
Joette Calabrese presents
JoetteCalabrese.com, where
mothers and others become empowered via homeopathy
September 2013 ~ Volume 5 Issue 9 ~ ISSN: 2152-4890

Back to School Without
Getting Sick

Dear Friend,

Sneezing, coughing, fever…oh my! Schools bring a large number of susceptible people together under one roof. It’s no wonder that common illnesses tend to run rampant through the classroom. Homeopathy can help us deal with most childhood diseases, but with fall rapidly approaching, now is the time to start thinking about taking measures to avoid getting sick in the first place.



Prophylactics for Pinworms & Colds

For many people, especially teachers, the return of kids to school means added exposure to illness. The best defense in these situations is a good offense, which in this case means a strong immune system. The more we strengthen our immune systems and support our bodies with good nutrition and exercise, the better our chances of fighting off any illness that attempts to attack our bodies.

Part of building a strong immune system unfortunately means sometimes getting sick. How we deal with the sickness determines how our body will react to future illness. When symptoms are masked with drugs, and the body is not allowed to find its own way back to health, we generally find that the sickness returns. When the body is supported by good nutrition and carefully selected homeopathic remedies, it will emerge from the illness stronger and less likely to experience the same illness again, or if an illness does return, it will most likely be in a lesser form.

Homeopathy has a gentle but powerful ability to deal with the easily spread infections that teachers and students are likely to experience in school. Although in most cases, we administer the remedy after the symptoms of an illness appear, in the case of certain common childhood illnesses, homeopathic remedies can be used as prophylactics. Two great examples are pinworms and colds.


When the classroom is afflicted with pinworms, Cina is a great little remedy that is reputed to be just as powerful not only to eliminate pinworms but also to prevent an infestation.

Conventional medicine will recommend using a vermicide. (The suffix “cide” means to kill. This means that the active ingredient is a pesticide of sorts, which kills the worms.) We want to get rid of the worms but not at the expense of harming the body with a vermicide. Cina creates an unfriendly environment in the body so that the worms will expel themselves!

Add 6 drops of Cina tincture to water; then sip the water throughout the day. Repeat this for 15 days in a row. Then repeat the entire procedure again one month later. This is the advice given by practicing homeopaths in India where this kind of infestation is even more prevalent than in North America.

Homeopathy has helped many teachers avoid becoming contaminated with this insidious infection even when nearly the entire class is affected.

Colds & Flu

For colds, my favorite remedy for our family is Oscillococcinum. In France, this is the top-selling over-the-counter medicine of any kind. They use it as the premiere remedy to abort a cold or flu before it comes on or before it comes on in full force. The French take it as a preventative as soon as the first student begins to sniffle. They take it one day each week for a month, then one day each month until the cold season is over.

Plenty of other Europeans and Americans use Oscillococcinum too because the protection it offers can be significant, as long as the remedy is taken before the symptoms get a foothold. Oscillococcinum is reputed to be particularly valuable when colds and flu come during the wet and cold seasons, such as autumn and spring. Some even say it’s infallible.

Speaking of colds and flu reminds me of a mother in one of my classes many years ago. The class began in late summer and commenced throughout the fall and winter. At one of the first classes, I taught about the cell salt Ferr phos. Ferr phos is recommended for the first stage of inflammation, and this woman wondered if she could avert colds in advance with Ferr phos. She explained that she had seven children, and every year she and her children…all of them…were afflicted with colds that lasted nearly the entire winter. At the time, I had no experience with using this remedy prophylactically.

This woman stopped attending the class for some time and suddenly returned in the spring. She was very excited about something she wanted to share with the class. Nearly jumping out of her seat, she wanted to tell everyone that the previous winter was the first time she and her family were completely free of colds. In fact, they were so well that the family took a long break from their regular duties and left town looking to move out of state. This was something they could never seem to get to because of their chronic ill health.

Ever since she doled out Ferr phos 6x on a daily basis to the entire family in early fall, no one…not even one…of the large family had gotten a cold or even a sniffle!

You can imagine her satisfaction. A $10 bottle of Ferr phos 6x and a winter without suffering. I’d say she got her money’s worth! Remember this remedy for children who are flush-faced with headaches after school, accompanied by tiredness. This is often a call for Ferr phos 6x.

All of these remedies are available at health food stores and many pharmacies and will cost no more than $15. Homeopathy will not interfere with any meds you may already be taking.

Simple, inexpensive, non-invasive, intelligent. If you find that your health is too often dependent on the latest illness in school, let homeopathy be your method of choice. It will not let you down and may even become the discovery you include in your next science lesson or science project!

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider. 


Interested in finding out if homeopathy is a fit for you and your family's health strategy?

Call 716-941-1045 or EMAIL us to set up a brief introductory appointment with Joette.

Events & Teleseminars

New Board Membership

We are pleased to announce that Joette has been named to the Honorary Board of the Weston A. Price Foundation, effective in August.

Homeopathy and the Emotions of War

Joette was recently interviewed by Debby Bruck for the Health Inn Show on the subject of Contemporary Controversial Issues That Stir Our Emotions: War and Peace. The video can be found at:

Homeopathy & Toxic Chemical Exposure

Joette was recently interviewed by Debra Lynn Dadd on Toxic Free Talk Radio on the subject of using homeopathy to heal after exposure to toxic chemicals. You can listen to the interview at:

Hear Joette speak in person:

How to Raise a Drug-Free Family
Weston A. Price Foundation 14th Annual Wise Traditions Conference
November 8-11, 2013 (Joette will speak on November 11)
Sheraton Downtown Atlanta Hotel
Atlanta, GA

For more information:

HOT Off the Press!

JoetteCalabrese.com's Newest Blog Post

Vertigo, Meniere’s and Tinnitus:
Homeopathy Can Offer a Quieting Method

                                    CalabreseFor the Love of Butter

Fractionated foods, convenience foods, fake foods, embalmed foods, and all the bright baubles that fill shelves even in health food stores…every morsel we put into our children will turn to either fodder for waste or nectar for growth and sparkling intelligence.

If you want your children to do their best in school, despite what many doctors still tout, the most important rule for growing children is that they need fats…saturated fats, animal fats and tropical fats…and they need it in abundance. That means full fat milk, not 2%. It means butter, not Pam. And it means lard. Yes, lard!

Lard contains an abundance of Vitamin D not found in many other food sources. Just ask your grandmother how they kept healthy in the cold months if they weren’t using lard to make pies all winter.

Often my students and clients tell me that, of course, they eat butter. But then I learn that they only go through a half pound in a week, for a family of five. When I say fats should be eaten in abundance, I mean half a stick of butter in a bowl of oatmeal…per person!

In other words, we need to look for opportunities to include butter, not the opposite. By the way, don’t ask your conventional doctor for nutritional advice. He/she has no more education on this subject than your plumber. At present, medical schools rarely teach nutrition. And prior to 20 years ago, it was not only considered unworthy of discussion, it was disdained!

Do right by your kids…keep that butter and lard coming at them!

Quote From Joette

                                    CalabreseYummy Cheesy Snack!

For school lunches, after-school snacks, trips or anytime you need a healthy snack that kids will love, try these Cheese Pucks. They are great hot but also remain fresh and tasty for weeks.

Cheese Pucks

  • 1 cup arrowroot powder
  • 1 cup grated cheese
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1 cup cream cheese
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon white or cayenne pepper

Mix arrowroot, salt and pepper. Add butter and cheese to form the dough. If the dough is too dry, add more butter; if the dough is too wet, add more arrowroot. Roll the dough into a long snake, wrap in wax paper and chill for one hour. Cut into 1/2-inch rounds. Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet at 400 degrees for 5 to 10 minutes.

Quote From Joette

" I actually found that when my kids were sick, they often did just fine when I did nothing. "

Let's see what's outside

The changing leaves are the best part of fall. We move into the chilly months as we watch the entire landscape around us change with the season. Our load of logs will be delivered soon, as we start to stoke the fire in the living room. Enjoy what your landscape has to offer this time of year. I know I will!


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                                    CalabreseDon’t Get Spitting Mad!

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About Joette

                                                CalabreseJoette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) instructs folks how to obtain and maintain authentic, vigorous health via homeopathy and sound nutrition by offering time-tested and scientific principles. She has become a trusted voice that is decidedly educated, experienced, and committed and has a following of discerning clients throughout the United States and abroad.

Please Note...

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette & her clients is not that of prescriber and patient, but of educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness, which is an educational process not a medical one. In order to be treated or diagnosed, Joette believes that the advice of a holistic physician is in order.


* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This e-zine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information in this e-zine should be used only after consulting with your doctor or other health care professional and should NOT be considered personalized health care advice. This is meant for educational purposes only. We hope you will educate yourself thoroughly.

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