It’s the Bee’s Knees
Dear Friend,
The knee is a marvelous bit of human anatomy. When this remarkable structure is injured or comes under stress from overuse, then pain, swelling, redness, warmth and limited range of motion may ensue. But, never fear, homeopathy can provide an answer to many common knee ailments and even help avoid surgery!
A Formula for Treating Knee Problems with Homeopathic Remedies
Oh those aching knees! Are you considering knee surgery? In many cases, homeopathy can repair knee problems that might otherwise require a trip to the operating room. Before submitting to the knife, dangerous anesthetics and antibiotics and analgesics and steroids and…yikes! At some point we have to stop all the interference with nature and do something that doesn’t actually cause harm.
Enter homeopathy. Homeopathy is the only form of medicine that has no hostile side effects. Instead it gently and effectively eliminates pathology in such a polite fashion that it is often barely noticed until healing has occurred.
Here’s a regimen that has gained notoriety in the homeopathy world for painful, creaky knees. The remedies can be found inexpensively at many health food stores. The noted schedule is as follows:
1) Ruta graveolens 6x- twice daily
2) Symphytum 200- once every 2 days
3) Rhus tox 30 - twice daily
Most folks who follow this regimen find that once the knees improve, there’s no need to take the remedies any further.
These remedies are known for uprooting many knee problems. I’m not prescribing here. I’m simply passing along educational information that has helped folks in the past.
Another helpful tip for many is to eliminate gluten from the diet. Some find that one simple dietary switch can minimize pain and inflammation.
It has been shown that if this kind of regimen doesn’t fix the knee problem, it is prudent to consider contacting a homeopathic consultant for a more individualized regimen.
There are fascinating depths to homeopathy. This is a mere tip of the iceberg that may whet your appetite for exploring the curative power of homeopathy.
The best part of homeopathy is that it offers autonomy. It’s wise to learn as much as possible without dependency on drugs or surgery. Don’t you love being able to use something that’s gentle and effective? Oh, and inexpensive too!
The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only
and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make
independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare
in finding out if homeopathy is a fit for you and your family's health
Call 716-941-1045 or EMAIL us
to set up a brief introductory appointment with Joette.