
Cell Salts; The Easy Homeopathy

Attention mothers, take back your family's health!

You've just made the most important leap into the well being of your family's health...just by considering this.
This was originally produced as a 2 CD Set that we are now making available as a Digital Download as well.
This information is life -- altering...it is powerful stuff!
Cell Salts - The Easy Homeopathy™ Is The 1st and only Step-By-Simple-Step -
Guide to Homeopathy on the Internet written for Moms ....
By a Homeopath who is also a Mother and Teacher

"Joette Calabrese is a highly qualified tutor on staff at the British Institute of Homeopathy. In my association with her as a colleague and as director, I find her to be a committed, experienced and enthusiastic homeopath worthy of distinction. The British Institute is honored to be associated with Joette."

Maria T. Bohle, CCH, RSHom(NA), ACACN, DHM, DCN
Director, British Institute of Homeopathy

With my Simple program for learning homeopathy at home with Cell Salts it makes homeopathy easy.
Owning this information will be the single most important thing you do this year to finally take control.

The study of homeopathy can be daunting. I know because I've studied it for over 23 years. But not so with cell salts and this Complete Digital Download. Let me explain.

If you've been bewildered and struggling with the ear infections, fevers, sleepless kids, teething issues, stomach aches and you want to keep your family off meds, please know this:
Your lack of success is NOT because you haven't been reading, querying friends or searching on the net.
It's because there is so much erroneous info out there. And homeopathy books are great but why study for 20 years?
You need information that can be put to use NOW...tonight! I take you by the hand to insure your success.
Fathers have stress, mothers get mastitis, kids have teeth problems and colic and cat's are plagued with urinary issues. YIKES! There's got to be an easier way.
This is it.
The easy, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family is to do it yourself.
Do this in the method I suggest here and I promise that you'll start getting results from your efforts within weeks... perhaps even tonight.

From the Desk of Joette Calabrese, HMC,CCH,RSHom(Na)
Monday 10:15 am

Here's how I propose to get you to be an ace at dealing with nearly any ill that comes your family's way.

1) Listen to my CD's in the car without taking notes. Just listen.
2) Next listening time, make notes so you have an overall understanding of each of the 12 remedies. Yes there are only 12 not 500. Do-able and all you need.
3) Later with a note pad in hand, jot down info that's pertinent to the ills of each member of your family
4) Put your notes into a file with each members name on it. A pink file for Kate; blue one for Josh, etc.
5) 5) From this time on listen to my voice teaching you over and over. You'll be amazed that after weeks you’ll know this info like the back of your hand.
This is the way to master this system. Never be unprepared again.

I know this system works because I used it myself in memorizing over 500 remedies for my certification exams
It took me decades to put it all together in a tidy package that's finally now available for moms (well, dads and grandmas too).
In a jiffy you'll be prescribing for your family like a pro.
As your knowledge increases, your health will reflect the effort. The more you put into it; the greater your results.
Let me be your mentor. I've been one to thousands of moms like you in my office, at schools and in colleges for years. Model after me. It's one of the most profound ways of learning.
And because I'm a mom too, I know what you need. I know specific issues that mothers have because I have 3 boys, a husband, aging parents, clients, students and even pets that I've worked with.
But now in my late 50's I can finally hand over my knowledge that's super-tailored to moms and the health problems that come their way.
But don't take my word for it. Read the testimonials. I hear from mothers I've trained personally, those who send me emails and others who phone me. Every day I receive thank- you's and questions as to what they can study next.
I'm here to teach you.
  • This system will profoundly shift your thinking.
  • It will finally give you the strength to treat your children and family your self.
  • It empowers.
  • It puts the job of taking care of our children back into mothers'capable hands.
Don't get me wrong, there certainly is a place for modern medicine. Emergency care is one. But far too often the reason moms defer to doctors is that they simply don't have the tools at hand. With this CD set and the basic 12 cell salts, I'll have you taking control with such alacrity that you'll be looking for more folks to treat!
Your friends, neighbors, relatives.....will call on you as the expert. Why?
They'll see your results!

"I bought Joette's CD at the Weston A. Price Foundation convention this last November. I just listened to it a couple of days ago. WOW!! I absolutely loved it! Great work!"

Lynn Evans, Great Falls, MT

During the entire process of listening you'll:
  • Hear my passion, my excitement for your learning this along with me.
  • You'll hear examples and stories. And you'll want to come along.
  • I make this fun, easy but most importantly, inspiring.
Join me in the most wonderful world of taking care of your family via this profound method of care....homeopathy at home with cell salts.

The information you sent out was the best ever! I don't; know how I'd do without homeopathy and your guidance.   Elizabeth Thompson, full time mom, St. Bonaventure, NY

Cell Salts; The Easy Homeopathy™
Just $41.03
Valuable Digital Download Only
$53.99 shipping for the Physical CDs


CD  OR  Download

"Homeopathy cures a larger percentage of cases than any other method of treatment and is beyond all doubt safer and more economical and the most complete medical science"

Mahatma Gandhi

If you don’t feel this product lives up to everything I have said and more, I will refund your money for the purchase of the physical CD. As I’m sure you understand, I am not able to refund any digitally downloaded products.
Simply contact me at: [email protected] and request a full refund. This is how much I believe in this information.

Privacy Policy: Your email is safe with me....I will NEVER rent, sell, or share your email address.