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Homeopathy Tips

Herbal tip: Echinacea angustifolia has a worldwide reputation for enhancing the immune system. If you are blessed enough to have it growing in your garden, harvest its roots and make your own tincture, following the instructions in a good herbal book. If your closest source is the health food store, then buy the highest quality liquid. Liquid preparations are usually fresher than capsules so they don’t lose their strength. I like the brands Gaia and Herbpharm. It has been shown that drawing up 20-25 drops in the pipette, putting in water and sip 1-2 glasses per day. The recommended use is ¼ of the amount for children. Echinacea is recommended as a preventative for only a few weeks and during a cold or flu. Prolonged use causes its ability to diminish. Some people are allergic to Echinacea, so watch for allergic signs after trying a small amount. It has been shown that most people have only positive results.

Nutri-tip: Minimize or eliminate your sugar intake. It creates an acid/alkaline imbalance that is fodder for viruses.

Homeo-tip: For the cold and flu season, the best way to boost your immune system homeopathically is to get the correct constitutional remedy. That is a remedy that takes the entire person into account, including, perhaps, susceptibility to colds and flu. This is found by working with your homeopath. Short of constitutional care by a homeopath, the next prophylactic technique is to purchase the remedy Oscillococcinum, sometimes wisely named “Flu Solution”. Most health food stores and some large grocery stores carry it. One dose taken before you get the flu and taken 1 time each month until the flu season has passed is the most efficacious method. The dose is the same for an infant as for an adult. I suggest, however, if you are presently under constitutional care and already taking a remedy, that you not do this unless the flu presents a serious threat to you or you’ve checked with your homeopath.

Injuries and Accidents

There is no better way to treat the physical and emotional shock of accidents and injuries than with homeopathy. Whether for a mild injury or one that requires medical treatment, homeopathy can absorb the shock, minimize and often remove bleeding, reduce fear, anxiety, pain and put the sufferer in a better state. If the emergency room seems to be the only way to care for the injury, give the
best remedy you know on the way to the hospital. This is reason enough to keep a small emergency kit in your purse. Even after a trip to the emergency room, a well-chosen homeopathic remedy will often hasten recovery and reduce pain. Pain medications can even be omitted with the correct usage of a remedy. Swelling and healing will often be hastened by 1/2 the time.

Cuts & Abrasions
Arnica montana

Arnica Montana

Puncture Wounds
Arnica montana

Kali bichromium

Heat Prostration

Insect & Animal Bites
Arnica montana

Muscle and Bone Injuries

Over exertion and deep injuries
Ruta graveolens
Rhus tox
Bellis perennis

Arnica Montana

Fractures & breaks
Arnica montana
Calc phos
Bellis perennis

Dislocated Joints
Ruta graveolens
Rhus tox
Arnica montana

Four Leading Remedies for Ear Infections

1.) Belladonna

  • Most common for early stages of earache
  • Good when earache comes on quickly
  • Bright red ear but eardrum is still normal shape
  • Sudden high fever with earache
  • Pain down into neck
  • Sore throat

2.) Ferrum phos.

  • Use in early stages of earache with no pus formation
  • Onset not as sudden as Belladonna and symptoms not as intense
  • Can give if Belladonna is not working

3.) Chamomilla

  • Mostly indicated by the mood, less by particular symptoms
  • Extremely irritable
  • Earache comes on slowly but severe pain
  • Improves with warmth
  • Watery, runny nose

4.) Silica

  • Later stages of cold with ear infection
  • Mild whimpering, but less interested in affection
  • Physical weakness, tiredness, worn out
  • Chilled
  • Sweaty head, hands, or feet
  • Intense ear pain but not extreme
  • Occurs at night
  • Irritated by noise
  • Pain is behind the ear
  • Itching in ear
  • Stopped up sensation in ear
  • Pus formation in ear, may have drainage
  • Nasal discharge

Ear Infections

Often, the area in which ill health most convinces a family to turn to homeopathy is in curing ear infections. Children have not always been plagued by ear infections. In my generation the illness “du jour” was tonsillitis and the “cure” was removal. Today, because of the advent of sonograms during pregnancy, ear infections occurring months after birth are prevalent. The reason for this is that sonograms use high-pitched sound that surrounds the delicate and forming fetal ears. Studies, as well as a good dose of common sense, suggest the detrimental nature of this practice.

Before I studied homeopathy, I considered purchasing an otoscope so that I would know the status of my children’s ears during an infection. Now my homeopathic experience tells me that there is no need to search deeper.

The most exciting part of homeopathy is that addressing one ear infection via the correct remedy will pave the way for an uprooting of the propensity toward reoccurrence.


Often when we administer a remedy that is correct, we witness an aggravation. This is a phenomenon that occurs more often when treating chronic conditions, but is useful to understand when working with acutes. An aggravation is an exacerbation of the present symptoms or a return of old symptoms. This situation is generally short lived and is often a confirmation that the correct remedy has been used. After the completion of the aggravation, not only will the patient suffers complaint, but he will be left in a better state than before the pathology began. This is frequently accompanied by an old friend – “well being”.

Homeopathic Remedy

To take a homeopathic remedy, pour the pills into the cap and count out the number without touching them, if possible. The concern here is that perfumed hand soap or another strong odor may be present on your hands and could antidote the remedy. Holding remedies in one’s hand can release their ability, so if the remedy is intended for you, then holding it could be of value.

If a pill falls on the floor, do not return it to the bottle. Instead, discard it or use it immediately if the floor is clean enough. After the number of pills has been counted, simply drop them directly from the cap into your mouth and let them dissolve.

I urge my students not to give an entire bottle of a remedy away when someone else is in need. Our remedies are precious and are often needed just after lending the bottle to someone. Instead, put the needed dose in a clean envelope and label it. It will last for some time in paper, but not indefinitely. Glass is the only sure way to store for long periods of time.

Don’t transfer remedies into bottles that have held other remedies unless you boil the bottle for at least ten minutes.


When opening a homeopathic remedy bottle, be aware of strong odors that may affect the value of the contents. A room that has been freshly painted with strong smelling paint or one that’s just been scrubbed with Spic and Span can cause antidoting. Antidoting a remedy means that it is rendered useless. The worst offenders of antidoting are the following essential oils: mint, camphor, eucalyptus, tiger balm, and tea tree oil. These substances will antidote not only a bottle of a remedy, but also the action of the remedy after taken. Take care not to use them after ingestion of a remedy.

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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

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I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

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Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

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