
Joette Calabrese presents
JoetteCalabrese.com, where
mothers and others become empowered via homeopathy
Early May 2013 ~ Volume 5 Issue 5 ~ ISSN: 2152-4890

Happy Mother’s Day

Dear Friend,

A mother’s job is the most important job on earth. Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms, grandmothers and caregivers who take on the sacred task of raising a child. Enjoy your special day!



Happy Mother’s Day to Moms of Conviction

Are you a mother? If you are, you know that it is the most important job on earth.

And it takes guts to be a good one.

A mother’s job is to protect and nurture. No decisions ought to be made based on conveniences, styles or her own emotional desires.

Does that sound old fashioned? You bet!

Does it sound hard? Yes, that too.

But there’s no room for selfishness here. Every decision, no matter how uncomfortable socially, personally, culturally or professionally, must be based on what is genuinely best for the child.

We live in a world that seems to work really hard to try to convince us of a different way. It’s a world of marketing, careerism, pseudo science, persuasions, routines, self interests and selfishness.

It can be difficult to stand your ground, and I’ll confess, I, too, have been swayed.

I’ll not forget when my son was attending a short stint at a school that deemed it was developmentally premature for him to begin playing piano at six. I play piano; my father and brother are professional musicians, and yet I foolishly acquiesced to the “expert” advice given me by a teacher who was nearly half my age simply because she had a Waldorf education.

I was intellectualized right out of a verdict to allow my son to take piano lessons. How stupid I was.

But through the years, my mother helped me to understand the principle of children first, and I developed an ability to depend more on my instincts then on data.

Remember, the information was emphatic that mothers should not breast feed. It was deemed unsanitary, unscientific and crude. Two generations of children were deprived of a most vital aspect of human health because the OBGYNs’ and pediatricians’ unwise opinions were taken seriously.

Recall that the president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. Emmett Holt, warned mothers that a baby will be indulged of bad temper if picked up when crying.

Lest we forget that mothers used to be strapped down and administered general anesthesia when giving birth, and babies were pulled out with forceps (a euphemism for pliers).

These protocols were all in the name of scientific advancements.

When faced with a dilemma, answers rarely come at the spur of the moment. In fact, they often present after processing, a few good nights’ sleep, talking to our husbands, mulling it over with our mothers and our best friends, praying and doing our homework.

Through the years, I made it a rule to never make an important decision in the setting in which it was being presented. In other words, don’t say yes or no while still in the arena of the persuader.

You can always vaccinate. You can’t unvaccinate.

You can put Ritalin into your child’s mouth any old time, but once it’s swallowed, it’s in there for good.

If it means begging out of a conversation with a pressuring pediatrician, it might stir him enough to write, “non-compliant mother” on your child’s chart.

Consider it a compliment.

Stepping away from the school counselor’s office may, in fact, get you labeled as a trouble maker.

Stand proud; it’s for the sake of your child.

If standing up to others on behalf of your child doesn’t come naturally to you, learn how to do it. It’s actually a skill that can be developed.

Train yourself to say, “I’ll have to think about it.” Or an even more compelling argument if you feel that you’re too easily persuaded is “I have to speak to my husband about the decision.”

Who can dispute that?

If there’s any message I hope to relay, it’s that we must learn to separate what sounds academically acceptable, socially suitable or not all that bad from what we know or simply suspect is legitimately true.

Then do homework to confirm it.

But if you can’t find verification, hold to it anyway.

After all, you are the mother.

The best moms are the ones who understand that mothering is a sacrifice. They are the ones who put their children above all else, especially the opinion of others, personal fears and anxieties, even when it’s uncomfortable or embarrassing.

You’ll recognize these moms by their well-developed instincts with a will to do what is morally right for their children, and the rest of the world matters not.

You’ll know when you’ve met one by the look on her child’s face. It’s one of confidence, knowing that his mom will never forsake him for any reason. He feels safe and protected in her charge.

And then pass this power on to your children. That’s what my mother did. She taught me, and I dedicate this to her, Della Calabrese.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. You made me feel safe and loved, and I’m eternally grateful.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider. 



Interested in finding out if homeopathy is a fit for you and your family's health strategy?

Call 716-941-1045 or EMAIL us to set up a brief introductory appointment with Joette.

Events & Teleseminars


                                    CalabreseMother’s Day Special!

From now until midnight on Monday, May 15, we are offering, as our Special Mother’s Day gift, our best-value Homeopathy Kit for just $215.00, and we’ll pay the priority shipping in the United States (normally this kit sells for $259.00 plus shipping – a 16% discount!). (International shipments, including Canada, will have a small shipping surcharge.)

This kit includes:

  • 91 remedies at 30c potency
  • 9 remedies at 200c potency
  • All in a durable hard-plastic box

And, as a bonus, your confirmation email will include a link to Joette’s popular First Aid Chart, the perfect thing to keep the next to your kit as a go-to guide for those everyday bumps and bruises and those little emergencies. Call our office at 716-941-1045 to order!

Joette Presents at the National Center of Homeopathy


                                    CalabreseOn April 19th, Joette spoke at the National Center of Homeopathy’s annual conference before an audience of approximately 400. The room was filled with homeopaths, students and interested others.

Her presentation was on the controversial subject of the non-classical methodology used by Drs. Prasanta and Pratip Banerji. She observed their protocol while in Calcutta, India, and has integrated it into her work in the United States.

When the mike was open for questions and comments, Dana Ullman, of the Huffington Post and numerous books on the subject of homeopathy, stated that he believed it was refreshing that we can step outside the classic approach to look at other methods and congratulated Joette on her presentation.

After the presentation, Joette was flooded with questions and comments. Joette’s next presentation will be in Toronto on May 25 at the Canadian Holistic Nutrition Conference.


To Nicole Howard, the winner of our remedy kit raffle at the National Center for Homeopathy conference on April 19-21 in Washington, DC.

We Love to Give Gifts

Watch for the third installment in Joette’s series of 3 guest blogs at www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com. The blog will include a link to a special FREE download of the transcript of Joette’s popular CD Perform in the Storm: Homeopathic First Aid.

Hear Joette speak in person:

The Gut-Psychology Connection: Homeopathy is the Trump Card
Canadian Holistic Nutrition Conference 2013
May 24-25, 2013
Ontario Science Centre
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

For more information: http://www.holisticnutritionforum.com/pages/Conference-2013.html 

HOT Off the Press!

JoetteCalabrese.com's Newest Blog Post

Looking for Proof That Homeopathy Is Effective? We’ve Got it!


                                    CalabresePlanting Time

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, spring is upon us, and that means it is time to think about planting vegetables and herbs!

This year, consider planting Calendula officinalis, also called pot marigold. This flowering annual has numerous medicinal uses as salves, lotions, tinctures, soaps and oil. It is great for skin ailments and can be made into a rinse for cleaning wounds. I make a lip balm every year for my family to use during the winter months.

Calendula is easy to grow, self-seeds readily and grows from 1 to 3 feet tall. The flowers are orange or yellow. This hardy plant makes an attractive addition to your yard and garden, and in the fall, you can harvest its flowers to make your own tincture or salve. In a pinch, the fresh flowers can be directly applied to wounds and insect bites and covered with a bandage.

Calendula can be started indoors three to four weeks before the last frost or sown directly in the garden after the last frost. Plant the seed 1/4-inch deep, and 6-12 inches apart. It matures in roughly 80 days. Calendula is very tolerant of poor soil and grows in partial shade to full sun.

Calendula is also very adaptable to container gardening, so you can easily grow it on a patio or in small spaces.


                                    CalabreseToo Much Sun?

Sunburns, like chicken wings, can be mild, medium or hot! Check out this article and keep your remedies handy as the summer progresses to keep the heat down.

Ouch! Don’t Touch!

Quote From Joette

"Our health should be as honest as an open diary. No hidden illness suppressed by a drug today only to show up in the future to stalk us."


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If you liked today's issue, you'll LOVE learning more about Joette's programs and services for those seeking robust health via homeopathy.  Joette offers a FREE audio CD, lots of FREE articles, a great blog, workshops, coaching, and other resources to help mothers (and interested fathers, too). Learn more now at our website and see more great products.


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About Joette


                                                CalabreseJoette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) instructs folks how to obtain and maintain authentic, vigorous health via homeopathy and sound nutrition by offering time-tested and scientific principles. She has become a trusted voice that is decidedly educated, experienced, and committed and has a following of discerning clients throughout the United States and abroad.

Please Note...

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette & her clients is not that of prescriber and patient, but of educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness, which is an educational process not a medical one. In order to be treated or diagnosed, Joette believes that the advice of a holistic physician is in order.


* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This e-zine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information in this e-zine should be used only after consulting with your doctor or other health care professional and should NOT be considered personalized health care advice. This is meant for educational purposes only. We hope you will educate yourself thoroughly.

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