Slightly Spoiled –
Homeopathy & Allergies
Dear Friend,
Allergies are so common today that we consider them to be the rule. They may be common, but they are not normal. Learn how homeopathy helped Christine uproot her allergies, not “treat” her symptoms.
She was one of those women who had everything: a loving husband; beautiful, healthy children; a stylish home; and, to top it off, intelligence as well. She considered her life to be in order and she often pondered it with satisfaction. She was slightly spoiled.
It wasn’t always that way, though. Only fifteen years earlier Christine was single and suffering from debilitating environmental illness; a type of allergy. These were not the sneezy-sniffley-kind of allergies - they were the overwhelming, near-life-threatening sort.
Her life was bulging with medical drama and a constant searching for answers. “Why?” she would whimper. “Why is this happening to me?” The answers were vague and confusing. From doctor to doctor Christine traveled, only to find her inescapable illness deepening with each new medication and procedure.
Then one day, purely by accident, her friend mentioned that a relative had visited a homeopath. The result was elimination of his hay fever. Intrigued, she considered the idea. It was an easy decision.
She dragged herself into the initial visit only half believing anything could save her from her life of chronic suffering. Yet, she was struck by the first meeting.
Impressively, the homeopath spent nearly two hours with her, completely focused on what she had to say. “Everything about you is important,” clarified the homeopath, “Even your sleep position.” If nothing else, it was refreshing to have someone listen with genuine interest.
Christine left the homeopath’s office with renewed hope, because it was the first time anyone had explained what was happening within her immune system. The homeopath told her that each medication she took was concealing a symptom. Not only was this causing more serious symptoms, but it was suppressing her body’s ability to adjust to her allergic condition.
And these symptoms were not the culprits, but rather were like gifts, each one a marker on the trail the the homeopath followed to the remedy that precisely suited Christine. Once the correct remedy was determined, her sufferings would no longer be veiled, but would slowly melt away, one by one.
It might take some time, warned the homeopath, but over months, energy would be gained, foggy headedness diminished, obstructed breathing released, and sleep restored. Most importantly, she would be able to appear in public again; a privelege lost over a year ago due to her extreme sensitivity to the allergens in the outer world.
The day after Christine took the first round of the remedy was remarkable. It so happened that on this day she hoped she could complete one simple task. She just wanted to organize a file she was compiling to build a case for social security benefits, since she was no longer capable of working.
Her illness had accustomed her to measuring her time and tasks according to what her symptoms allowed. Most days were relegated to about an hour or two of productive time while the remainder of the day was spent napping, peppered with asthma and anxiety attacks.
This day was different.
Instead of the expected, she found herself organizing other files too, and even wandering into the kitchen and making soup from scratch. This was a once relished task that was also left behind due to her mounting fatigue. Yet, here she was working and providing herself with a nourishing meal!
When she finished lunch, she noticed the pantry needed tidying. Instead of postponing the task as usual, she started it with renewed gusto. “Hey,” she thought, “I remember this feeling…it’s the way I used to feel in college; energetic, capable, and motivated.” It was then that she realized she hadn’t felt well for close to a decade.
After the last jar of beans was wiped and returned to the shelf, she scanned the room for another undertaking. Maybe I’ll just start a load of laundry, she mused.
And so the day went: task after task accomplished with ease, unlike any other day for what seemed a lifetime. That night, as she laid her head on the pillow she took pleasure in reflecting on the accomplishments of the day and only hoped this had something to do with the homeopathic remedy.
“Nah, just a fluke,” she thought briefly before falling deeply asleep.
Yet, upon awakening the next morning, despite the cold, damp weather, a factor that had always worsened her asthma, she prepared herself for another productive day. This happened day after day for nearly a fortnight, when finally she experienced an asthma attack.
She wept a little, mostly from grief that her new well-being might be coming to an end.
Then something unusual happened.
Just when the asthma was coming to its usual breathless pitch, it abruptly stopped. And instead of the telltale exhaustion and residual burning in her lungs, there was a sense of calm.
If it hadn’t been for the fact that it was nearly midnight, she would have phoned her best friend. Instead, she jotted down her experiences of the last two weeks to report to her homeopath at their next meeting.
And so it went. Day after day, week after week, her asthma appeared occasionally, but now shorter, now less dramatic. Her bowel movements comfortably softened, became painless and more regular. The prescription medications on which she depended were eliminated; as were the over-the-counter ones.
About this time Christine met her future husband. They were introduced at a mutual friend’s house; the same friend who had earlier shared the homeopath’s name.
Innocently, the friend wore perfume, a previous trigger to her asthma, yet even this did not make our heroine ill.
Instead, she was particularly clever and charming that night, which caught his attention. No more fogginess and anxiety. Her intelligence sparkled.
Their marriage has been blessed with four children; each of whom was taken to her now beloved homeopath for many ills. Conventional medications are not considered in her or her family’s lives.
It’s homeopathy for all of them.
Asthma is a thing of the past. So are the fatigue, constipation, anxiety, foggy thinking, and menstrual disorders. She has a good life, rich with the blessings of a family and vigorous health.
It only looks from the outside like a privileged life was bestowed upon her.
Perhaps she has higher than average expectations, but she also has the ability to bring them to fruition. There is an assumed excellence that comes from the abundant health that she and her family have come to enjoy.
Indeed, homeopathy has spoiled her.
The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.
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