
Joette Calabrese presents
JoetteCalabrese.com, where
mothers and others become empowered via homeopathy
Mid-June 2013 ~ Volume 5 Issue 6.5 ~ ISSN: 2152-4890

Fat Head

Dear Friends,

One of the hallmarks of homeopathy is its ability to treat each person as an individual. Here we have a little lesson in how to consider the traits of an individual in choosing a remedy.



A Homeopathic Perspective

Have you ever noticed that some babies have big heads while others have smaller ones? The ones with big heads are often babies who sweat on their heads and the back of their necks.

They are the content ones, happy to sit and amuse themselves for hours with less need to be entertained than other children. When these babies get sick, the illness is often accompanied by a high (over 104.5) fever.

Head size is a characteristic that can be valuable in determining a homeopathic remedy should the fat baby get sick with a fever, for example.

In homeopathy, we determine which remedy will do the best work by evaluating the symptoms as well as placing a good deal of emphasis on the pathology. Having both aspects to consider makes the remedy decision easier.

Although a large-headed baby can be considered within the range of normal, we regard the child's appearance as an indication for the use of Calcarea carb.

This is not to say that a large head is something to be concerned about; it is simply a description that aids us in remedy choice. More importantly, it is also not the only determining factor.

The illness is important as well.

We might also ask: What is the frequency of colds? Is this child hot or cold? Is there excessive perspiration? Are there food allergies?

All of these idiosyncrasies and illnesses make up the expression of the child that needs to be measured.

This is what makes homeopathy unique and effective. It views the person as well as the disease. Moreover, homeopathy is a medical format that, instead of covering up the symptoms, stimulates the body's ability to cure itself.

In the case of Charlie Brown, the remedy is likely to be Calcarea carb not only because he has a large head and perspires but also because his mother told us that he gets frequent colds.

A yearly visit from a cold is acceptable but every month is not. This would be reason enough to use this wonderful remedy every two days for a period of 1-3 months.

The net gain is often subtle and oh, so powerful. In other words, this remedy girds the child (or adult) so that colds and allergy symptoms become less trying and can even eliminate them altogether!

Homeopathy has been the choice of mothers throughout the world for the last 200 years. It is of particular value when treating common childhood illnesses.

Viewing the child as a whole can be useful to the success of treating homeopathically, but it’s not a fixed necessity.

Fat head or not, homeopathy can release someone from the tether of colds and allergies that have plagued the person for a lifetime.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider. 


We’re Reallocating Our Resources

In order to better manage our efforts to share the message about better health through homeopathy and nutrient-dense foods through our newsletter and blogs and still be able to bring you more new products and classes, we have decided to publish our newsletter only once per month, beginning in July.

We will continue to publish weekly blogs, and watch for information about our new course, “The Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy” coming later this year!



Interested in finding out if homeopathy is a fit for you and your family's health strategy?

Call 716-941-1045 or EMAIL us to set up a brief introductory appointment with Joette.

Events & Teleseminars

Read Joette’s Book Review

Joette reviews the book “The Solution: Homeoprophylaxis: The Vaccine Alternative” by Kate Birch and Cilla Whatcott in the June issue of Homeopathy 4 Everyone.

Check it out:

Want to Hire Joette to Speak?

With the successful keynote speech/lectures at the most recent NCH meeting behind us, we are getting more requests for Joette to speak. Contact us for more information if you would like Joette to speak to your organization or major event.

For more information:


Hear Joette speak in person:

How to Raise a Drug-Free Family
Weston A. Price Foundation 14th Annual Wise Traditions Conference
November 8-11, 2013 (Joette will speak on November 11)
Sheraton Downtown Atlanta Hotel
Atlanta, GA

For more information:

HOT Off the Press!

JoetteCalabrese.com's Newest Blog Post

Sixteen Reasons to Choose Homeopathy


                                    CalabreseLearning from the Birds

What a wonderful time of year! Babies are everywhere! These cheeping babies outside my door made me stop and ponder our role as parents.

Check it out:
Lessons in Parenting, Bird Style


Quote From Joette


                                    CalabreseEat Your Gelatin!

Gelatin is a great addition to a nutritious diet. It keeps bones and nails strong, joints supple and skin radiant. Drinking one teaspoon of gelatin in a cup of tea daily is a good practice. My favorite supplier of high-quality gelatin is Jensen’s.

For kids and those who don’t like tea, here’s a recipe that will help you get your gelatin in delicious fashion:

Ginger Coconut Mold (Monkey Mounds)

4 tablespoons gelatin (4 envelopes of plain gelatin)
3 cups of liquid, one cold and two heated. You can use milk, cream, coconut milk, freshly juiced carrot juice, apple juice or any quality liquid.
1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger
1/2 pint raw cream
1 teaspoon vanilla

Sprinkle the gelatin over cold juice or milk in a large bowl. Let it stand for one minute. Heat two cups of juice or milk, and before it comes to a boil, pour it over the cold fluid. Mix until the gelatin is dissolved.

Pour the mixture into a gelatin mold or pudding cups. Refrigerate for several hours. Using cold beaters, whip the cream in a cold bowl. This aids in the beating process. Add one teaspoon of vanilla and a dash of ginger.

Serve with a dollop of whipped cream on top and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Quote From Joette

" Self-assurance and poise come from not having fear. Fearlessness, or at least strength of resolve, comes from doing your homework. Then we don’t have to do just anything in order to feel we’ve done SOMETHING. It all fits together. "

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                                    CalabreseDon’t Get Spitting Mad!

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If you liked today's issue, you'll LOVE learning more about Joette's programs and services for those seeking robust health via homeopathy.  Joette offers a FREE audio CD, lots of FREE articles, a great blog, workshops, coaching, and other resources to help mothers (and interested fathers, too). Learn more now at our website and see more great products.


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About Joette


                                                CalabreseJoette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) instructs folks how to obtain and maintain authentic, vigorous health via homeopathy and sound nutrition by offering time-tested and scientific principles. She has become a trusted voice that is decidedly educated, experienced, and committed and has a following of discerning clients throughout the United States and abroad.

Please Note...

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette & her clients is not that of prescriber and patient, but of educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness, which is an educational process not a medical one. In order to be treated or diagnosed, Joette believes that the advice of a holistic physician is in order.


* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This e-zine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information in this e-zine should be used only after consulting with your doctor or other health care professional and should NOT be considered personalized health care advice. This is meant for educational purposes only. We hope you will educate yourself thoroughly.

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