
Joette Calabrese presents HomeopathyWorks.net, where
mothers and others become empowered via Homeopathy
Early June 2012 ~ Volume 4 Issue 6 ~ ISSN: 2152-4890

The Bread & Butter
Basics of Backaches

Dear Friend,

Not everything in life is basic or easy. But when it comes to backaches there are a few things that you should know. Read more below on how homeopathy has a way of helping the body right itself, gently and efficiently. So before you think you are forever burdened with back pain, think homeopathy



Have you ever wondered why some people have robust health while others don’t?  Perhaps, it’s that they eat differently, have a better attitude, have better luck in the DNA department or have a better workout routine.  

Which one is it, or is it all of these?  

Well, if these thoughts have entered your mind, you’re on the right track.  In order to gain an understanding of anything new, we indeed need to question, observe, and analyze.

Allow me to postulate that health is not random. As a homeopathic consultant for over 17 years, I have seen health and have seen the absence of it.  

I believe that the principles and laws of health are available to anyone interested in observing and then emulating them. There are explicit strategies, thoughts and actions that must be in place in order to achieve anything we do in life. In attaining health, it would be wise to follow the traditions of true healing.

Homeopathy offers this.

Let’s look at common backaches. The most important first step is to drink a great deal of water for a few days. Believe it or not, it can be surprising how often back pain, that appears to be complicated, is simply a dehydration issue.

But, if there’s no change after giving this protocol a good effort, then a well-chosen homeopathic remedy can be effective. The main remedy that has a reputation for addressing many types of backaches is Calc phos 6x. It’s usually taken 3 times daily for about three weeks.

It is particularly indicated for a person who experiences pain in the small of the back with coldness and a creeping sensation that is typically worse in the morning. It’s valuable for young people who are growing rapidly. This remedy has a reputation for resolving the specific type of pain that is described above. If your pain is different, then it will not work. Remember, homeopathy is symptom specific.

When the pain is worse in the morning with terrible stiffness that is relieved somewhat or completely with a little limbering up, it is usually a match with the remedy, Rhus tox. There is often a worsening of pain and inflexibility if the sufferer overworks, such as in doing the first gardening of the year.

Another time in which the back might act up and indicate the need for Rhus tox is during a long trip that requires being seated for an extended period of time.

It’s usually taken in a 200 potency every 3-4 hours for one day only. Higher potencies for more stubborn cases require the supervision of a homeopath. 

When pain in the back is comforted by lying on a hard surface, then the remedy is Nat mur 6x. It works best when taken three times per day for weeks.

Back pain can sometimes occur as a result of nervous causes.  In this case, Kali phos 6x is the remedy of choice.

This is often a successful strategy that is inexpensive and has no questionable ingredients…no ulterior motives.

Common sense medicine for people who value good common sense resolutions.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.

Joette Calabrese

Interested in finding out if Homeopathy is a fit for your and your family’s health strategy?

Call (716-941-1045) or EMAIL us to set up a FREE 15 minute phone conversation with Joette.

HOT Off the Press!

On Tues, May 22, Joette launched her yearlong system, How to Raise a Drug Free Family. A group of nearly 50 participants has joined including professional moms, homeschooling moms, a grandfather, an engineer, a neonatal pediatric MD, a few nurses, folks from Australia, Canada and across the U.S. She started the year with some of the basic principles and the study of two important remedies to have in every household--Aconitum and Arnica. By the end of the year, enrollees will be able to treat just about any acute illness that comes their way!

There’s still time for you to catch up and join in before the next webinar in mid-June. If you’re interested, click HERE or call Joette’s office for details.

Where’s Joette?

  • Joette will be speaking at the 1st Weston A Price Foundation conference in Buffalo, New York (Joette’s hometown) on September 15 & 16 of this year. As details become available, we’ll pass them along.

  • The Weston A. Price Foundation conferences are Joette’s favorite speaking mediums. Join her on November 10th at the annual conference in Santa Clara, California.


Check it Out!

As a busy homeopath and mother, I understand that time is a valuable commodity. After detours, mistakes, and years of searching for the healthiest ways of living, I’ve boiled down my research and time-tested tips to a simple seventeen. Read Tips for Holistic Good Health – Or How I Found Mine After Years of Illness on our blog.

Traipsing through the woods or digging in your garden can bring an unwelcome surprise. Read out latest blog post Oh, no. It’s poison ivy again!

In the Kitchen

It’s Sunday Morning Pancakes!! Gluten-free Style

I always love sharing a great recipe, especially an easy family friendly one. Check out my pancake recipe on our blog.

Welcome to my office. I love the right pop of color in just about everything….especially red. Just enough to keep things upbeat & lively! .

I like to think that my red door makes a bright statement to my visitors. A warm “hello, welcome & come on in.”.


Quote From Joette

“Never do we find indulgence in homeopathy; instead, there’s intelligent restraint and poise in its tone. Homeopathy is elegant medicine.”


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Books, Downloads and CDs from Joette

If you liked today's issue, you'll LOVE learning more about Joette's programs and services for those seeking robust health via homeopathy.  Joette offers a FREE audio CD, lots of FREE articles, a great blog, workshops, coaching, and other resources to help mothers (and interested fathers, too). Learn more now at our website and see more great products.


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About Joette

Joette CalabreseJoette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) instructs folks how to obtain and maintain authentic, vigorous health via homeopathy and sound nutrition by offering time-tested and scientific principles. She has become a trusted voice that is decidedly educated, experienced, and committed and has a following of discerning clients throughout the United States and abroad.

Please Note...

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette & her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but of educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. In order to be treated or diagnosed, Joette believes that the advice of a holistic physician is in order.


* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This (ezine) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information in this ezine should be used only after consulting with your doctor or other health care professional and should NOT be considered personalized health care advice. This is meant for educational purposes only. We hope you will educate yourself thoroughly.

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