3. Paint Fumes: How to Antidote Poisonous Toxins With Homeopathy Series

Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy®, Paint Fumes: How to Antidote Poisonous Toxins With Homeopathy Series

Nothing can revive a home or office more than a fresh coat of paint. However, paint fumes can cause miserable and often deleterious side effects.

Because oil-based paints contain chemicals such as benzene, formaldehyde and toluene, their fumes can adversely affect almost anyone and cause serious health issues over time.

Granted, water-based paints and acrylics are generally less aggravating. While they may not emit the same level of dangerous fumes that cause health problems, even the smell of water-based paint can be problematic for sensitive people.

How toxic can paint fumes be?

The symptoms of paint fume poisoning can be:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Irritation of the eyes, nose and throat
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Coughing
  • Lightheadedness
  • Allergic skin reactions
  • Fatigue
  • Memory loss
  • Long-term health problems, such as liver and kidney damage, cancer and respiratory problems

Looking at that list, I realize why the first four letters of the word paint are “pain.” It should serve as a good reminder to adequately consider the pain and illness that toxic paint fumes can cause.

Protection from direct inhalation of the fumes is undoubtedly the best avenue. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” as they say. But what if you can’t avoid exposure? That’s when homeopathy comes into play.

But first things first …

Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy®, Paint Fumes: How to Antidote Poisonous Toxins With Homeopathy Series

If you missed the introductory post in this series, “How to Antidote Poisonous Toxins With Homeopathy,” I strongly urge you to read it now. The background information I provided will enhance your understanding as you proceed with the rest of this series.

Understanding the methodology behind using homeopathy to antidote a poison or toxin is equally important as knowing which condition-specific homeopathic medicine to consider.

A case of toxic paint fumes

In my practice years ago, a chemically sensitive woman (we’ll call her Martha) in her 50s came to me complaining that she became weak, cold and anxious anytime she was exposed to the smell of fresh paint. She could detect fresh paint many months after it had been applied.

Martha had developed extreme sensitivities. She could identify paint fumes long past the time others could.

I found Arsenicum album to be effective in this case. Martha chose to employ Arsenicum album 30 once or twice each day (depending on the severity of her symptoms) until she felt very much better. Over a period of many months, indeed, the previously weakened Martha grew stronger and less sensitive.

Granted she might not consider a new career as a painter, but she no longer reacts adversely if she happens to come across a freshly painted room. She can live her life with freedom.

Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy®, Paint Fumes: How to Antidote Poisonous Toxins With Homeopathy Series

Rethinking Detox

Protocols for other poisons and toxins are provided in my course, Rethinking Detox with Practical Homeopathy®: How to Stop Stressing About Toxins and Fearlessly Achieve Health the Simple Way. By learning about this gentle, efficacious, and time-tested medicine, you can give yourself and your family the freedom to cope with a toxic world.

And remember — all my Mighties (Joette’s Mighty Members) qualify for a 10% discount on course purchases.

Pass on the good news of Practical Homeopathy®!


Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy®

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Heartburn, Reflux, Indigestion

6 thoughts on “3. Paint Fumes: How to Antidote Poisonous Toxins With Homeopathy Series”

  1. What would you suggest for long term paint fume inhalation that’s affecting the brain? Say, someone who works painting cars for a living, and is the type to just accept toxins in our world, doesn’t wear a respirator like they “should” etc, lol anything?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

      We use either the diagnoses or the symptoms. That is, if someone experiences anxiety, we use the protocol for anxiety, regardless of whether the etiology is a response to fumes, poor diet, or a stressful life.

    2. Tell a person who won’t wear a respirator and is exposed long term to paint fumes to follow a person with cirrhosis or one on the liver transplant list around for a few days and they might change their mind. They might think they are invincible, but possibly more damage is being done to their body than they realize. Even today homeopathy and modern medicine can only do so much especially if problems are not caught in time.

  2. Hello, Joette
    How about laundry soap smell? It really makes me gag. I do not wash my cloth with it but the person who lives near by does and it is unavoidable for me. Could arsenicum work for that too?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

      The way to know if a particular homeopathic medicine covers the condition you’re experiencing, go to your materia medica and read up on it.
      If gagging is listed, it may be useful.
      Having said that, I’ve covered “gagging” homeopathic medicines. Key in “joetteCalabreseGagging” and read up on the medicine I discuss.

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