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Best Remedies for Seniors

Aging is a natural process that occurs very slowly over many years. As a person ages, cell multiplication slows, and some cells may begin to function incorrectly.

A healthy lifestyle can slow the progression of these changes, but when additional aid is needed, homeopathy can help an aging person maintain health and vitality and deal successfully with the challenges of aging.

Classical homeopathy strives to find a single remedy that addresses the majority of the symptoms of a disease. In dealing with the problems of aging, however, a combination of remedies or single remedies given in series may be necessary to address the widespread symptoms of aging.

In general, these remedies should be taken in low potency (6C, 12C, 30X or 30C) and repeated 2-4 times per day, depending on the severity of the symptoms. Stop taking the remedy as soon as improvement is seen. The remedy can be repeated if symptoms return. If no improvement is seen after 3 days, the remedy should be discontinued, and another remedy selected.

How to Handle and Administer Remedies

If the remedies are handled properly, they will last indefinitely. Remedies made twenty years ago are just as effective as those made today! But they do need to be handled properly.

First, keep remedies away from heat by following a simple rule: If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your remedies. Second, keep your homeopathic remedies away from electro-magnetic fields, such as the microwave, computer and VCR and from strong odors from essential oils and cleaning products. I like to store mine in my linen closet.how to administer a remedy

Because our skin may have odors from perfume, soaps or lotions that could antidote the remedy, it’s preferable to simply count the pills out into the cap (4 pills equals 1 dose in my practice) and avoid handling them. Once you’ve counted out the proper amount of pills, toss them directly into the mouth and allow them to dissolve.

Pills that land on the floor should not be returned to the bottle. If the floor is clean enough and if you wish, the pill can be administered immediately. Otherwise, simply discard it.

It is best to offer a remedy when the mouth is clean. Although I find remedies work well even when given in soup, I discourage this practice because the food may have a strong substance as an ingredient that could antidote the remedy. For example, mint ice cream can render the remedy useless. It won’t cause harm; it simply may not work.

Other substances besides mint that might antidote the value of the remedy are camphor, tea tree oil, menthol, strong chemical smells such as fresh paint, Clorox, and certain strong-smelling soaps. If any of these are present while taking the remedy, it may or may not mean that the remedy won’t work. It depends on the person’s sensitivities to these things as well as the amount of inhalation and ingestion that occurred.

A final warning: Don’t transfer remedies into bottles that have held other remedies unless you boil the bottle for at least ten minutes.

Although the size of the pill may vary depending upon the pharmacy, for an adult or older child, 4 pills make up 1 dose. (For a small child or toddler, 3 pills are adequate, and an infant can be given 2 pills.)

The pills also come in different densities. Lactose (milk sugar) tablets are common, as are sucrose (cane remedy sizessugar) tablets. Some remedies are made of sucrose and covered in lactose. Usually, the lactose tablets dissolve readily, while the other variety is a bit harder and slower to break down. Both types are fine, and they are equally efficacious.

Though many pills are made with milk sugars, people with dairy intolerances generally are not affected by them. However, for those with extreme sensitivities, many pharmacies produce remedies in alcohol form. In the meantime, a professional homeopath can work with you to select remedies that have been known to address such food intolerances.

Besides administering the remedy by the above method (4 dry pills equal 1 dose for each administration), homeopathic remedies can also be administered in aqueous solution, a method used by Samuel Hahnemann and homeopathic doctors in hospitals throughout the world. It can be very useful for those who are sensitive to lactose pills.

In a clean glass of 4 oz. of purified water, drop 1 dose (4 pills) of the appropriate remedy. Allow the pills to dissolve (remember, it may take longer if the pills are made of sucrose). After the pills have dissolved, give the solution a gentle stir. It is now ready to be used and one teaspoon of this solution is equivalent to 1 dose. Not only is the remedy diluted once again, but the lactose is also diluted further and may not cause any reaction when taken in this method. Additionally, it is also a frugal way to use remedies.

Remedies can be easily purchased from health food stores and some grocery stores and online.

Grief and Loss 

For crippling grief after the loss of a loved one, depression, severe disappointment or prolonged sadness, Ignatia amara 200 can help turn tragedy into triumph. This is the premiere remedy for grief, depression and mental anxiety. It can be taken twice daily for weeks if needed to restore a person’s mental attitude. When improvement sets in, the remedy should be stopped. If suffering returns, then it should be taken up again.  This is also a good choice for when emotions are too intensely felt or are all over the map.

Phosphoric acid is another remedy for grief and bereavement. The person who responds well to this remedy is often forgetful and apathetic with an overall sense of weakness in mind and body.

Natrum muriaticum may be helpful when a person experiences chronic grief or feels stuck, anxious and withdrawn. This person may spend much of his time dwelling in the past. If a person feels overwhelmed, and this feeling is beginning to make the person ill, Natrum muriaticum may help resolve those feelings.

Alzheimer’s Disease & Problems of the Mind

Deterioration of brain cells over time leads to memory loss and loss of cognitive abilities. Researchers in Finland and France have shown that homeopathic remedies can be effective in relieving the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and reducing the formation of amyloid plaques. The subjects in these studies showed enhanced learning abilities, improved memory performance and an increase in the ability to recognize objects.

Incorporating a high saturated fat diet can often help those suffering from problems of the mind. Taking 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil twice daily is a good way to be certain of incorporating this important nutrient.

Here are some of the more common remedies associated with Alzheimer’s disease and other mental issues of aging:

The first remedy to consider is Helleborus niger 30. This is the remedy most recommended by the renowned Banerji Clinic in India. Used twice daily for an extended period of time, this remedy has been known to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s symptoms.

The next most useful remedy is Hyoscyamus niger 6c used in the same fashion.        This should be considered only if no improvement is seen with Helleborus.

Anacardium 200, taken once every 2-3 days, is a remedy for those who believe their husband is not their husband. But in many cases, confusion over a person’s identity is enough to consider this choice.

Baryta carbonica may be helpful for those who are fearful, timid or shy or who have regressed to childish behavior. This person tends to avoid strangers, may be absent minded, confused or forgetful and may have difficulty making decisions. Baryta is helpful with memory loss, loss of confidence, mental weakness, dementia and chronic glandular disorders. Baryta has also been shown to delay the progress of aging, especially of brain cells and arteries, and fights hypertrophy of the prostate or testes.

Alumina may be helpful for those who are depressed and afraid of losing their minds. The person needing Alumina will be easily disoriented and have trouble remembering their own identity or recognizing others.

Ambra grisea is particularly indicated for the person who has experienced many bereavements and losses. They may be forgetful, confused, shy, anxious in company and easily embarrassed. They may prattle on and ask questions without waiting for answers.

Lycopodium is indicated for people who are irritable, anxious, depressed and worry about everything. These people may be sentimental and may cry when thanked. They also suffer from gassy stomach with poor appetite and crave sweets and chocolate. Terrible indigestion with bloating, frequent urination, prostate problems and rattling cough respond well to this remedy.

Carbo vegetabilis is indicated for sudden recurring memory loss and difficulty concentrating. This person experiences great apathy and may become rude and irritable. This remedy may also aid with indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea with severe bloating and a general feeling of mental and physical sluggishness.

Natrum sulphuricum can be helpful for those who become fixated with past hurts and unpleasant memories. The person may feel lonely and sad, be filled with self-pity or be unable to express love for others.

Arthritis & Ambulatory Problems

One of the most frustrating problems of aging is the lack of mobility caused by arthritis, stiffening or weakness of muscles and ligaments or problems in the spine.

Eliminating gluten products from the diet can often be the best way to relieve arthritis pain. If this proves to be fruitful after a few weeks of abstinence, then the remedy Bovista 200 should be taken daily for several months to help uproot the oversensitivity to gluten. This doesn’t mean that the intolerance to it will vanish right away, but it will allow for some enjoyment of gluten-laden foods from time to time without severe consequences. Until gluten intolerance can be properly determined, the following homeopathics will likely be of use. If they are used correctly and suffering remains, the solution may require working with a homeopath with years of experience.

Rhus tox is the classic solution for stiff, achy joints that are worse on first movement, like a rusty gate. The joints seem to stiffen with rest and are painful when rising, but the pain is relieved by continued movement. Rhus tox is also indicated for joints that become sore in cold, damp weather. This remedy can be used daily or even twice daily in a 30th potency, but for an intense flare up from overuse, the remedy can be used in a higher potency, such as 200C.

The Banerji protocol for arthritis is Symphytum 200 mixed with Rhus tox 30, taken twice daily.

For a bulging disc, herniated disc or back pain from over lifting: Symphytum 200C mixed with Calc phos 3X, twice daily, and then if there's pain add separately Hypericum perforatum 200C, twice daily.

Conium maculatum 30 or 200 is helpful for those experiencing difficulty with their gait, particularly weakness, trembling and sudden loss of strength while walking. This person may also exhibit mental depression, timidity, fear of being alone and inability to sustain mental efforts.

The cell salt Calc phos 6x or 30x is helpful for fighting osteoporosis and avoiding bone fractures. In this case, take Calc phos 30 once daily for one month.

Bryonia is often indicated for arthritis, particularly if the person is restless and wants to move, but every movement is painful. Holding or pressing against the painful body part may provide some relief. If these set of circumstances fit, Bryonia 30 or 200 can be taken twice daily.

Sleep Issues

As we age, we need fewer hours of sleep at night but may feel the need for short naps during the day. Insomnia may be caused by physical pain or some other ailment, and the best course of action in those cases is to deal directly with the pain.

Ignatia 200 promotes better sleep, especially for people dealing with grief, loss or anxiety.

Coffea cruda 200, made from the coffee plant, is a primary treatment for insomnia caused by a constantly active mind that will not let the body rest. This is an example of the homeopathic principle of “like cures like.” The symptoms we associate with drinking too much coffee are the symptoms best addressed by this remedy made from the coffee plant. This remedy is especially useful for someone whose mind is busy when it should be calm at bedtime. This remedy should be taken nightly a few hours after dinner for it to act fully.

Another favorite remedy to aid in achieving sleep is Arnica montana 30 taken right before bed. This is particularly helpful when soreness and aching in the body make it difficult for the person to fall asleep.

Gastrointestinal Complaints

Nux vomica is a premiere remedy for gastrointestinal problems, nausea and diarrhea, particularly when these problems are brought on by overindulgence or stress. Too many rich desserts or heavy foods, overindulging in alcohol or sweets or general overstimulation from social outings may leave a person feeling angry, quarrelsome, irritable and insensitive to the feelings of others. They are apt to easily find fault with others, but they themselves are extremely sensitive and easily hurt or insulted. Nux works to address these problems and provide relief from physical or mental anguish.

Common symptoms include heartburn, nausea, dry retching, gassiness and bloating. The person wishes he could just vomit to get it over with. Sometimes this comes to fruition, other times not. The same holds true for bowel movements. The person would feel better if only he could go, yet is only able to pass a small amount of stool.

Arsenicum album is the remedy to consider for food poisoning or when vomiting and diarrhea are relentless. The person may experience abdominal cramping and burning pain in the rectum. Although water is craved, drinking even the smallest amount will cause vomiting. Most of the symptoms appear after midnight, and the desire for company is profound. Bundling under the covers is common despite the fever that ensues. The person may be restless, with frequent changing of position, and may fear that the illness is fatal.

The person needing Sulphur has an issue with appetite; sometimes, there is a complete loss of appetite, while other times, the appetite is excessive. Food often tastes too salty, and the person desires sweets. The person may feel weak and faint around 11 a.m. if he’s hungry. Water can often satisfy the appetite. The abdomen is sensitive to pressure, with a sensation as though something in it is alive. Morning diarrhea drives this person out of bed, and he or she has a feeling of rawness or soreness somewhere in the gastrointestinal tract.

Veratrum album is the remedy to choose when the person experiences violent and voluminous diarrhea with vomiting, which may also be simultaneous. The stools are greenish in color and watery. This is accompanied by cramps in the abdomen, which are relieved by diarrhea. Motion aggravates these symptoms, so even walking can bring on a wave. The person is commonly chilly, weak, and very thirsty for cold water.

The person needing Aloe has an aversion to meat and experiences nausea with an accompanying headache. Flatulence after eating is common and so is pain around the navel that’s made worse with any pressure. The patient also experiences constipation, and stool passes with great effort.

China is used when the person vomits undigested food and  seems dehydrated. If the person is clearly dehydrated, it’s prudent to get him to the hospital for an IV. This is not a very invasive procedure and can be lifesaving. Meanwhile, China can be given to balance the sodium and water ratio in the body. A good test of dehydration is the pinch on the wrist test. If you gently pinch the wrist, and the skin doesn’t return promptly and fully within a second, the person may need this remedy. Other symptoms indicating the need for China include slow digestion and hunger and longing for food that stays undigested. Flatulence is common, especially after fruit. Simply put, the digestion is slow. The person sometimes complains of internal coldness and belching of bitter fluid with no relief.

The need for Phosphorus is often indicated by the amount of vomiting the person experiences. A great deal of vomiting and diarrhea that may present as involuntary stools may indicate a need for Phosphorus. Restlessness and a desire for large amounts of cold drinks are common, but as soon as the smallest amount of liquid settles in the stomach, it triggers vomiting once again. Arsenicum album also has this characteristic and is actually the first choice for this symptom.

Pulsatilla may be indicated for dietary imprudence. Too much ice cream or imitation fat can cause a Pulsatilla state. Even high-quality ice cream can cause this picture to emerge. Generally the symptoms are not too severe, but they often include heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, a stomach ache and a coated tongue. Although not particularly thirsty, the person may welcome cold drinks. The most important aspect of Pulsatilla is the emotional state. The person (most often a woman) is weepy and in need of attention and cuddling. The moment the attention is withheld, she becomes demanding and tearful again.

Of all the nausea and vomiting remedies, Ipecac is the one called for when dealing with the worst and most extreme nausea possible. Think of this remedy when these symptoms are relentless and when even vomiting offers no relief. Generally, the person is not very ill except for perhaps a fever and some weakness, but the vomiting is nearly non-stop. Pains may appear in the abdomen with lots of gas, and the stool may be green. Ipecac symptoms sometimes appear after excessive eating.

When motion causes digestive symptoms to worsen, then Bryonia is likely the remedy. Even the slightest head movement can instigate nausea or vomiting. Small amounts of liquid may also cause vomiting, as with the Arsenicum and Phosphorus pictures. The person may exert pressure on his abdomen with his hand to achieve a mild temporary relief. He may also desire to be still. Diarrhea, when present, occurs in the morning.

Podophyllum is not commonly found in remedy kits, but if a person is prone to diarrhea, it would be prudent to have this on hand in a 30th potency. Podophyllum is of immeasurable value during a bout of severe diarrhea. The stool is often liquid, and the diarrhea is often accompanied by a headache. Occasionally vomiting accompanies the diarrhea, but the critical aspect of this remedy is the voluminous amount of stool. This remedy has a reputation for usefulness in areas where dysentery is an issue.

Remedies for Colds, Coughs and Flu

In classical homeopathy, we generally choose remedies based upon the totality of symptoms, not the pathology. That being said, several manufacturers of homeopathic remedies have produced combination remedies, combining a number of remedies that address the most common symptoms of colds or flu. These can be quite effective and are worth keeping in your home for a quick response to cold and flu symptoms.

At the first sign of cold or flu symptoms, if you act within the first 12-24 hours, you may be able to abort or at least lessen the illness to a great degree. Keep the following remedies on hand and use the following flow chart to help you know how to administer them:

  • Aconitum 6x or 6c
  • Ammonium carbonicum 6x or 6c
  • Arsenicum album 6x or 6c
  • Mercurius sol 6x or 6c
  • Nux vomica 6x or 6c

Always stop administering the remedy when you start to see improvement.

flow chart

If the flu is rampant in your neighborhood, consider using a prophylactic against it. One of the best is Influenzinum 30. You can begin this approximately one month before flu season starts by giving four doses four times in one day Repeat this every week for one month. Stop when the threat is over.

This prophylactic is usually highly effective, but if you develop a fever or scratchy throat, take Oscillococcium (pronounced oh-sill-oh-cock-sign-um) every four hours for two to three days. This remedy is one of the most popular over-the-counter flu remedies sold in Europe and has a reputation for stopping an illness in its tracks or considerably shortening its duration.  This remedy is particularly effective for a cold or flu that comes on in cold, wet weather.

If you didn’t start the remedies in time or you chose incorrectly, and the cold lingers and lingers (lasting more than two weeks or so), consider the following remedies. (Note:  In all of the information I offer here, be sure that the symptoms are a true cold or flu. If the problem is an allergy, the remedies won’t help. It would seem that this is easy to decipher, but the two ailments are quite similar in presentation. If it’s indeed allergies, then contact your classical homeopath for constitutional work.)

One of the best little tricks I know is to use Sulphur 30 every 3-4 hours for 1-2 days. If at any time the cold seems to be much improved, then stop the remedy. If it returns a few days later, then resume using the remedy. However, don’t continue with it for any longer than 5 days.

Aconitum should be considered for a cold or flu that comes on suddenly and ferociously, especially when ushered in from exposure to cold. This can occur when a cold wind blows on an uncovered head in winter months. The old adage “stay covered or you’ll catch your death of cold” is wise advice. In fact, if caught at an early enough stage, Aconitum can abort subsequent pneumonia.

The person may experience anxiety because of the ferocity with which the illness presents. The eyes become sensitive to light, and the illness is, or at least feels, quite extreme. The fever may not be extreme, but a quite painful headache, watery nose and a dry cough will often present, especially a croupy cough.

Gelsemium colds and flu come on gradually with accompanying low energy for several days. The low energy is more like total exhaustion. The person is droopy and dragging, and this must be the predominant symptom for Gelsemium to work. Other indicating symptoms include a tickling in the back of the throat, runny nose with watery and irritating discharge, chills on the back and a headache just above the neck.

Bryonia is common for coughs, so if a cold moves to the chest, consider this remedy. The cough is dry, with spasms that are worse with deep breathing and after eating and drinking. Open air and warm water relieve the cough. The cough is painful, resulting in soreness throughout the body from retching. Pain from coughing can trigger an instinct to restrain the head or chest. The patient wants to breathe deeply, but the pain prevents this, producing short, panting breaths instead. There is little mucus, but what is there is yellow or bloody. The person is often thirsty and can’t find the right temperature. He will likely look sick with a dusky complexion and be irritable and want to be alone.

Rhus tox is the remedy for hoarseness where the voice is worse on first starting to speak and then becomes less of a problem as the day goes on. In a cold or flu, the person feels worse while still, and the headache, stomach ache, cough or hoarse voice improves with sustained movement. Often a cough will prevent sleep or is triggered by sleep, causing wakefulness. The throat is generally red and sometimes the tip of the tongue has a red triangle of color.

Eupatorium is renowned specifically for colds and flu and does not have much other application. Use this remedy for a runny nose with sneezing and hoarseness, and a cough with numbness in the chest. The cough may be so strong that the person feels he must support himself by holding his chest. The muscles and bones are sore.  The illness is generally worse at night and often presents with a loose cough.

Arsenicum is used for head colds and coughs as well as gastrointestinal problems.  The cold will be marked by a profuse watery and burning nasal discharge. The nose is runny but feels stuffed. Arsenicum is characterized by lots of sneezing that doesn’t bring relief. Over time, the mucus becomes thick and yellow and is accompanied by a dull headache in the forehead. Arsenicum is good for all kinds of coughs: throat or chest, loose or dry. Arsenicum sufferers feel worst at night, especially from midnight to 3 a.m. Being cold makes this person feel sicker, but warm drinks bring little relief to an Arsenicum sore throat. The throat and chest may burn, and application of warmth often comforts this sensation. Sometimes we see wheezing as part of the picture. Restlessness, particularly with anxiety, is common.

Belladonna is useful for fevers that are associated with cold, flu and coughs (see more about Belladonna in the Sore Throats section). The most prominent symptoms calling for Belladonna are high fever and extreme pain in the ears or head.

Allium cepa is made from onion and this remedy helps the symptoms you might think of from cutting a raw onion: clear, burning nasal discharge and eyes tearing with redness and burning. The person may feel worse in warm rooms in the evening and better in open air. Sometimes a tickling cough will develop that leads to a dry, painful cough.

Drosera is another remedy for cough. This cough is dry and croupy, with a barking, ringing sound. The cough may lead to heaving or vomiting. This remedy has been used for many decades for whooping cough. In that case, there’s a characteristic whoop or gasp at the end of the cough. The cough, as well as other symptoms, is made worse by lying down. Eating and drinking can cause renewed coughing fits.

Euphrasia symptoms include a non-irritating discharge from the nose that is worse in open air or when lying down. The cough is loose and not very deep, with lots of mucus. The cough is worse during the day and better at night.

The cell salt Ferrum phos (Ferr phos) can be helpful for those who are predisposed to colds. In this case, it can be employed as a prophylactic by taking it when around others who are sick. The best way to do this is by taking Ferr phos 6 every 4-6 hours until the threat is over. This remedy is useful in the first stage of an inflammatory illness. This is particularly effective for a short, painful, tickling cough or a hard, dry cough with a sore chest. Hoarseness is also common, and the cough is better at night.

Kali bichromium may be considered for the later stages of a cold, for a thick yellow stringy discharge that is so thick that it’s hard to blow the nose. Even crusty discharges in the nose are obstructive. Often there is pain in the sinus area, at the base of the nose or above an eyebrow. Remember this remedy any time a sinus infection is at hand. As the quintessential simple sinus infection remedy, start your search by considering Kali bichromium first.

Natrum muriaticum (Nat mur) may be helpful when a cold is ushered in by sneezing spells with lots of clear or white mucus. There may be a loss of taste and smell, so the person loses interest in eating. The mucus can sometimes be sticky and collect in the throat, and the mouth and nose may develop small blisters or sores, especially in the corners of the mouth, accompanied by cracked dry lips. The person may feel weepy and sad but rejects attention. That is, if you offer him consolation, he’ll pull away and clam up his emotions.

Phosphorus is good for a variety of coughs that include a dry, croupy cough as well as one that is loose and deep. Chest pain is common and is generally worse from movement, particularly when lying on the left side. There may be tightness or pain in the chest, and this may be triggered by lying on the left side. The person may have laryngitis.

Pulsatilla may be used when thick yellow or green mucus is present in a cough or cold. Most importantly, the person is likely to be weepy and crave affection and is made more comfortable when outside or with a fan blowing on her. A runny nose may alternate with congestion, and the runny nose is better in open air and worsened in a stuffy, warm room. Pulsatilla is good for dry and loose coughs; sometimes the cough ends in gagging. The cough is dry at night but loose during the day.

Spongia is one of the best remedies for a harsh, barky, dry cough. The cough of Spongia sounds like a saw grinding through wood. When drinking warm fluids and eating temporarily relieve the severity of the symptoms, it’s a call for Spongia.

Sore Throats

Sore throats are best handled by giving a dose of the correct remedy every 4-8 hours for 1-3 days until relief is obtained. Gargling with warm salt water is a good way to help keep the throat clean and move towards completion. Strep throat sounds threatening but is often quickly relieved in one to three days by sound homeopathic strategies.

Belladonna is the first remedy to consider with sore throat, particularly if the pain is intense. And if the pain has a sudden start, with fever and redness, then Belladonna is also likely to work. The redness can be seen on the cheeks as well as the throat or tonsils. But the throat color isn’t a soft red; rather, it’s an angry red. Similarly, the pain is an intense pain. The throat may be swollen but with little pus formation, which makes swallowing difficult and painful. Even liquids are excruciating to swallow. The throat can sometimes feel quite dry. This is your best remedy for a strep infection.

Hepar sulph is used when a sore throat is accompanied by severe infection in general.  The tonsils are often quite swollen and coated with pus. The nature of the pain is as if something is stuck in the throat, such as a piece of glass. The pain extends to the ears.

The person may be irritable and demanding and feel chilly. Warm drinks soothe the throat.

Arsenicum album is indicated for a sore throat with a great deal of chilliness in tandem with a fever. The person experiences great restlessness and anxiety that is so intense at times that exhausts the person. Then weakness ensues, with intense fears of being left alone. The throat pain is burning pain and is accompanied by chilliness with fever. Warm drinks are comforting, and cold drinks aggravate the pain.

When a sore throat comes on slowly over a period of days, consider Gelsemium. The characteristics associated with this remedy are chills up the back, a desire to be alone, and a hot body with cold hands and feet. The most important distinction is the person’s overall energy level. Gelsemium is needed when profound heaviness characterizes the condition and produces a dragging, drooping appearance that is extremely evident. Even the eyes droop with heaviness. The person wants to be left alone because even the slightest interaction is simply too much.

When the illness includes an aching body, fever, sore throat and swollen glands, consider Phytolacca. The throat is dark red or purple. The body aches cause restlessness, and it is difficult to get this person warm, even when well covered.

The cells salt Ferrum phos is very helpful to fight inflammation. A Ferrum phos sore throat is one in which the tonsils are red and swollen while the mouth is hot.

A Mercurius sore throat is characterized by fever and weakness with excessive saliva. Key symptoms include drooling (evidenced by a dampened pillow case or a need for increased swallowing), a puffy tongue, lots of mucus and a metallic taste. The person is also usually very sensitive to temperature, complaining if the room is too hot or too cold. Very much like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, nothing (in the way of temperature) is just right.

Other Remedies to Consider 

Carbo animalis may be helpful for older people who suffer from debilitating diseases that cause poor circulation and lowered vitality. Other symptoms addressed by this remedy include offensive secretions, distended veins, blue skin, ulcers on the skin, and in serious cases, gangrene and decomposition. This person may be sad, reflective and anxious at night, with a desire to be alone and avoid conversation.

Fluoricum acidum is indicated for goiter, bed sores, varicose veins and skin ulcerations. Unlike those helped by Carbo animalis, this person desires company and likes to talk but may avoid family members.

Selenium has been shown to have a marked effect on the genito-urinary system and may be helpful with prostrate problems and sexual atrophy. Other indicators include emaciation of the face, thighs and hands, loss of hair from all over the body, including the eyebrows, whiskers and genitals, overall debility and extreme sadness and melancholy.

Aging often brings a host of other symptoms, and many homeopathic remedies are available to help. If you or your loved ones are suffering from numerous symptoms of aging, the best recourse may be to consult with a professional homeopath who can help you navigate through an entire course of treatment designed to address individual needs.




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