:

    Hi Joette, I am in Lima, Peru at the moment and I found a Homeopathic center that also manufacture their own medicines. I have shingles and while I ordered from OHM, I went and bought Ant Crude but the potency is a bit different, instead of 6C, the label it 7CH, I am taking it until the medicine from USA arrives. My question is if that potency differs a lot from the 6C?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      C and CH are essentially the same but the difference between 6c and 7c might be enough of a difference that it may or may not be as effective. However, I always say when dealing with acute conditions “Use what you’ve got until you can get what you need.”

  42. Mary Goodman says:

    I am on my 3rd bout of shingles. (at ages 32, 43, 44). I came down with SHINGLES (MARCH 5, 2020) Here are the remedies I used.
    – Hypericum 200 for pain
    – Antimonium CRUD 6, 4xday until it goes away
    – L-Lysine
    – Vitamin C (2000mg / day recommended but I was taking 10,000mg – 15,000mg/day and it was very effective)
    – Garlic (eaten)
    – ACV topically 3xday

    The Antimonium Crud 6 was the most effective at dealing with the shingles, which went away after about 4 weeks. I it seemed like I was starting to have a proving from the Ant Crud so I lessened the frequency, but that made the shingles also linger. I believe it was fully gone by June, though.

    I had a natural immunity to chicken pox (my mom put me near any outbreak she could find when I was a kid) but then they injected me with the vaccine when I was 18 and I got it and still have issues 25 years later.

    Thank you Joette for this remedy. The treatments mentioned above were researched from the Internet. I am a layperson but I have been studying natural medicine for over 25 years (I stopped trusting mainstrem med after the injection).

  43. Evelyn Will says:

    My husband developed shingles about 2 years ago. After getting a diagnosis I convinced him to let me treat him with ant.crud 6 and hypericum 200. He felt immediate relief from the painful itchy sensation. After a few days he didn’t need the hypericum.
    He healed beautifully without side effects.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Homeopathy: the bee’s knees!

  44. Debbie says:

    I had read that when one has chicken pox they should take nat phos 6x 1x per day (not sure how long) to keep the virus from re-emerging later as shingles. Was it one of your articles?

    If one took #9-6x after an occurrence of shingles would it still help the body to deal with the virus so that it isn’t an issue again?

  45. Olympia says:

    Does one continue the shingles protocol until all shingles lesions are completely healed and no longer visible?

    Thank you for all you do Joette (and for your team as well)!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      We use homeopathic medicines until symptoms are abated.

      1. Olympia says:

        Thank you!

  46. Sally Wain says:

    Just a slight caution: having chickenpox as a child does not necessarily give lifelong protection. I had chickenpox when I was 11, badly enough to have a few pockmarks still, and I again contracted chickenpox in my 50s. It really was chickenpox! A friend is a GP who contacted another friend who is a virologist who said it’s rare but very possible. I only discovered homeopathy when my eldest was 2 years old but when he and his sister got chickenpox at 6 and 2 I naturally gave them Varicella. As a result son had hundreds of pustules but no itching and daughter had a bit of itching and only about about 10 pustules. Hopefully they are now protected against shingles in later life as a result of taking the Varicella.

  47. Jeanne says:

    If I may share my experiences with shingles.
    Left side of left breast.
    I covered the area with a piece of folded cotton sheet that I took out of the rag bag to make a pad out of.
    I put my bra on and laid the pad over the area and left it alone for 8 days. To shower I kept my bra on and after the shower I changed the pad and the bra and left it alone again. I didn’t scratch or bother it and it barely bothered me. I took L-lysine. With in 10 days the rash thankfully was entirely gone. I am happy to read of Homeopathic remedies that can be applied.

  48. Aliss says:

    Hubby felt ill with worsening nerve pain on right side last week and I guessed shingles. Dr. diagnosed it as that. He got very anxious and could not sleep at all due to pain and itching. He was too skeptical and crabby to take regular dosing but I got Ant crud 6 and Hypericum 200, then Ars alb 200 into him not quite often enough, but which did alleviate it somewhat. When blisters formed I gave Merc sol 30 and kept trying to dose regularly with Hypericum and Ant crud. But for the worrywart panic I tried Ignatia, Gelsemium, Passiflora, Coffea crud doses for the anxiety (separately, far apart) and couldn’t dent it. His BP went way up which scared him. Anyway he opted for Rx valacyclovir but I think the homeopathics have already worked. When blisters have scabbed I will give Thuja.

  49. Raven Kasprzak says:

    My husband developed a rash and I posted a picture and many people told me it looked like shingles. So he has had this rash for about a week now. He has a doctor appointment tomorrow.
    so maybe we will find out just what it is. But I just started him on the antimuonium crud 6c for 3 times a day and for pain the hypericum 30c because that’s what I have. So I will post after the doctor sees him etc. thanks for all the awesome information.

  50. Simone says:

    Can I use any of the homeopathic remedies recommended for shingles while pregnant?
    I’m in my second trimester with shingles.

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