
Joette Calabrese presents
JoetteCalabrese.com, where
mothers and others become empowered via homeopathy
Mid February 2013 ~ Volume 5 Issue 2.5 ~ ISSN: 2152-4890

What’s for Breakfast?

Dear Friend,

As the saying goes, “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” I’m not sure if that applies in all instances, but it certainly should apply to the way we eat. We would be wise to learn from the healthy and robust lives of our ancestors and imitate their eating styles today. And a good place to start is by starting your day off right!



Breakfast Then and Now

I once found a book in a used bookstore that I used to teach my boys English composition when I homeschooled them years ago. The book was printed in 1906. One of the lessons was to write a composition entitled “What I Ate for Breakfast.”

To get the students started, it offered an example of a well-written story, and it read something like this:

“Today, I had a glass of milk from Bessie after milking her this morning. It was still warm. I put a big chunk of butter and a pool of cream that Sissy collected and made this weekend on my cooked oats. I put a little honey from our bees on top, too. Mother collected eggs this morning, and I had one with my beef steak. I helped raise the beef cattle last spring from which the steak came.”

So that’s what a breakfast was like in the early 1900s!

No cold cereal!?

No 2% or soy milk!?

No orange juice from a box!?


Nothing but farm fresh, real, all-American foods. Foods full of nutrients, including plenty of healthy saturated fats and proteins to keep mind and body going strong all day long!

How did we get from beef steak and eggs to cold cereal and soy milk? The Industrial Revolution produced many modern “conveniences” designed to make our lives easier, including pre-processed and quick foods.

Unfortunately, to achieve that convenience, we lost vital nutrients in the processing, added preservatives, flavorings and other chemicals that our bodies do not know how to process, and introduced new forms of stress to our lives, resulting in bodies that crave nutrients and support that modern foods no longer provide.

In addition, new “health” studies, many of which have since been called into question, began to advocate that certain foods were harmful to our health, causing heart disease and cancer.

Take eggs, for example. They have been vilified to the point that some people no longer eat whole, healthy eggs, opting for the trendier egg whites. Yet, just this month, the British Medical Journal published a study showing that eating an egg a day does not raise your risk of coronary heart problems and may lower your risk of hemorrhagic stroke.

Despite these modern “improvements,” today we suffer from cancer, chronic diseases, food allergies, dental decay and mental illnesses that were largely unheard of in the 1900s.

Sally Fallon in her book Nourishing Traditions (1999, NewTrends Publishing) writes: “Modern food choices and preparation techniques constitute a radical change in the way man has nourished himself for thousands of years and, from the perspective of history, represent a fad that not only has severely compromised his health and vitality but may well destroy him…The culinary traditions of our ancestors, and the food choices and preparation techniques of healthy non-industrialized peoples, should serve as the model for contemporary eating habits, even and especially during this modern technological age.”

Fast forward to 2000. Our son is in 9th grade, and the teacher asks the students to write a composition on what they ate for breakfast.

(Some things never change.)

My son writes that he has homemade ice cream that we made that morning from raw cream. The cream came from our co-op cow down the road. He and his brothers helped gather the honey from our bees to sweeten his breakfast ice cream. The eggs that richened it came from our chickens and were still warm when he collected them that morning. He also mentions that his beef steak was tougher than usual but tasty because it was raised by our farmer friends. He then washes down his cod liver oil with a glass of raw milk.

In short, my sons ate like the children of the 1900s. What made me come around to the idea that the old way is the better way?

It was making enough mistakes nutritionally, my friends. I came to recognize that my previous ways during years of veganism and macrobiotics and then pathology in my first son was detrimental to our health. During those years, I made many mistakes, but I eventually came to learn that the traditional, nutrient-dense methods of eating are classical, scientifically proven, intelligent and downright homey.

Now my sons are grown men and continue to eat the kind of breakfast children ate in the early 1900s. I can’t say they remember how to write a well-structured composition, but I know they learned their nutrition lessons well.

Fast forward again to 2013, and my youngest son tells me that his recent exam was a snap. He attributed it to his breakfast of raw eggs whipped up in his raw milk with added cream.

Oh…and a small beef steak on the side.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider. 



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Events & Teleseminars

Hear Joette speak in person:

Food Intolerance: The New Childhood Disease
The National Center for Homeopathy 8th Annual Joint American Homeopathic Conference
April 19-21, 2013
Hyatt Regency Reston
Reston, VA

Contact: National Center for Homeopathy
email: [email protected]
website: www.nationalcenterforhomeopathy.org
phone: (703) 548-7790

The Gut-Psychology Connection: Homeopathy is the Trump Card
Canadian Holistic Nutrition Conference 2013
May 24-25, 2013
Ontario Science Centre
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

For more information: http://www.holisticnutritionforum.com/pages/Conference-2013.html 


HOT Off the Press!

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Mother Teresa and Calcutta: My Inspirations

Sore Muscles?


                                    Calabrese Whether you are sore from too much snow shoveling, winter sports or overdoing that new gym membership…Arnica montana can be your best friend. Arnica is usually your first choice for pain from falls, sprains, soft tissue injury and general overexertion. It reduces pain, bruising and swelling and accelerates healing.

Arnica is derived from a common European flowering plant also known as leopard's bane, wolf's bane, mountain tobacco or mountain arnica.


Quote From Joette


                                    Calabrese Dr. Mercy B. Jackson was the first woman admitted to the American Institute of Homeopathy. She later served on the faculty of the Boston University School of Medicine, where she was a professor of diseases of children. She was credited for demonstrating that Pulsatilla can be used to turn breech babies in the womb. Without this discovery, many women and their babies would have been subjected to unnecessary surgery.

Quote From Joette

This is how my house usually looks from December to mid-February.

We’re entering the last few weeks of winter here in Western New York. This is a time of change…from 10° with a bitter cold wind one day to 40° and sunny the next…a good time to hunker in, read, study and look forward to the new life that is waiting beneath the snow.


Quote From Joette

"I pass to you the torch of self-empowerment. Keep it lit and pass it on. Authentic truths are genuine and are meant to be shared for the sake of sharing good."


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About Joette


                                                CalabreseJoette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) instructs folks how to obtain and maintain authentic, vigorous health via homeopathy and sound nutrition by offering time-tested and scientific principles. She has become a trusted voice that is decidedly educated, experienced, and committed and has a following of discerning clients throughout the United States and abroad.

Please Note...

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette & her clients is not that of prescriber and patient, but of educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness, which is an educational process not a medical one. In order to be treated or diagnosed, Joette believes that the advice of a holistic physician is in order.


* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This e-zine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information in this e-zine should be used only after consulting with your doctor or other health care professional and should NOT be considered personalized health care advice. This is meant for educational purposes only. We hope you will educate yourself thoroughly.

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