
Joette Calabrese presents HomeopathyWorks.net, where
mothers and others become empowered via homeopathy
Early August 2012 ~ Volume 4 Issue 8 ~ ISSN: 2152-4890

School Angst

Dear Friend,

It’s that time of year again. Preparing to go back to school can be both exciting and fraught with anxiety for both students and moms. Whether it’s the first day of kindergarten or the first day of college, homeopathy can help ease the transition.



(Feel free to print this article and keep it with your kit or in your reference book)

Back to school season is just around the corner. No matter what age group your child falls into, there are hurdles that may make this time more difficult than it should be.

For young children just starting school there may be anxiety over separation from parents and fears of new situations away from the home environment – unfamiliar faces, public bathrooms, a new set of rules.

Although adolescents and teens may already be comfortable with the structure of school, they still face new challenges.

For them, it’s more about fitting in with their peers. They may be struggling with all the uncomfortable developments accompanying puberty, while facing a more demanding schedule of homework, exams and papers, and sports.

Throw in a bully or two and school can become a war zone in a child’s mind.

Lastly, our practically-grown-up college students may be leaving home for the first time.

Some suffer from homesickness.

Difficult coursework is enough of a stress, and when compounded by behavioral excesses (alcohol, staying up late, not eating well), poor health will often follow.

Luckily homeopathy provides us with an easy and effective tool kit to face these challenges head-on with confidence, knowing that we are laying down a strong foundation for our children’s future.

There are many remedies that would be of assistance, but I’ll mention a few to get you started.

And, as always, the remedy won’t work if it’s not correct for the person. It won’t hurt …..it just won’t act.

Calc phos6x

The best way to give this cell salt is 4 pills, 3 times every day for many days until the crisis is averted. Sometimes it’s needed long term, especially for growing children and petite girls.

  • outward manifestation of emotional upset. In other words, your child has physical ailments so as not to have to go to school – stomach aches, headaches, etc.

  • growing pains, anemia, headaches from studying

The following remedies in the 30th potency have different dosing directions:
4 pills, 4 times per day for one week…..but stop as soon as there’s improvement. Resume in a few weeks, but only if necessary.

Gelsemium 30

  • anxiety from anticipation
  • cowardly, weak, insecure
  • wants to hide and avoid stressful situations
  • shaking, stuttering, unable to think, meltdowns

Lycopodium 30

  • fear of failure and ridicule
  • acts confident but afraid on the inside
  • performs well despite nerves

Pulsatilla 30

  • clingy and needy, abandonment fears
  • helpful at school but angry and acts out at home

Ignatia 30

  • homesickness, disappointment, emotional and mental strain

Capsicum 30

  • homesickness with flushed skin and sore throat
  • worse from cold
  • doesn’t like changes in routine, difficulty adapting to new environment
  • peevish and sluggish
  • easily offended, quick to anger and obstinate
  • nostalgic longing for the past

And of course don’t forget Arnica montana for sports and playground injuries! Be sure to have a 200 potency of this on hand; a 30 is often not enough. (The kit we sell in our office has both.)

When my sons left for college, besides books and some quality snacks, such as homemade beef jerky, they knew to pack their most important don’t- leave-home-without-it possession—their homeopathy kits.

They knew that they could call me anytime, offer me their symptoms and they would always have the remedy right at hand.

Through the years, we successfully averted colds, sprained ankles, a dental abscess, a nasty bee sting and the angst and fatigue that often results from cramming and heavy coursework.

No college infirmary. No antibiotics. No drugs. No thank you.

With one little box of homeopathic remedies, we cured within minutes, hours or a few days, depending on the severity.

Kids, homeopathy, preparedness. It’s the only way to parent, no matter how old they are!

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.

One more tip…

Our Top 100 Remedies Kit contains remedies which have been chosen for common, everyday issues such as bee stings, sore throats, colds, flu, cramping, and injuries, as well as the most common infections.

It comes in a durable, hard plastic box, which will last for years.

Included are 91 Remedies in the 30c potency and 9 remedies in the 200c potency. Each remedy comes in a ½ dram glass bottle. This kit includes a handy pamphlet of indications.

Cost: $259.00 (That’s just $2.59 per remedy!) Get one for home and another for your college student to take to campus!

Shipping and Handling: approx. $14.50 and there is no tax on any purchase. We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express.

Although the FDA requires expiration dates on remedies, they will truly last and be fully effective for decades and even longer if properly handled.

Please call 716-941-1045 to place your order.

Joette Calabrese

Interested in finding out if homeopathy is a fit for you and your family’s health strategy?

Call (716-941-1045) or EMAIL us to set up a FREE 15 minute phone conversation.

HOT Off the Press!

Where’s Joette?

  • Join Joette on Debby Bruck’s videoconference August 13 at 11:00 am where she’ll discuss homeopathy and motherhood. You don’t want to miss this one! Sign up here.

  • See Joette in person at the 2nd Regional Meeting of the Weston A. Price Foundation in Buffalo, NY September 15th and 16th. Register by August 15 to receive the Early Bird discount of $50 off the cost of registration and a $50 gift certificate from Green Pasture. Don’t delay! Go to this link to register.

  • Here’s one more thing to put on your to-do list for August! Register for the annual Weston A. Price Foundation conference by August 19th for an Early Bird discount. Joette will be joined by other experts in the field of nutrition and health at this not-to-be-missed event November 9-12 in Santa Clara, California. Go HERE for more information.

In the Kitchen

Check out our post for tasty and nutritious lunches: http://homeopathyworks.wordpress.com/2011/08/11/back-to-school-5-tips-to-outsmart-lunch-menus/

Check it Out!

Have a teen suffering from acne? It is sure a topic that no teen wants to talk about but take a moment to educate yourself on the homeopathic remedies for Teenage Acne. Then let your gentle guiding hand lead their way.

Our love is not just limited to our families and friends. We can’t forget to include our “furry children.” Here is a recent photo of our two fuzzy loves: Buster, our dog and Caramelina, our cat. Back-to-school time can be a time of difficult partings and joyous reunions (every weekday) for our children and pets!

Quote From Joette

“In its discipline and thoughtfulness, there is unmistakable wellness in homeopathy.”

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Homeopathy, a Placebo? Of Course Not!


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About Joette

Joette CalabreseJoette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) instructs folks how to obtain and maintain authentic, vigorous health via homeopathy and sound nutrition by offering time-tested and scientific principles. She has become a trusted voice that is decidedly educated, experienced, and committed and has a following of discerning clients throughout the United States and abroad.

Please Note...

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette & her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but of educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. In order to be treated or diagnosed, Joette believes that the advice of a holistic physician is in order.


* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This (ezine) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information in this ezine should be used only after consulting with your doctor or other health care professional and should NOT be considered personalized health care advice. This is meant for educational purposes only. We hope you will educate yourself thoroughly.

2012 © Homeopathy Works, All Rights Reserved.

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