4. Pesticides: How to Antidote Poisonous Toxins With Homeopathy Series

Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy®, 4. Pesticides: How to Antidote Poisonous Toxins With Homeopathy Series

Let’s continue our series on antidoting poisonous toxins with homeopathy, shall we? This week, we’re discussing a toxin whose removal became a cause close to my heart decades ago back in Buffalo: pesticides.

In 1988, without warning, the city sprayed our neighborhood’s elm trees with a billowing cloud of noxious pesticide. I shared a deeply personal aspect of this story with my Mighty Members in Memo #216. (If you’re a Mighty Member, you can search for that Memo in the archives on your member dashboard.* If you’re not yet a member, I encourage you to consider joining us for our more candid conversations.)

Don’t mess with a mom.

That was the day I became an anti-pesticide activist and started a movement: Mothers and Others for Pesticide Alternatives. Initially, I was the only member, but that didn’t stop me. I initiated a campaign in Buffalo, New York, to eliminate herbicides and insecticides on public greenspaces. I met with the CEOs of organizations, presidients of  the lovcal universities, met with the mayor and city council members, was featured in the local newspaper and on the local news over the 7 years I and fought for my principles.

After years, my efforts paid off. My campaign resulted in Buffalo becoming the first U.S. city to take a stand — via the city council — against harmful pesticides in public spaces by halting all spraying of public lawns, including school grounds, parks and hospital lawns.

Believe it or not, almost to a one, the groundskeepers trying to shut my efforts down would defend their pro-chemical stance with, “It’s just dust!”

Oh, nay, nay, my friends. Pesticides are far from innocuous dust. If you don’t believe me, read my article, Pesticides: The Steep Price of Perfection.

Pesticides are toxic chemicals.

Years ago, one of my students had a kitten who played on a neighbor’s lawn. Unbeknownst to her, the grass had been treated with toxic lawn chemicals. By the way, nearly all lawn chemicals are toxic.

Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy®, 4. Pesticides: How to Antidote Poisonous Toxins With Homeopathy Series

Within hours after her fun time rolling around on the grass, the kitty was restless and bumping into furniture, taking sips of milk followed by diarrhea. Suddenly, he collapsed on the floor, shivering with cold. To my student, it appeared as though her charge was in a coma.

This was a classic indication of pesticide poisoning … and also for the use of Arsenicum album 30C, twice daily until very much better. Given the severity of symptoms in this case, it would have been prudent to give it every 15 minutes for the first hour until improvement ensued. However, as my student reported, only one dose was needed.

The keynotes of homeopathic Arsenicum are restlessness, frequent sips of water alternating with extreme fatigue and/or collapse, particularly after a bout of diarrhea. There’s also coldness and disorientation, particularly after exposure to a poison. 

My student remembered the indicators of this vital remedy, and the cat began improving within minutes of the first dose being administered.

The vet was gobsmacked, saying that most kittens don’t survive pesticide poisoning when the symptoms are that severe. At best, she told the owner, it would normally take weeks before a poisoned cat recovered, if at all.

My student reported to our class that it took only six hours before the cat was back to his kittenish play!

Arsenicum album is a remedy that wears many hats. It will uproot sensitivity to other chemicals, as well. As I mentioned in last week’s blog post, Paint Fumes: How to Antidote Poisonous Toxins With Homeopathy Series, Arsenicum would be a first consideration for adverse reactions from paint fumes as well as other exposures, particularly if these keynotes of Arsenicum are present.

Its action can sometimes be seen within a few minutes, and then its long-term action can often be witnessed weeks and months later.

Read more about homeopathic medicines for pesticide exposure in my blog, 3 Homeopathic Remedies for Pesticide Exposure.

Then, don’t be afraid to express your preference for living toxin-free. I just added this sign to my son’s yard earlier this week.

Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy®, 4. Pesticides: How to Antidote Poisonous Toxins With Homeopathy Series

Learn as much as you can.

Like anything worthwhile in life, there are no magic shortcuts to learning homeopathy. Granted, Practical Homeopathy® is much more accessible and easier to understand than the more enigmatic classical homeopathy, which can require years for a student to become moderately proficient.

Understanding the methodology behind utilizing homeopathy to antidote a poison or toxin is equally important as knowing which condition-specific homeopathic medicine to consider.

Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy®, 4. Pesticides: How to Antidote Poisonous Toxins With Homeopathy Series

So, as you collect this information on antidoting toxins, don’t forget to read the introduction and background information I previously provided. Learn how to administer homeopathic medicine, set your expectations and even when (and how) to go to the Emergency Room. These are essential details for any case.

You’ve got this!

My friends, I don’t want you paralyzed with fear over the toxin du jour. Certainly, avoidance of poisonous chemicals is advisable. But if you happen to walk past a treated lawn, there’s no need to send up a flare and call 911! No, we have homeopathy; we have autonomy; we have health freedom. So, Stop Stressing About Toxins, and learn what medicines to have on hand for peace of mind.

I have created an infographic entitled “Toxins Don’t Scare Me Anymore.” Click here to download it — for free. Put it on your refrigerator to remind you there is a solution.

Homeopathy is often able to address the issue at hand. So, pass on the good news of Practical Homeopathy®!


Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy®

*You must be logged into your Mighty Member account for protected links to take you directly to your Memo to Mighty Members dashboard.

P.S.  My course, “Rethinking Detox with Practical Homeopathy®: How to Stop Stressing About Toxins and Fearlessly Achieve Health the Simple Way,” is designed to teach you my methods for addressing ailments arising from toxicity the safe, gentle, side-effect-free way.

Learn this now, and you’ll know how to avoid the costly quagmire of detox detours, as well as the medical conveyor belt of pharmaceutical “solutions.”

And remember — all my Mighties (Joette’s Mighty Members) qualify for a 10% discount on course purchases. If you need assistance getting your discount, email [email protected] for more information.

Weakness-diarrhea-restless-anxiety-fear 12-26-21

9 thoughts on “4. Pesticides: How to Antidote Poisonous Toxins With Homeopathy Series”

  1. It’s been 6 months since my beloved dog Alfie passed away after a long battle with bladder cancer – cancer he wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for the vanity and ignorance of humans. I still cry every day from helplessness and anger. I fought for him so hard… Ii deeply despise conventional pHarma system and of course my beautiful boy was treated only with homeopathy for most of his life. He didn’t make 3 months to his sweet 16. Pesticides poisoned him.

    I hope these dumb zombies who insist on poisoning our environment never have to live watching their beloved innocent children die slowly in front of them while peeing blood, changing diapers every 2 hours around the clock just because clover and dandelions are an eye sore to them!

  2. My 6 yr old Westie dog, already a survivor (via transitionting to raw diet and homeopathy) from vaccinosis at 6 mos., was with me on a trip and exposed, unbeknownst to me, to some chemical lawn treatment (unposted). Within days he was restless, off his food (a big deal for a raw eater) and had diarrhea. I wasn’t sure what was going on but assumed it would pass. I was very new to homeopathy (only via my practitioner, who was in another place) and had growing concerns. When I finally got back to my home I found out my dog had hepatitis (more like liver failure) from trying to fight off these chemicals. With homeopathy and a liver-recovery diet (Dr. Jean Dodds, DVM) he slowly recovered.
    I have no doubt that I would have lost him without homeopathy, a strengthened immune system from raw feeding, and this liver-recovery diet. He lived a good number of years more.
    Sadly, he died from a burst internal (and unseen) tumor, which I have always assumed was a result of chemical lawn treatment.
    Be careful out there, folks…. keep them off suspect lawns!!!

  3. I once started a 2-year-long campaign against an asphalt plant near a residential neighborhood. I, too, met with all of the politicians, CEOs, local universities, and the media.

    I was shocked to learn that I was ruffling feathers. People were more worried about what my campaign was doing to their equity than they were about the health and safety of their families.

    The asphalt plant cleaned up their act, but I was forever ostracized. 😔

  4. barbara potter

    my niece put her pet on the lawn to ‘graze’. some months later her guinea pig wasted away and died. the lawn was perfect. no weeds to be seen. she lived in a complex which sprayed for weeds…..ha!

  5. barbara potter

    my dogs chiropractor lived across the road from a farmer. while I was there I saw the farmer spraying his crop ( right across the road). the chiropractor said he had just gotten done with being seen for cancer in his nose. during COVID. weakened his heart and he died within the year….

  6. My neighbors on all sides use toxic chemicals to treat their grass and my kids play in their yards. Can nat mur 6x be given daily throughout the spring and summer as prevention for any harmful effects?

  7. Ellen Stevenson

    Someone who had no idea I had just come home for a walk at a local park sent this to me. I had presumed for some time since the lawns are a composit of wild plants aka weeks, that the City probably didn’t spray poison on them. Today we saw signs indicating they had just sprayed.

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